Rodger sat there wishing that he had a bath and a change of clothes. He was getting so stiff and sore from just sitting on the hard stone floor. Rodger had called out a few times with him being on the end of a row, and the cell next to him had someone that spoke a different language, so talking to him was little to no good. It seemed like any time that he would get loud enough so that anyone else could hear him, the guards would yell at him to be quiet. Rodger learned the first night in there that you don't piss off any of the guards. There is no control over the guards, and they are allowed to do whatever they want to the prisoners. He did not see anything, but he heard enough to make him sick. As it sounded like the guards were beating someone mercilessly then it sounded like they took turns raping him afterward.
Rodger shuttered at the thought he was not sure that was what happened, but it was enough just to think it could happen that he wanted to make sure that he didn't piss any of them off. The silence was getting to him, but it was better than the wails of the people who were getting beaten or worse.
Rodger was surprised when they brought him his breakfast on the 5th day. The guard asked him quietly if he had anyone who was going to bring him money. Rodger was not sure what he was asking for, but then he realized that if people brought in money, then the inmate would be treated better and would not have to worry about the beatings, or at least they could pay them to stop. Looking down at the so-called food that they were giving him, he really wished that he had some money that he could give him. Just so that he might get something that didn't look like it had bugs in it.
Rodger thought hard to try and come up with anyone who would be willing to bring him some money to make his life better. If only he would have gotten the girls sold or even got the house sold, then he would be sitting on a bunch of money. He knew that he would have hidden some from his wife just in case. He was sure that she would bring him some if they had some to bring. The little bit of money that he got from selling off all the possessions that the neighbors had was nice, but they had burned through it all. Since he had spent over a month paying for everything that he and his buddies needed to chase after the girls, so now he was broke and he knew that he would not be getting another cent from Stan.
With the way that his buddies had left, he doubted that they would help him even if he had a way to get ahold of them to ask. Rodger knew if the guard wanted him to get people to bring him money, then he was going to have to get the word out to them. Rodger was thinking hard to find anyone that they could contact who had money and would be willing to help him.
Rodger knew that they had a little money tucked away, but he figured between the fact that with his boss was locked away now that Beth was no longer getting any money from his work. Beth probably has gone through every cent that they had already. So, he figured getting ahold of her was going to do little to no good at all. Maybe if it would set him free, she would try and get money, but just to make his life easy, he didn't think she would put in any real effort. she had herself and the kids to worry about.
As Rodger sat there, he thought that it was better to ask than just ignore the chance. After all, she could be getting help from others and might send some his way. He knew Ben and Marcus were pretty much going to write him off. After they learned all the things that he did, and even though they had gone to sea to help him find his daughter. He had never told them the reason that he needed to find the girls so badly. It was that he had promised to sell them to his boss to try and get out from under his thumb. It was a shame he knew that if he had been in good standing with them, they could easily send him some money and even help to get him out of there.
The last hope was going to be Freddy. He knew that he was sitting on money, and he had to pay his way the whole time they were chasing the girls. Although he knew that Freddy was tight with his money and would have to promise to pay it back double when he pays it back.
It was going to be a high price to pay, but if he could get the girls back, then the stipend that they had set up for them would fix everything. He would just have to make sure that Katie would forgive him and then get them to put him in charge of the company that Stan was trying to get from them.
Rodger's mind was turning he knew what he wanted to happen it was going to take a lot of work and he had to get out of there first, but he had filled the attorney in on everything letting him know how Stan had manipulated everything for years. Rodger just hoped that Dave was going to be able to find the evidence in time to see it through.
Stan was able to mostly stay in the place that he had cleaned. It was not the first time that he had slept sitting up, even when it was not all that comfortable. Although he had to admit that the stone was really hard on his ass, and he needed to stand just to get some relief. Once a Guard wanted a bribe for better treatment Stan knew that he was going to have it made.
Stan knew that none of them had ever come in contact with anyone that had his kind of money before. Stan knew that he carried more in his pocket, as pocket change most of these men made in their entire life. It would be easy for these fools to get ahold of the people who would come and get him out of here. Stan had no idea of what was going on ever since they had grabbed him, but even if they had managed to seize his main accounts, he had enough cash stashed away that he would be able to get everything he wanted.
The guard had a nervous look on his face as Stan smiled at him. The guard thought that he was a shark just waiting for him to hold out his hand so that he could bite it off. Stan asked, "So just how much do you want to get me the things I need to get comfortable in here."
Stan knew that he had enough money that he could bribe the guard to help him escape if that was what he wanted, but it wasn't he needed the court to release him and not be on the run if he wanted everything back. He intended to get it all back and get payback for the time that he was stuck in here. The guard saw the smile on Stan's face change into a sneer as he thought about the girls. The guard took two steps back without even realizing that he did it, but then once he heard the words of how much. The guard moved in close, he planned to milk Stan for everything that he could get out of him.
The guard thought about what he could get out of most of the inmates that were in here, he was lucky to get 5 or 10 bucks out of them. So that he would not report their stash that they would try and hide. The guard took a close look at Stan's clothes, and he knew that Stan had money. More money than the guard had ever seen in his life before, and getting a hundred out of him would set him up nicely for a month. When he heard Stan say that he was going to want something in his cell to be more comfortable. He knew that Stan would be paying off every guard in the place to be able to keep it. So, he thought that 1,000 would be a better price. The guard asked, "Like what are you going to be wanting to have in here to be more comfortable?"
Stan knew that he had the guard hooked by the look on his face he could tell that this guy would sell his own mother if he offered him enough. Stan said, "Some kind of bed to start with and some better food."
The guard had never heard of any of the prisoners asking for something as big as a bed before, but he knew that the warden was never down there, so he wouldn't have to worry about that. The guard said, "You know you are going to have to pay off every guard in the place to be able to keep it."
Stan rolled his eyes knowing that it was going to be no big deal. He knew he had enough money set aside to buy the whole prison if he wanted it. "Just name what you want to make it happen," Stan said smugly.
Just for that, the guard thought he would ask for more, so he said, "It is going to cost you 5,000 for a fold-up cot that you will have to keep out of sight if the warden comes down here." The guard thought that would shut him up and not act like such a hotshot.
Stan smiled at the thought knowing that the guard was trying to give him some kind of inflated price, but he would have easily paid ten times that to not have to sleep on the floor. Now came the part that Stan had been waiting for. Stan said, "I need to contact my attorney to get the money."
The guard's face turned from a look of greed to one of anger. "You don't have the money here, and you are still expecting things. "He was just about to hit Stan for it.
Stan calmly said, "I have that and more in my things, but I don't plan on that being the last of the things that I will be wanting. Now run along and get me a paper and a pen so that I can send off some letters." Dismissing him as if he was one of the workers that was under his control.
At first, the guard just stood there with his mouth open. He had never had any of the inmates ever treat him that way, and he was taken aback, unsure how to act. He thought about it, and his first instinct was to beat the man and show him just who was boss, but then the thought of all that money filling his pocket came into his head.
The Guard was not about to let all that money slip through his fingers, knowing that if he didn't take it and make things happen, one of the other guards would have. So, the guard turned and left to do as Stan was asking.