Ch 16

Mistress Snow said, "What is going on in here? We can hear you throughout the ship."

She was glad that she had closed the door quickly after seeing the girls. But she was not sure if Will had gotten a look before it was closed.

Then, as she looked at them, she couldn't help but just shake her head. She saw that they were in the middle of a pillow fight, but they had not even finished getting into their sleeping clothes yet. Gina was fully dressed in her nightie, but Katie didn't have her top on, and Mia did not have any bottoms on.

Snow had to admit that she didn't know how they acted while they were back at home. Their rooms were far enough apart that she couldn't hear them, but she was sure that they couldn't carry on like this all the time.

Snow said in a stern voice, "That is enough of that. Finish getting dressed and get into bed." She was feeling more like their mother than a Mistress.

They all replied, "Sorry, Mistress Snow."

At that point, Gina wanted to crawl into the other hammock with the other girls, even if it would be tight and she would have to worry about falling out.

Snow saw how nervous Gina was and said quietly so that the others couldn't hear, "Don't worry, little one. I am not really mad, and I don't bite. I chose you to sleep here so that the others would not fight over who was going to get to sleep with you. Besides, I think that it will be good for Mia to be apart from you a little. She is becoming so attached to you that if she gets any worse, we will have to pry you two apart." Then she gave her a friendly smile, letting her know that she was just having fun too.

Gina looked up at her and saw the warm smile and knew that everything was okay. So, she climbed into the hammock, but it was different than the ones that she remembered. It was not like you could ball it all up under you and then just sit down and let it all go. This time, you had to push against it and then just sit in it and lift your feet, letting it swing you. It seemed to be easier for the second one to get in once the weight was in it.

The room was small, and once Gina was lying in the hammock, there was only an arm's length between the two of them, but it was enough that if there was a bad storm and both beds were swinging, they would not bump into each other.

Gina watched as Katie got into her bed. She was surprised at how easy it was for her to do now. She remembered that Katie had told her that it was what she had to sleep in while she was with the other family, and she was searching for her. As Gina watched Mia try and join Katie, she had to laugh when Mia dropped into the hammock and almost dumped Katie to the floor as it swung.

Gina knew that it was going to take time for them to get used to getting in and out of these. She knew that they were only going to be in them once or twice. So, it was not really going to be that big of an issue.

Gina was amazed when Snow got in the hammock with her and that it barely moved at all. She had never thought or asked about it, but it seemed like Snow had spent a lot of time sleeping in hammocks. Or at least getting in and out of them. Gina had to admit that she was pretty much in awe of Mistress Snow. The way that she seemed so kind and yet so powerful. She was beautiful and loving to all the girls, but that was not to say that she didn't have her stern side as well. It was as if you messed with her or did something that she didn't approve of. The claws would come out, and you would regret what you did.

Once the light was put out, there was only a faint glow that was coming from under the door. Snow got comfortable and then pulled Gina in close so that they could cuddle. Gina had to admit that it felt so good, and it didn't take long for her to drift off to sleep.

Gina's eyes popped open as she felt a pair of lips pressing against hers. The room was too dark and as quickly as the kiss had started it ended and then they were gone. It left Gina wondering if it really happened or not. She would not have put it past Katie to give her a kiss, but it would not be something she would do out of the blue or while she was sleeping. That would be something that she would expect to come from Mia since she had not given her a kiss before bed. Because the others were there and could see her do it.

As Gina lay there, she knew that it just had to be Mia, and she knew that if she had not been cuddled with Snow, she would have tried to do more. Gina knew that if the hammock had been bigger, she would have tried to crawl into the hammock with them. Gina let a little giggle slip out and then quickly stopped it, not wanting to wake Mistress Snow. Gina heard her sleeping soundly, so she took a deep breath and felt the loving arms around her, and they felt so comforting that she couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Gina lay there for a bit with her eyes open, just thinking, and as her eyes adjusted to the low light that was in the room, she could see Mia lying there looking at her with a huge smile on her face.

Mia wished that she was cuddling with Gina, but it still felt good having Katie holding her. She watched as Gina giggled and then lay there with her eyes open, and when she saw her smile, she felt at peace knowing that she didn't mind getting a kiss as she slept. Mia couldn't help but give her a kiss; it was all that she could think of and made it so that she couldn't sleep. When she heard everyone breathing heavily, she knew that it was her chance to slip out of the hammock and sneak over to her and sneak the kiss. She knew deep down she wanted more, but she was just going to have to settle for that. Hopefully, Mistress Snow was not going to pick Gina as her sleeping partner the whole time.

Mia thought if she would get her way, Mistress Snow would get two rooms and take Katie with her so that she and Gina could be alone together. With those thoughts running through her mind, Mia closed her eyes and let the dreams take her.

