Ch 8

Mistress Snow and Miss Kathy were just waiting for Katie to say what was on her mind.

Mia wanted so much just to say that she was going to the trial for her. If nothing else, just to be with Gina. She clasped her hands tight to her mouth so much that it looked like she was trying to stop someone else from yelling at the top of their lungs.

Gina watched Mia and just shook her head. She knew how serious everything was but couldn't help but giggle a little. Until she looked over at Katie, who had tears running down her cheeks. Gina threw her arms around her and started to say something when Katie said, "I'll go."

Miss Kathy figured that Katie didn't want to go and that she was only going because Gina said that she wanted to hear it all not wanting to miss anything. Of course, that could all change once the trial starts and they start hearing all the bad things coming out about Rodger and Stan.

Miss Kathy knew that Paul had been digging up everything that he could about both of them. The bad thing was that she had not mentioned to the girls that a lot of evidence was coming back pointing to Rodger. Miss Kathy was unsure of what Gina's feelings for Rodger were, but she didn't think that she liked him all that much now. She could see by how badly everything was hurting Katie that she still had a lot of love for him, and this was going to be extremely hard for her to face.

Gina gave Katie the biggest hug, trying to help her feel better, when Mia came up and joined in. Mia wanted Katie to feel better, but she also didn't want to be left out. Mia was starting to panic; she knew that soon they would be leaving to go to court. She didn't want to be left behind, but she knew that she was not needed there.

Snow was the first to notice the panic setting in on Mia. She could tell by the way that she was acting that she would not know what to do without the other girls there. Snow watched as every time that the trial or them leaving was mentioned, Mia was getting worse. She knew that the tension was getting to her and that she must be dreading the thoughts of being separated from Gina and Katie, but it was mostly just Gina who was doing it to her.

Mistress Snow knew that it was that Mia wanted to go along, but the problem was it was just going to be one more girl for whoever takes them to look after. Miss Kathy saw who Snow was looking at and put the whole situation together, it was not that she hadn't been already considering it. Miss Kathy knew that it was going to be a big responsibility to take all three, but she knew that it was not like Mia was going to leave Gina's side no matter where they went.

Miss Kathy asked, already knowing what the answer was going to be. "Mia, would you like to go with the others to the trial? If you go, you will have to sit with us and keep absolutely silent."

Mia perked up and nodded her head vigorously, and put her hand to her mouth, showing that she was going to keep silent.

Both Miss Kathy and Mistress Snow just shook their heads at seeing her like that. Miss Kathy said, "Just remember that when you go to the trial."

Mia nodded again, leaving her mouth covered as Gina and Katie giggled. That just made Miss Kathy shake her head even more. Miss Kathy said, "Now let's be serious for a minute. It is going to be dangerous out there. We will be away from home, and the missing girl posters are likely to be there, too. This means that we won't be able to trust anyone that even tries to get close."

Miss Kathy figured that she really didn't need to say that to the girls because they were not likely to go off with anyone, but she wanted to make sure that they didn't.

All three girls looked at her and nodded. They had never planned on straying away from her, to begin with. Gina took both of the girls by the hand and said, "I will make sure that we all stick together for you."

The two girls squeezed Gina's hands tightly and said, "We will stay together."

Miss Kathy and Mistress Snow both smiled at that. It was so reassuring that the girls were not only going to be looking after themselves, but they were all going to be looking after each other as well.

Even though they were relieved, it still looked like something was wrong with Miss Kathy. It was the stress of everything that was still getting to her. So Mistress Snow said, "It is just going to be better if I take the girls to court."

At first, Miss Kathy looked concerned and hurt, thinking that Mistress Snow didn't think that she could take care of them. After looking at Mistress Snow, she knew that it was not that. It was that things had been getting to her, and all the additional stress of everything was getting to be too much. She realized that Mistress Snow was just looking out for her and what was going to be best for her and the girls.

Gina started to protest that she had been more attached to Miss Kathy and didn't want to leave her behind. She had been relying on Miss Kathy's strength to see her through everything. It was not that she didn't feel things for Mistress Snow; it was just that she had been closer to Miss Kathy. Ever since, she had bought her from the slave auction and saved her from all those others that were ready to use her.

Gina knew that anything that Miss Kathy owned now belonged to Mistress Snow, but Gina didn't feel like a possession anymore. Sure, she was brought here as a slave, but she felt more like part of a family. She had never really felt all that much of a slave, but now she felt more like a loved daughter just quickly added to the family like all the others.

The only way that she could even tell that she had even been considered a slave at all was the collar that was around her neck, and at this point, it was more of an accessory to her look and a way to show that she was part of the group. In a way, she was wondering if Katie was going to ask her for one of her own. Gina thought that she could take it off. It was past the week that she was asked to stay and serve, but she didn't want to. She liked the way it felt and the feeling that she belonged, and she never wanted to give that part up.

Gina ran a hand over the collar that she had on, and most of the time, it was not like she even felt it, and it was just a part of her. With Miss Kathy, it was not like what she thought a slave was going to be. She was not humiliated or made to have sex with anyone. In fact, the only thing that ever made her think of anything close to being a slave was the way that Sarah used to dress her or made her embarrassed. Gina could tell it was all just for fun. It was like she had an older sister now, and that was what she was thinking; it was something that an older sibling would do to her.

