Ch 9

Katie apologized for taking so long to decide. To her, it was such a hard decision. Her dad and Stan wanted to turn her into some kind of helpless slave. Now, here she was, getting ready to accept being someone else's slave. But it was with the understanding that she was not going to be selling or giving her away and that she could quit at any time that she wanted to.

Mistress Snow made a really good point to her. If she was leashed to someone, it was going to be hard for someone else to come along and just take her. She frowned as she thought about her dad and Stan. She knew that if they would get ahold of Gina and her, they would be doing all kinds of bad things to them both, but with them going to prison at least she wouldn't have to worry about them. She knew that would not stop others from grabbing them to try and get the reward that was offered for the girls, even if they couldn't collect it now.

Katie asked, "You said that we could take them off whenever we wanted, right?"

Mistress Snow said, "Well, you can't take them off since they will be locked on, but I will take them off of you whenever you ask."

Katie could tell that she was not trying to trick her, and if she was, then at least Gina was going to be right there with her. Katie said, "Okay, as long as you will take it off when I ask. Then it will be okay."

Katie was still nervous about it, but looking at Gina, she seemed to be happy with it. Katie noticed it was more like a piece of jewelry instead of some kind of a dog collar, or something that looked heavy that you would leash outside to a post, or that you could easily see from a distance that she would now be considered a slave.

Gina noticed Katie looking at her and couldn't help but smile and said, "I know it is strange when I was forced to put it on. I was mortified and scared, but it was not long once I got here. It changed into a sign of love and a bond between all of us, it is like it's a sign of protection. Everyone knows that I am protected by the owner of the collar. It's not like she is using me to do bad things or using it to hurt me. I see it more as a symbol of love."

Katie thought whatever, at least it should mean that no one would try and kidnap her. A cold chill ran down Katie's back as the collar was placed around her neck and locked into place. Katie was not feeling anything like what Gina was describing. She knew that they ran away because her dad was trying to sell them into slavery. But it was not going to be like this, and he wouldn't just let them go because he was asked.

Mia took her hand and said, "You are truly one of us now." She threw her arms around her and gave her a huge hug. She was just so happy that Katie had accepted the collar and joined them.

Katie was happy that they were glad she was part of the family now, but she was still worried about what she had gotten herself into.

Mistress Snow said, "We will be leaving this evening. So, we will be there early, and we can watch to see what is going on. We don't want anything as a surprise or to get at us without our notice."

Mistress Snow was always prepared for the worst; that way, she could deal with any problems that would come up.

Even though Gina was going to be missing Miss Kathy, she was glad that they were going to have a lot of time to get to know Mistress Snow better. In a way, Gina was surprised that Mistress Snow volunteered to take them, but she knew that it was just so that Miss Kathy didn't have to do it.

Miss Kathy could tell that Gina and Mia were upset that she was not going to be taking them, so she said, "You know that I will be here waiting on your return. Mistress Snow will protect you, and I will make sure all of your sisters are taken care of while you three are gone."

Gina wanted her with them, but she understood why Miss Kathy had to stay. She was not happy about it, but at least they would have Mistress Snow looking after them.

Mistress Snow got their attention by saying, "Make sure that you pack enough clothes in case we are away for a week. If it takes longer, we will wash the ones that you have with us or get you some new ones."

Mia's face lit up with the idea of getting some new clothes, especially if they were going to be matching ones. Mistress Snow knew what that look meant, so she said, "Mia, I said to make sure you have a week's worth, or you will be going around in the nude."

Mia knew that she would do that, so she was going to make sure that she took some extra just in case. Mia knew that if Sarah came along, she would unpack one or two outfits of someone else's clothes, just so she could make sure that they would be punished and forced to walk around nude. Mia was glad that Sarah was not coming along, although out of the three of them, Sarah did like to torment Gina the most. It was not such a bad thought thinking of Gina embarrassed walking around nude on the leash.

Mia couldn't help but blush and smile at the thought of Gina being led around that way. All the others saw that Mia was blushing and had a strange smile on her face. They knew that it would do no good to ask her why. They knew that she was thinking of something naughty, but she would never say what it was. Based on the fact that Mistress Snow had just mentioned walking her nude on a leash. It was clear that she was thinking of being walked that way or was thinking about someone else being forced to walk around that way.

Gina looked at her, and she turned away, so she figured that it was probably her that Mia was thinking of. Gina blushed a little but then quickly thought about something else. The last thing she wanted was to blush at the same time. Everyone would think that she was thinking of Mia or herself being walked around nude, and that was not it at all.

