Ch 4

It had been weeks since they had put Devan off the ship. He took his time setting things up since it was not like they were trying to strand him there permanently; it was just to slow him down enough that he couldn't follow them or beat them to their prize. He was thinking since they got the drop on him that maybe he did need a vacation away from it all anyway. What they had proposed when they dropped him didn't sound all that bad considering that if he refused, they were thinking of just throwing him overboard into the ocean. They would be sending a ship to collect him in a month, and then they would pay him double the contract that he had and have a mini vacation at the same time. Even if this is nowhere near what he would usually take as a vacation, it still wound up that his choices were limited.

From everything that they had offloaded off the ship, he could tell that they were not just trying to strand him there. But it did look like they were not going to pick him up for a while, either. After he had made a shelter, he just took some days to relax and think about how he wound up here. As the weeks passed by quickly, he could see that he was here far longer than he should have been. Devan got to the point where he knew that they were not coming back and that they would regret that mistake.

Devan knew that his best skills were hunting and tracking. Now, he had added those who had left him there to the list of ones that he was going to track down. They all were going to pay one way or the other. With each day that passed, the amount of what they would have to pay just kept going up. Devan knew that everyone would pay whatever they could just to save their life, and since no one was offering money to kill them, he might take the money that they had. That is a maybe on that. He really didn't need the money, and this pissed him off. He might just kill them and be done with it.

Devan looked at the things that he had there, and they had left him a fair amount of stuff, but the fact that he had no real tools was going to slow everything down. In the weeks that he was there, he had only seen one sail in the distance, and he was not able to get their attention no matter what he tried.

Devan knew that the only way that he was going to be found was to get out into the ocean so that he could be seen or have them fulfill their promise to come to pick him up. He had never liked any part of this, but at the time, he didn't have a choice. Now, he had enough stuff to build a raft, but he knew that it was going to be hard. Devan knew that it was only going to be a matter of time before he would have one made, but he wanted to make sure it was finished before he would run out of supplies. That was a gruesome thought for him, running out of food. There were fish he could catch, and there was vegetation, but he wanted to get off the island before he had to resort to that.

Devan hated to waste the sharpness of his dagger, but in order to build things, he was able to whittle some crude tools that he could use to make the raft. So, he started each day by gathering the things that he would need, and in the evenings, he would spend his time making and fixing the crude tools that would help him to make it faster.

Devan knew that this morning seemed different for some strange reason, and as he looked out into the water, he half expected to see something. He looked harder and harder and then followed the shore around the island. He felt like he was surely missing something, and so he shaded his eyes and searched for any sign of a sail. Devan thought that he could try and start a smoky fire, but if there was no one around to see it, he would burn through what was left of his supplies for nothing. He knew that he was going to have to wait till he was ready to leave or when he was sure that he could see a ship.

No matter how hard Devan looked, he saw nothing, even when he tried shading his eyes. It didn't matter how hard he looked. He could tell that today was different, and with every fiber of his being, he could feel that something was about to happen. He was just not sure what it was going to be.

With everything that happened to the girls, and even though knowing that Stan and Rodger had been arrested. The fact that the missing girl posters were still out offered a huge reward for the girls. Even though they would not be able to collect the reward, that wouldn't mean that they weren't going to have people still trying to capture them to try and collect it. Miss Kathy felt better getting under the protection of Mistress Snow. She felt better once the families had merged. Miss Kathy knew that the girls were going to be taking up a lot of her time, and she was going to feel better because the other girls now had a strong leader around. Especially when she was not going to be able to be there for them.

Miss Kathy was no fool, she knew that a conniving business leader like Stan Boulder was not going to simply take this lying down. Paul, her attorney, had assured her that they were going to be able to take him down. Since Rodger was going to turn over everything that he had to them. All she could do was hope for the best and do what she could to protect the girls.

With every day that passed Miss Kathy grew more apprehensive about the trial and having the girls be around Stan and Rodger. She knew that it was going to bring up all kinds of bad memories and feelings, and she did not want them to have to go through that again.

Miss Kathy had to admit that she was proud of the way that Katie fought back and didn't just take what her father was trying to do to them. In a way, she wished that she could have been the one punching Rodger in the face before they hauled him off to jail.

Kathy was especially glad that Snow was there at the time to help guard the girls. Even though nothing else happened at the time. Kathy was even more glad that there were more of them around as time went on. With all the girls around, there would be no chance that anyone was going to be able to sneak up on them and try anything without being seen.

Miss Kathy was a powerful woman and had dominated most people in her life, but it was easy for her to give up control and submit. To someone that was not only more powerful but so lovely as well.

When Miss Kathy turned over the control to Mistress Snow, it took all the girls by surprise. They could see how the stress of taking care of everyone was getting to her. It was good to see her become so happy when she was with Mistress Snow.

Miss Kathy was happier than she had been in years. She was now surrounded by the love of her pets as well as the love that she was getting from her new, strong partner. As far as Miss Kathy was concerned, it was perfect timing that Snow and the girls had joined the family. Since the trial was going to be taking place soon, there was no way that she was going to let the girls go alone. It was going to be such a relief to her that the other girls were not going to be left alone. Especially with the fact that the missing girl posters were drawing so much attention to her girls and the house.

As the days went by, Miss Kathy couldn't help but get nervous even though Mistress Snow was doing her best to try and comfort her. Part of what was worrying her the most was that she was hearing all the details of what happened from Paul, who had dug them up and told her privately. She was not sure how it was going to affect the girls. That was what she had mostly been trying to protect them from since she had first found out from her attorney, Paul, that Katie's dad had such a major part in it all.

Kathy had heard of a lot of bad things that people do to their kids, but knowing how sweet both of the girls were made it harder to believe that it was happening to them. It was not that the parents had just given to Katie; Miss Kathy had heard how Gina's parents had given to the community as well as all of Katie's family. Treating Katie as if she was one of their own daughters. To have Rodger play a part in their deaths, and then not only steal everything from them. But the worst part was not only to try and sell Gina into slavery but to add Katie as well. He treated her like she was not even one of his own at that point.

Miss Kathy remembered the way that he came to get Katie and the way that he was acting like she should just go with him willingly and have Gina just follow along helplessly. Miss Kathy was still fuming at the thoughts.

Mistress Snow looked over at Miss Kathy and saw that she was consumed by her thoughts. She started wondering if she should be the one to take the girls in a couple of days to face the trial of Katie's dad Rodger and Stan. She was thinking that she was not as emotionally attached as Kathy was. Snow started rubbing Kathy's shoulders, she knew that it was just about time to get up and start the day. Snow hated seeing Kathy tied up in knots, especially this early when the day had not even started yet.

Snow said, "Come on, love. This is no way to start the day. We can't let the little ones see how stressed out you are getting."

Kathy nodded and went over to her. Snow took her in her arms, comforted her, and said, "I know it's hard when someone that you love is going through a tough situation. You wish that they didn't have to go through it, but as long as you are there, I am sure that they will be just fine. If they have a hard time dealing with it, it won't be long once they return that we will get them back to a happy place they know that we are all here for them."

Kathy looked up at her and was reassured. Snow said, "Come on, let's get dressed and get the day started."