Mia gasped as she saw the posters lying there. She now was worried that they might try something to get the money. Mistress Snow's expression changed from a joyful one to one that was showing her concern about what was going to happen next. They had been saying how much the girls were like family. So now, were they going to double-cross them and try and get the reward?
With a stern look, Snow looked at Filmore and waited for him to explain just what he meant by displaying them like that.
Gina and Katie were not worried at all, they knew that anyone on the ship would not betray them or try and turn them in for the reward.
Filmore could see from the looks on their faces and knew that they were misunderstanding his intentions, so he said," These were given to us by someone claiming to be your father, and he was trying to get us to tell him where you both were. We told them nothing, but it looked like they had come across the letter from Miss Kathy stating where you were, Gina. We were not sure if you had seen these or not."
Mistress Snow took a closer look at the posters, and she noticed a few differences in those from the ones that she had seen around their island. The things that stood out first were that the amount of the reward was twice as much, and the one to contact was Stan instead of Rodger Katie's father.
Snow was not going to say anything, but then Gina said, "Look, the amount on this one is different than the other ones."
Snow just shook her head slowly and said, "Yes it looks like Stan was going to make sure that if someone got ahold of you that they were going to give you to him and not Rodger."
Snow was not happy that they were discussing the fact that he had doubled the reward. She was hoping that even though Stan was offering more cash it would not matter to the crew, and their loyalties would still be to the girls. She didn't really think that it would change based on how they were acting, but she had planned on keeping a close eye on everything anyway. But now, she was going to be watching everything even closer.
Snow knew that it was not like they were going to try and smuggle the girls overboard or anything like that, so she was sure that they were okay while they were at sea.
The Captain was glad that they were aware of the posters, so he collected them. He took his time and treated them gently, as if they were something of great value. Katie asked what he was going to do with them since he had treated them so gently. It was not like he was treating them like garbage. Like all the rest of the missing girl posters that were found along the way. They were usually torn down, wadded up, and thrown away.
Filmore gave her a smile and said, "Well, since you girls are not around anymore, I was going to pin them below in the mess hall so that you can keep an eye on the cook."
Gina let out a giggle. She couldn't help but picture them in her head, looking down at Tug. Katie seeing Gina's face and hearing her start giggling made her giggle, too. Mia looked on, and then without knowing exactly why they were giggling, she started in too just because they were. All that Snow could do was shake her head and think girls would be girls.
Will looked at them and thought of his own girls and how they were acting the way that his girls always seemed to. Will asked, "Will you need a wake-up call in the morning so that you can help with breakfast?"
The girls looked at each other and shook their heads and said, "We are used to getting up early now, and we will wake up early. But if you don't mind checking up on us just to make sure that would be alright."
They would not want to wake up Snow if they didn't have to. That was why they wanted him just to check and make sure that they were up and helping in the kitchen. Instead of trying to wake them. Unless they were not up.
Will gave them a nod. It was not like he wanted anyone else on the crew going near them; after all, they were still guys. The last thing any of them wanted was to have one of them slip up and do something that they were not supposed to. Whether the girls wanted it or not. As his mind drifted towards Jake and Katie. He knew that with Snow on board, there was going to be no way that the girls were going to be able to sneak around like they did last time. Especially since they were sleeping in the same room with her. He knew that he was going to be keeping a closer eye on Jake, making sure that his free time was more limited than it had been in the past as long as Katie was on board.
Will had to say that it was indeed good to see both of them, especially when they had thought that Gina was gone forever, and Katie was so devastated by it. Now, they are both giggling like nothing ever happened.
Will wanted to question Katie about some of the things that he had heard that had happened to her. Especially since it was he who dropped her off, and it was supposed to be a safe place. He knew that there would be time to talk to her, and he was not sure just how much of it that she wanted everyone to know.
They stayed there just talking and having a good time until there was something that Will had to tend to. Since the girls were going to be helping with breakfast, they excused themselves and went to the room.
Mistress Snow stayed back to talk to the captain, letting the girls have time to change and get into bed. There were a few things that she wanted to go over with the captain without the girls hearing. After all, she was going to have to plan for the trip back, and it was just better to keep that part to herself.
Snow was thinking that this should just be a simple thing. Since the attorney did his job already. After all Stan and Rodger were already arrested and in prison. But there have been too many times that something looked really simple to get done. Then, all of a sudden, the smallest thing set off a chain of events that changed everything. There was no way that she was not going to be prepared for something bad to happen. She thought that, after all, that was what she was there for. Just in case something went wrong.