Gina thought back to when it happened, and it was embarrassing, but at the same time, it was exhilarating, even though she wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. Part of her liked them all looking at her and liked the feeling of being wanted. Miss Kathy never did any of that to her, it was always Sarah. All Miss Kathy did was treat her like a little love. Mistress Snow seemed to be different and more powerful. Gina could tell that she loved them all, but Miss Kathy made her feel special and not treated like the others. Mistress Snow was just busier, and it was to the point that Gina felt like just one of the numbers to Mistress Snow because there were just so many for her to take care of. But that didn't mean that Mistress Snow didn't treat her special in her own way, and it seemed the more that she was around her, the closer they were becoming.

Gina thought that Mistress Snow taking them would be a good chance to get to know her better. She was going to be missing Miss Kathy and the other girls. In a way, she wished that they could all go together, but she knew that was not going to be possible. The more that they took, the more attention they would get, and the harder it would be to keep them all safe.

Gina asked, "Is it going to be just the 4 of us then?"

Mistress Snow gave her a nod and said, "I think that it will be best that way. That way, Miss Kathy can stay with the other girls and get the rest that she needs."

Mistress Snow saw the concern in Gina's eyes and said, "Don't worry, little one. I will protect you girls and make sure that you get back to Miss Kathy. She will be fine, I promise."

Gina looked over at Miss Kathy for reassurance, and Miss Kathy gave her an approving nod. Gina wanted to do what they wanted her to do. Things had changed in Gina at this point. She just felt the desire to please them both. It was like it made her happy just to be able to mind them. To have the responsibility of making decisions taken away, and going back to acting like a child, and just doing as she was told was making her happy. Especially since it was not like they were forcing her to do things that she didn't want to do. At this point, she didn't know if there was anything that they would ask her that she wouldn't do just to please them.

As Gina thought about it, this is what must be the lure of being submissive. That frees you from having to make decisions about things. Just do as you are told as long as you are with someone that you love and trust.

Gina was still touching her collar when she looked over at Katie, who was watching her with a little fascination. Katie had never asked about the collar, thinking that it was just something that they had given her along with the outfits. Although she had not seen her take it off, the one that Mia had was the same.

Mistress Snow noticed the collar at the same time and said, "Oh my, little one. I see that you are still in that old collar. We need to update your look and your collar."

Gina nervously looked over at Miss Kathy, and then she noticed that Miss Kathy was now wearing a collar that Mistress Snow had put on her. Mistress Snow said, "I have a new one for you both and one for Katie if that is what she wants."

Gina looked back over to Miss Kathy for approval. Miss Kathy gave her a nod, letting her know that was what she wanted. Gina hesitated; she had not minded being Miss Kathy's slave because she had not really asked her to do anything too major, and she knew that it was just a week. But now, was she really ready to willingly put on the collar, making it her choice to live this way? Willing to give Snow complete control of her life and her future. Gina knew that as soon as Miss Kathy put on a collar from Mistress Snow. She had not removed the collar that she had on technically since she belonged to Miss Kathy, and she was given to Mistress Snow at that point. Gina hesitated; she had not even been asked by Miss Kathy or Mistress Snow if she was going to continue being a slave for them.

Gina looked at them, knowing that if she wanted to belong, she needed that collar, not that they would have kicked her out if she didn't take one. Gina knew that it was more of a symbol than anything, but Mistress Snow did like it when she could leave her girls and take them places, showing that she owned them and they were hers. As well as the looks on the guys' faces knowing that they couldn't have them. Gina guessed part of that was so that the girls couldn't wander off or be taken easily. She was still trying to get used to the idea that it was okay for some people to trap others in a slave situation.

Gina looked up at Mistress Snow, nodded, and said, "Yes, Mistress, I would like your collar." With a hard swallow, she was unsure just what she was getting into.

Mistress Snow gave her a little pat on the head and said, "Don't worry I would never sell you just like Miss Kathy and if you ever want to leave or have the collar removed, I will take it off for you. There is one more thing I heard that Stan says that Rodger has sold you both to him. While you have my collar on, it shows that you belong to me, and he has no claims on you."

Gina really liked that idea. Mistress Snow unlocked the collar that was around Gina's neck and removed it. Even though Gina knew that it was being replaced, Gina, for a moment, felt the dread of it being taken off. Then she felt relief and reassurance when the new one was placed around her neck and locked in place.

Mistress Snow turned to Katie and asked, "Would you like one on?"

Katie looked up at her with a panicked look on her face. She looked at Mia and Gina and saw that they seemed to be happier with their collars on. She was just so unsure; she knew that this was a big step. If it had been anyone else, she knew that she could never have done it. To put her life in their hands and to allow them to do whatever they wanted with her. And she not to be able to say anything about it. Katie remembered what she had said to Gina, and it was like she was using the collars for their protection, not something to give her power over them even if that was what it was doing.

Mistress Snow stood there patiently, letting Katie make up her own mind, not wanting to force her decision in one way or the other.