Gina saw Mia close her eyes, but the smile on her face seemed to grow. She knew that Mia had to be dreaming of something that was making her happy. She was not sure what it was, but it didn't matter. Mia had suffered enough in her life, and it was just great to see her sleeping so peacefully with a smile on her face.

Gina fell asleep as Snow snuggled her tightly. It made her have nothing but happy dreams of being loved, pushing away all the bad things that had happened since her parents had passed.

Gina jumped as she was startled awake. Katie touched her shoulder and covered her mouth in case she would let out a scream. Katie was not used to waking up before Gina, but she thought that maybe Gina had not gotten to sleep right away since she had been so nervous about sleeping with Snow.

Katie let go of Gina's shoulder and put her finger to her lips, giving her the shooshing sign. Gina knew that she was trying to make sure that they didn't wake Mistress Snow. Gina started to wonder where Mia was when she saw her, she was still sleeping. Gina started to wonder just how early Katie got her up, or was it that Mia was just tired from not getting to sleep right away like the others?

Gina carefully pulled out of Snow's loving embrace, trying her best not to awaken her. Gina managed to slip out of the hammock without awakening Snow, who was used to sleeping later than the others. Once Gina was out of the hammock, she started to go wake up Mia when Katie stopped her and whispered, "We don't need her help. Just let her sleep. she tossed and turned all night waking me up throughout the night."

Gina looked at her in the dim light, but even in that, she could tell how exhausted she was looking.

Gina said, "Why don't you take my place with Mistress Snow and get some sleep till the breakfast is done? You know that I can handle it with Tug, and it looks like you still need some sleep."

Katie had not intended to wake Gina just to have her go to work with Tug alone, but she had hardly slept. The thought of being awake all day and helping to prepare all the food was going to be so rough. Katie looked at the hammock and the sleeping lady, and she knew that she hadn't really moved all that much.

Gina smiled as she saw Katie considering it and said, "Just go on and get in. It feels great."

Katie remembered when she had slept with the female captain and how nice it was, and she was still totally exhausted. She knew that if she got an hour of sleep, she would be in a lot better position to help with lunch and then dinner.

Gina said, "Go on."

Gina started getting dressed; she knew that she was not going to be able to tell exactly what she was putting on. The light in the room was just barely good enough to be able to tell what it was that she had in her hands. Gina thought back to the last time she was getting dressed in the dark. The outfit that she had put on was something that she would have only worn for an intimate encounter, and she blushed. She made sure that she didn't make that mistake again, not that they brought anything that was even close to what she had put on last time. Gina still remembered the look on the chef's face when he saw her in it. She knew that if she had something on that revealing now, she would get more than a few looks from the crew. Who knows what Will would say to her, or what Mistress Snow would say? With that thought, a shudder ran down her spine.

Gina shook her head as if to try and shake off the thoughts and then put on one of her more conservative outfits. Just the thoughts of the reactions of the sailors and the way that they used to watch Katie when she was in something that was revealing was enough to make sure that she was showing no bare skin whatsoever.

Gina was glad that the room they were in was more or less empty. Since she was in such low light, she would not have been able to avoid anything as she moved around. She knew that the only thing that she had to worry about was the hammocks; the floor was empty. So, once she was dressed, she was going to be able to leave the room without tripping over anything or making any extra noise.

Gina knew that when she opened the door, there would be a lot more light let in. So, she would have to open the door quickly and quietly and then get it shut without making any extra noise. Gina didn't put her shoes on, not wanting them to make any noise on the floor as she moved around. Gina was still a little sleepy, but she felt that she was ready and had everything she wanted. She was hoping that she was not forgetting anything. She knew that she was dressed properly, and that was the most important thing. The rest could wait till later if she needed something or she was not happy with the way she looked.

Gina carefully opened the door and quickly slipped out into the hall. Now that she was in the light, she checked herself out. She was glad that everyone else was still sleeping so she was able to straighten herself out before anyone else could see her. Gina slipped on her shoes and made her way to the galley.

Gina waved and smiled at all the sailors, who were overjoyed to see her again; a lot of them had not gotten to see her board. Even though they had been told that she was okay, there was nothing like seeing it for yourself. They all smiled brightly at her, knowing that with her onboard, even though the cooking had improved immensely, she would be making something even better for them.

Everything was cold and dark, and Gina started wondering just how early Katie had gotten her up. Gina stood there for a moment in the darkened room, unsure just what to do. When someone grabbed her from behind, spun her around, and planted a kiss on her lips as he grabbed her breast.

Gina tried to let out a scream, but he slid his tongue into her mouth as soon as she opened it. Gina gave him a hard push as she kneed him in the groin, knocking him to the floor with a groan.