Katie noticed Gina blushing but was not about to say anything to make it worse for her.

Mistress Snow said, "We will leave shortly after lunch. Make sure that you are all ready, and Mia, remember your promise that you won't say anything while we are in the courtroom. No matter what you hear." Mistress Snow gave her a stern look, letting her know that she was not kidding and there was no wiggle room on this one.

Mia clasped her hand over her mouth and nodded. She would do anything as long as she was allowed to come along.

Gina noticed one thing about Mistress Snow. She was a lot firmer than Miss Kathy was, but there didn't seem to be any difference in the way that you felt love coming from them. You just knew not to piss off Mistress Snow more than Miss Kathy. Not that you really wanted to try and piss off Miss Kathy either.

Katie just shook her head, seeing the actions of the others. She had to admit that they were all acting like a family. They acted even better than the one that she had grown up in because there were not as many fights.

Katie ran her fingers along the collar around her neck and felt the little lock that kept it in place. She knew that it was stuck on until someone else took it off of her. She was still nervous and did not know how to feel about it. Katie looked at Gina and saw how happy she seemed to be with the fact that she had one on and figured that she just needed more time to get used to the idea of it.

Gina noticed Katie touching her collar and said, "I was terrified when the lady forced me to put one on in the Welcome Center. That was before I even knew that it meant that I was submitting to her. When she told me that I was now a slave to her and I had to do whatever she said, it terrified me. But the worst of all was that she said that I was going up for auction. To be sold to cover the cost of the food that I ate and the outfit that was basically a bag with holes cut in it. When I didn't do as I was told, I was stripped and put on display for them all to look at and touch. But that is when I saw that a collar and the protection of a loving owner give you more love. Miss Kathy has become a replacement for Mom and Dad. Between Miss Kathy and Mistress Snow, they make sure that we are all safe."

Katie looked at her, and she could see what Miss Kathy and Mistress Snow meant to her. Katie had to admit that they were both special, and she had never seen anyone nicer. Gina and I helped in the kitchen, but that was not work or punishment; it was an honor being able to be taught by a world-class chef.

Katie thought back to her family and the way that she had never felt she was anything special or, for the most part, even wanted there. She was just another mouth to feed, and if she was there, it didn't matter if she was there or not. She thought about how they were treated after the funeral and that they were just used for doing all the work for everyone. Even her brothers and sisters treated them like they didn't belong or that they were servants to do all the work. Katie started to wonder just why they were treating them so well when the collars meant that they were supposed to belong to them to be their slaves. As she thought about it, they were not being treated like slaves at all. They were treated like loved pets. They were something to play with or to take care of. That was it. They were taking care of their loved pets. They would do anything that the pets wanted just to make them happy.

Thinking that way made Katie really think that it was strange. She thought that a slave or a pet was there to please the owner. Not the other way around, but then again, if an owner treated them badly enough, the pet would run away, or at least try to if not they would become hostile to the owner.

To her, that sounded really opposite, but that was with someone who loved their pet or slave and didn't want to hurt them. Katie knew that with Stan there would be no love. They would not be treated like a loved pet. He would be using them in all the worst ways, treating them both as badly as he could. Making sure that they would not get a chance to run away ever again.

Mistress Snow said, "Go on, and get your things ready."

Miss Kathy gave each one a hug as they left the room. She knew that she was going to miss them while they were gone, but she knew that Snow was going to take good care of them till they returned.

The three went to their room and started packing, leaving just Snow and Kathy talking. Mistress Snow comforted her, telling her not to worry and that it should only be a few days and then they will all be together again.

The three packed their outfits carefully, making sure that they had taken the ones that looked the same. Both Gina and Katie knew that Rodger hated it when they looked like twins; he had made sure that they knew how displeased he was every time he saw them looking that way. Gina was more than willing at this point to push Rodger's buttons, and Katie was feeling the same way. Gina giggled a little as the thought crossed her mind that Rodger didn't like it when they looked like twins; he should hate it when all three of them are there and they look like triplets.

As Mia put the last of her things in her bag, she thought back to what Mistress Snow had said and what Sarah would do, and for a brief moment, she thought about taking one of the outfits out of Gina's bag. She blushed hard just for a moment, wanting to see Gina nude on the leash. It was just for a moment; she knew that she could never do that to anyone. even if it was just a prank, there would be no way that she could face her after it happened.

Once they all had their things gathered, they headed downstairs.