Ch 3

Rodger awoke cold and dirty. The clothes that he had on were now filthy and already starting to tear from the rough stone floor. The little blanket that they had provided was too small to cover him and smelled bad enough that it made him have a hard time breathing whenever he had to use it. Even if he made sure that he kept it away from his face, it was the worst thing that he had ever smelt. It was like they had been using it to clean the buckets that you have to use as a pot. With it being so cold, he had no choice but to use it as long as he didn't get it near his face; he was at least able to cover himself. That just started him smelling like the blanket, and his nose finally got used to the smell.

The cell had nothing except for some dirty straw for him to lie on the blanket and a dirty bucket to use as a toilet. There was nothing in the way of comfort, and that just made him wonder just how bad the prison he was going to be kept in was going to be.

As he sat on the floor thinking how badly he had messed up his life by being greedy. He thought about how Stan had lured him in with promises of riches. He realized that he must have been such an easy target for Stan to manipulate. Once he got started in it, it left him with no options but just to keep digging in deeper.

Although he really didn't mind setting up Charles, that was supposed to set him up for the rest of his life. Not make him have to spend the rest of his life in prison. The deal that he had with the attorney was supposed to show him as a helpless pawn. Showing that he was just being used by Stan that was the mastermind of it all. Letting Rodger get away with just a light slap on the wrist. Rodger thought that even if he got just a small punishment, he was still going to have to face his wife, family, and friends. He knew that he could deal with all of that as long as he was not locked up for a long time. He was glad that he was informing on Stan, and as far as he was concerned Stan should rot in prison for the rest of his life.

Rodger was glad that they kept him in a small private cell and Stan in another. He was not worried about Stan doing something to him physically, at least in person. Of course, that would not stop him from getting an inmate to do it or even one of the guards. A cold chill ran down his spine thinking that he still had enough money and power to convince anyone that he encounters to either beat him up or even kill him. At this point, he was glad that he was alone and not mixed in with a bunch of other prisoners.

Rodger looked around the cell and the thing that he was missing the most was the bed that he was used to sleeping in. With a disgusted look on his face, he saw the bucket that he was going to have to use as a toilet. It was a little better than doing it in the corner on the floor, but not by much.

The only thing that made Rodger feel better at all was the fact that he knew that Stan was facing the same, or worse. The best part was that Stan was going to have to deal with it for the rest of his life. If they didn't just execute him. Rodger smiled at the thought no matter which way it went he was in a far better situation. But no matter what, it was not going to stop him from missing his wife, home, kids, or even Katie. Even if she was looking like the little next-door bitch Gina. He thought if Gina's family had never moved in his whole life would have been better.

As the hours passed, he had nothing to do but sit and think about his life and the choices that he had made. He regretted all the wrong decisions that he made that seemed so right at the time.

Stan was pissed and he had been pissed ever since the town guard had not listened to him and let him return to his yacht. Now he was stuck in some dirty little cell without even a bed and expected to use a bucket as a toilet. The worst part was he wasn't even allowed to get ahold of any of his money or people that would get him out of there.

Stan knew that they were not going to be able to keep him there. They would have no proof that he had anything to do with any of it. It had been set up so that he was not tied to anything it would boil down to his word against Rodgers and he had all kinds of signatures showing that it was all Rodgers doing. He thought that the worst that they could do was prove that he was trying to take possession of the girls. He had proof that Rodger had sold them to him making it all legal. As for the will and the business, he couldn't help it that Rodger changed the will and made it, so he got possession of the business. Even if he lost the business for now knowing that it was going to be put in the hands of the girls, and he would still have legal rights to them it was still going to be his.

Stan knew all he had to do was keep his cool and get some of the attorneys that he had in his back pocket to start working on clearing him of everything. It would be no big deal if they caught him for some of the little things that he was sure they were going to be digging up. He knew that they were going to try and make him sound the worst that they could. All it would mean is that he would have to pay some kind of trivial fines and maybe time served.

Stan reassured himself that he would not be here long. The girls that have slipped through his fingers up to this point would be his. They would pay in humiliation for every minute that he has to suffer in here.

He had planned on just keeping one of the girls to ease his sexual cravings and to get even with her dad. The other was to sell off as a plaything to others so that he could recover any costs he incurred. But now he would make sure that they both were going to be treated as his little playthings for as long as he wanted them. When he was done with them, they would please everyone else. Even if he had to chain them somewhere facing each other. So, they could watch their friend being used by whoever or whatever was there.

Stan knew that just getting even now would never be enough. He also knows where the girls will be, and once he is set free, he will be able to claim them. No matter what that bitch Kathy would have to say about it. He has signed papers saying that they have been sold to him. All he will need is the proper authorities to get involved and she would not be able to keep them from him. If she tried to get in the way, he would make sure that she was chained right alongside the girls.

Stan had heard that his trial was coming up soon and that meant that they were going to have to talk to him directly. Then he could demand that they get him his attorney. Then they will have no proof and no way to keep him. The worst part for Stan was that he just couldn't get comfortable, and the place was filthy.

Stan spent his time there working on the thoughts of what he was going to do to the girls. As time went by the thoughts of what and how he was going to torture the girls just kept getting worse. He thought that if he got his way, he would walk out of the courtroom a free man with the two girls in chains leashed to him as his playthings.

Stan wore an evil smile on his face. He would creep out anyone who would look in the cell and see him just sitting there with it on his face. Stan had planned in case this happened from the start, especially when the two girls took off and he had to go out looking for them. He knew that Rodger was a fuckup and that was why he didn't trust him and why he used him as a patsy. But that left the question of what happened to Devan. He had always come through in the past just what happened this time. Stan knew that if there was anyone that was going to be able to tie him into anything it would be Devan. Even though he never gave orders directly to him they had come from Rodger. Stan knew that the money that Devan was paid with did come from him, but he knew that they would have a hard time tracing it back to him.

Stan did his best to clean off a little place for him to sit up against the wall, and that was for the most part where he stayed. Stan thought about Rodger and knew that he had to have been talking to the attorney that got them both arrested. He knew that Rodger didn't have any proof of anything that he was saying. All the proof that it was all Rodgers doing was in Stan's hands, and he knew that it was all going to be coming out in the open.

Stan had spent years setting up for this to come out. So, if Rodger thought that he had him and was going to shift the blame to him, he was going to see just how wrong he was. Rodger shouldn't have been so eager to sign all those papers or at least read through them a little bit if he didn't want to be blamed for everything. If Rodger had read through the things he was signing, then he would have been able to see what was going to happen when he tried it.

As the guards went past the cell holding Stan they looked in and wondered why someone locked up in here could have a smile let alone a creepy smile like that. It was like the cat that had just eaten the pet fish and was completely pleased that it had finally gotten what it was after.

The guard started to call him over, and the second guard stopped him saying, "You never bother the crazy ones; you never know when they will freak out on you. It is just better to let him sit there doing whatever it is that is making him so happy."

The first guard nodded and said, "I guess you are right."

Stan looked up and gave them a smile and a nod, he was not going to do anything that would give them any reason to keep him here one minute more than he had to. Or to come in and beat him like he had been hearing from the other cells.