Gina was glad that they were going to be helping the cook again. It always made her feel so good to be helpful. Especially when she was teaching someone and showing off her skills. Gina looked at the hammocks that were hanging there and started getting a little nervous. She knew that she was supposed to share one with Snow, and just the thoughts were making her nervous. She was thinking, what if she tosses and turns too much, or if she snores, or if she has to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night?
The others looked at her, stressing over it and were laughing about it. Katie had been wishing that Snow would have been put in a different room for at least this trip. She knew that she was not going to have much time to see Jake. She knew that it was going to be harder to slip out of the room with Snow in there. Katie wondered if she could simply just ask to go see him if that would work. Then she thought about what had happened last time, and she knew if she had just talked to Gina, none of what happened would have happened. Katie looked over at Gina, who was smiling and having fun with them both. She still had a twinge of guilt and thought that maybe it was better that Snow was there. So she would not have to face that same decision again. But it was not likely that there was going to be a storm, so it was not like it could happen again.
Mia was just so happy to be there and to be one of the girls. She knew that there were a lot of dangers around, but she knew as long as they all stood together that they would be able to get through them. Mia saw that Gina was nervous and Katie was in her own little world again, but they all were still having fun. They knew that once Mistress Snow would come in, they would have to calm down and get to sleep. Especially since they were getting up early to help with breakfast. Mia was not into the whole cooking thing like the others were, but as long as she would get to stay at their side, she was happy. She had been looking forward to not doing it for the week that they were going to be away, but here she was getting pulled into another kitchen again.
Mia wished that they had chosen the hammock that they all could have slept in together, but she knew that if anyone had to use the bathroom or anything, they would all have to wake up to let them go. But at least she was not going to have to sleep alone. Even if it was not the one that she wanted to be cuddling up next to. She wondered if she could get Katie to switch with Gina for the night. Mia knew that they all were nervous around Mistress Snow. She was not exactly sure why they were, but she knew it was that way. Mia had tried to hide her feelings for Gina from the others, but she knew from the whispers that she had not done all that great of a job. She wondered if that would make a difference to Katie and if she was going to start treating her differently because of it. As she looked at Katie, she wondered if she was going to have a problem sleeping alone with her.
Mia thought hard about what she would say if she asked why she wanted her to change who she was sleeping with. It was not like she had a problem sleeping with Katie, but it was just that she wanted to cuddle up with Gina more. She had never felt so safe as when she had started sharing a room with Gina. She was not sure how she could describe that to Katie without telling her how she felt about Gina. The thought of telling Katie terrified her. She had told Gina, and Gina didn't know what to say about it. Because she just seemed to love everyone the same, and she had been missing Katie at the time. Ever since then, Mia had not seen a real change in the way that Gina was acting or acting toward her.
Mia knew that if she pushed the subject, one of two things would happen. That would be either Gina would realize that she loved her the same way that Mia loved her, or she would not want anything to do with her anymore. Thinking that Mia was being too pushy. So, all she could do was hold her breath and hope that Gina would realize that Mia's love was true and that they could be happy together. The most important thing was that she did not want to lose what they had. She couldn't go back to being alone all the time. Especially since they were like a family now, and she had learned what being happy was like. It was bad before, but now she has experienced love and happiness. She would rather die than face things all alone again.
Mia looked at Katie and opened her mouth to ask, but no words came out. So, she decided that it was just going to be better for the night if she just let it go. After all, it was just one night, but then she had a thought: What if Mistress Snow kept wanting Gina as the one that she was sleeping with? At least they looked the same, and she could pretend that Katie was Gina.
Just then, Mia was hit by a pillow thrown by Gina, who had already changed into her nightie and wanted to do something to keep her from getting even more nervous just waiting for Snow to come in. That was just what they all needed to get things really going as the pillow fight started. This was not the first time that the three of them got one going. It was usually Katie who started it. She would be trying to get Gina to wake up or pay attention to what was going on.
It was not long before they were all giggling and having a blast, forgetting their worries. They had started getting loud with the sounds of them laughing and squealing with the play. Will heard them and at first, he thought that something was wrong. But then he remembered the sounds of his own girls as if they would be put to bed before they were ready. There were the same kind of noises that he would hear coming from their room.
As Will got to their door, he was just about ready to knock. He saw that Snow was on her way, and he figured that she would have a few things to say to them. So, he would not have to. He just nodded to her as she passed him on her way into the room.
Mistress Snow opened the door and could not believe what she was seeing. Will quickly turned away as soon as the door opened, showing the girls and how they were dressed.