Ch 5

Gina and Katie raced down the stairs to see who could get to the kitchen first. The one that wins the race gets to be the one that wins the lead position. The chef would put the lead in charge of the kitchen; that way, they would get special training while they were cooking that meal. Mia was just shaking her head as she watched the two of them race down the stairs. It was the same for every meal. It would always start with the two of them fighting over who gets to be the one in charge to be the lead. Mia thought back to the first week that Katie was there, and Gina just let the chef teach Katie some of the things that he had taught her. As far as Mia could see, it was not that much different being the lead, except for the other one who had to watch more. Mia was more interested in watching Gina's ass wiggling when she was busy than anything else going on in the kitchen.

As the chef entered the room, he saw that the girls were all there in their places. Gina was standing in the lead spot today, and he could see that Katie was pouting a little, and both of them were still breathing hard. He could tell that they must be racing to the kitchen to see who wins and gets to cook with him again. He smiled as he looked over to see Mia sitting on her little stool, staring at the other two.

He was still amazed that the three girls looked so much alike when they dressed that way. It was not like he couldn't tell who was who or anything like that. But it would take a second look at times. Especially when you are looking at them from behind. He had something special in mind for today, but it was going to take both of them at their best to pull it off. Especially with so many mouths to feed now.

Clarence announces, "This is going to be a special breakfast. I am going to need you both at your best. Miss Kathy has not been at her best, and I am hoping that this might do her some good."

The girls had been so busy with everything that they had not realized that Miss Kathy was having some issues. They looked blankly at each other and then over at Mia to see if she had any clue as to what he was talking about. Mia looked just as confused as the other two. The only thing that Mia had on her mind was Gina.

Gina asked worried, "What is wrong with Miss Kathy?"

The chef had not even realized that what he said might upset the girls and said, "Well, I am just not sure. She has been acting a little different ever since those men came around a couple of weeks ago."

He looked at them and realized how the girls were reacting to what he was saying and then said, "I am sure that a good meal will fix her right up."

Now he was wishing that he had not said anything or at least made something else up. It was too late, and now all he wanted them to focus on was getting the meal ready. He guided the two on what he wanted them doing, and Mia was busy putting things back away and cleaning as usual. The chef was glad that they were not thrown off by worrying about Miss Kathy. However, he could see that Gina was not her usual self. Thinking about it, it was easy to see that she was distracted even if she mostly kept her mind on cooking.

With all three of them cooking and Mia taking care of the clean-up, the breakfast was made in record time. So, they were finished before everyone could get up and get seated. As they carried the food to the table, the aroma filled the mansion, bringing everyone quickly to the table. As Miss Kathy took her seat, she noticed that they had made all her favorite foods. Miss Kathy knew how much work they had gone through to try and please her. It almost brought a tear to her eye, knowing how much they must love her to go through all this hard work.

She gave them a wink and a nod, letting them know just how much she was appreciating all their hard work. She looked at Mistress Snow, who was sitting on the far end of the table with pride and gave her a smile and a nod. Letting her know that everything that she had done and said that it was helping her. She knew that she had the strength of the girls backing her as well. She was thinking that everything that was coming up was going to work out fine; it just had to.

Snow gave her an approving smile and thanked the chef and the girls for all their hard work. Which set off a chain of thanks to the girls and the chef from everyone sitting at the table. That made the three girls excited about being acknowledged for what a great job they had done. That still left Gina looking at Miss Kathy, wondering what was going on with her. Deep down, she knew that it had to do with her and Katie and the trial that was coming up in a few days. Gina knew that they were going to have to travel to the courthouse. That made her nervous, especially since she was not even sure where it was going to be held.

Miss Kathy and Mistress Snow were both aware that Gina was more aware of what was going on than the others. There was just no way to reassure her of what was going on without upsetting all the others. So, they just gave her a wink and a nod and mouthed that it was going to be okay.

Gina was reassured about things but still was left wondering if it was going to be that easy to deal with Katie's dad. Gina did not even realize that they were a lot more concerned about Stan Boulder and the string of attorneys that he would employ than anything that Rodger could do except for the emotional damage that he was already doing. They knew Stan Would have everyone that he could hire there just to make sure that he didn't do any real time in prison.

No matter what, it was a great meal that everyone greatly enjoyed. Once breakfast was completed, Mistress Snow asked for volunteers to go do the dishes so that the three could relax after working so hard to prepare everything for them.

Sarah and a few of the others took the dishes to the kitchen and washed everything, making sure that everything was put back in place. They knew that they had to make sure that everything was just perfect, or the chef would not make any desserts for them for a month.

Mistress Snow and Miss Kathy pulled Gina and Katie aside, and Mina followed like a lost puppy that didn't know what else to do. Mistress Snow started to tell her that this was private when Miss Kathy knew that Mia by this time hardly ever left Gina's side. Miss Kathy cut her off before she sent her away and said, "Mia, you can stay, but you just need to stay out of the way and stay silent. Is that clear?"

Mia nodded her head vigorously; she would have done anything just so that she could stay with them. Mia promised, "I will stay out of the way and stay silent, I promise."

Miss Kathy nodded and waited for them to take seats before she started. Miss Kathy started by saying, "I am sure that you both are aware that you are going to have to go to the trial of your dad, and Stan Boulder. The guy that was trying to enslave you."

Mia said, "I thought that they had been taken to jail already." Then clasped a hand over her mouth, remembering that she wasn't supposed to say anything.

Miss Kathy shot her a look and then just had to shake her head and couldn't help but smile, as she saw her sitting there covering her mouth.

Mistress Snow just shook her head and let Miss Kathy continue.

Miss Kathy said, "Well, I know it is going to be hard for you both to hear everything. So, to make things easier on you both, would you like to be kept out of the courtroom until they need you to answer questions?"

Gina spoke up as soon as the question was asked, "I want to hear everything. I need to know just what they did to my parents. They said it was all just an accident, and when they told us what had happened, it sounded like it was my dad's fault that they died."

Miss Kathy saw the pain and the anger in her. It had only been a few months since they had passed, and she knew that all the pain that she had been going through was just going to be coming to the surface again. That was why she was looking for a way to save them from part of it. Miss Kathy knew why Gina needed to hear every detail of what happened and who did what. Then Miss Kathy looked over at Katie and remembered her pounding on her dad's face mercilessly. Miss Kathy was unsure which way Katie would go.

Miss Kathy looked over at Katie and waited to hear what she was going to say. She knew the reasons that Gina had were completely different than the ones that Katie would have. After all, the people who had died were Gina's parents, even though they had treated Katie like a daughter. It didn't mean that she was going to want to hear what Rodger had done or how he was involved in everything. The room fell silent, just waiting for Katie to say what she wanted to do.

Miss Kathy looked at the two of them and wished that there was something that she was going to be able to do to help take away the pain. She knew that now that the girls were together, she was doing what she could for them, and it was helping. The fact that the girls had seen Stan and Rodger taken away and taken to prison was helping with the anger that they were feeling but was not doing anything for the sadness that they had to keep pushing away.

The silence was intense, and Mia started to say something when Miss Kathy looked at her and shook her head. Mia took a deep breath and clasped her hand tightly over her mouth so that she wouldn't accidentally say anything again.

Katie looked up from her hands with tears streaming down her face. Looking at everyone, she took a deep breath and paused.