Failed Kidnapping?

Walking through the beautiful entrance of the Hyuga Clan with the small pond hosting a bridge going across it. The surrounding area show cased of a lot of different types of well kept flowers with the moon light complementing the overall feel of the place.

It felt magical.

Wait, wrong world...

Walking through the little wooden bridge with my Ojisan (Danzo) an inch in front of me to signify his authority being more prominent, I start to tidy myself up as the entrance to the house is just ahead.

Looking through the windows I start to see multiple different types of people like some guys just having a beer together while some kids my age are talking and playing ninja with each other.

After a few more seconds Ojisan and I make it to the entrance as a Hyuga maid that has a caged bird seal greets us and lets us in after seeing our identification. In this world for the most part the hidden villages are IDs they give you when you graduate which you can update every year.

Now entering the Hyuga Compound's main building I start to get a more homey vibe.

I'm sure it's not like this usually with all the Hyuga having sticks up their asses, but for this occasion, I guess they are making an exception with their clan heir having a birthday.

"Hello Shimura-sama." A rough but joyful voice can be heard talking to Danzo.

Danzo hearing this pushes me forward to signify "Go" as he starts to converse with Hiashi Hyuga the Hyuga clan leader.

Taking my time to take in the surroundings I start to ask for directions.

Walking up to the Hyuga maid from before, I quickly ask her where Hinata is.

"Can you tell me where Hinata is please?" I ask with a pleading look.

The Hyuga maid hearing me turns around and responds.

"Hello Shimura-sama, go to the room straight then take a turn left into the next room." She tells me pointing at an entrance with no door leading to a room.

After thanking the lady I made my way towards the first room.

The first room is where the banquet is held.

All you need to know is that there is food there!

Turning left right before I make it to the next entrance I make a mental side note to come eat here after I give Hinata's gift.

Entering the final room where Hinata is supposed to be I finally spot her.

Hinata, currently sitting down is talking to her maid who is holding a baby while conversing.

There were also surrounded by children which I could identify some like Shikamaru and Choji who are chilling being introverts in a corner while another few kids like Kiba are playing ninja outside in the many backyards the Hyuga compound has.

A few people were playing some card games while other stuff like empty shogi boards were here.

Ignoring the initial looks a person gets when he enters a room full of people, I start to make my way towards Hinata.

The Hyuga princess seeing me enter the room starts to wave at me with widened eyes.

'Cute.' I think to myself, she was like a doll.

Now next to her, I sit down on the floor.

"Hello Hinata, I got you a gift!" I say excitedly.

Hinata greeting my back starts to look at the box with stars in her eyes making me chuckle a little.

Giving Hinata the box while her maid observes us with a smile I see her use her little hands to open the lid of the box and reach inside.

"There's something soft," Hinata says giggling.

Hinata grabs the gift while taking a good look at it and after a few seconds hugs the scarf.

"Thank you so much it's the best!" She says while nagging her maid to help her put it on.

"Thanks, I made it myself," I say this while imagining myself pointing my nose upwards in a bragging way.

Right after this conversation, I went to socialise with others as I ended up talking to Shikamaru and Choji.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask.

Choji who was eating some chips innocently looked into my eyes. Seeing this I couldn't help but get some cuteness aggression. Shikamaru who was next to him looked over droopily without much enthusiasm.

"My name is Shikamaru, this guy is Choji." He simply states.

Choji off to the side offered a chip from the small bag he was currently eating. Quickly declining due to my strict diet he happily nods happy he can eat more food. 

Looking at the adorable kids amused, my mind wanders a little.

"Wanna play some shogi?" Noticing Shikamaru's disinterested look at the start, this got him to raise his eyebrow a little. Hiding his excitement he quickly nods which makes me warmly smile.

Getting to an empty board we proceed.

It was a quick match where the victor belonged to me, because of my advanced mental age.

"Woah, you actually beat Shikamaru!" Choji for the first time talks in a surprised voice. A few surrounding people who heard this didn't pay much attention.

Smiling I scratch the back of my head.

"This might be troublesome but could we go again." He says which surprised me.

His growing interest is apparent.


At first they were awkward as I guess they didn't branch out their social circle till the academy which made it easy for me to infer that they didn't like to talk to others as much. 

After a few more games and Choji lost his mind at Shikamaru losing, the latter grabbing his head in frustration. We finally stopped and promised to play some other time when the Nara got better.

"Come by the park near the Hyuga compound sometime, we can just relax on the grass if you guys want." I offer which Shikamaru quickly accepted.

Cloud watching?

And pretending to trick his mum he was playing?

He's all in!

Laughing at their predicament, it was time for something else.

There was still an event about to occur. The Hyuga affair which was pretty simple to prevent

How you ask?

By just being with Hinata of course, I mean the compound is full of Hyuga members.

If I make it so Hinata stays within this area everything should be fine. The only way I could see her getting kidnapped was if it happened when Hinata was roaming in the backyard by herself as she was relatively found fast when she was kidnapped anyways.

While walking with Hinata, Neji decided to join us and I started to converse with him.

Long story short he was a pretty chill guy who trains as hard as he can.

A very bright guy I'd say.

Well... it would be something I can say now that I will be trying to prevent this kid's dad from dying!

Shortly after a few hours the birthday party went by without any hitches as we all went back to our homes.

Little to the knowledge of me though the day after this the Kumo ninja who was sent to sign the peace treaty/kidnap Hinata was labelled a "traitor" and the treaty was cancelled because of the guy who was here wasn't one of "them".

--POV Danzo--

After dropping Raiden back to his little part of the compound, I start to head to one of my root bases.

'The hidden cloud is quite confident to try to kidnap the Hyuga heir at their own compound, but I quickly took care of that by having two of my Root Jounins protecting little Hinata as she is gonna be my ticket to allying with the Hyuga.'

Helping the kumo shinobi would have been the play to weaken the Hyuga but because of my little heir having talent, there's nothing to worry about.

If anything their use, especially Hizashi Hyuga will be paramount to Raiden's future.

My immediate plans have to be scrapped as I'm playing the long game now. Seeing the trends of the village over the years, clans are naturally going to fall behind.

Making some hand signals I get my body flickered to the base by Rat one of my most loyal shinobi.

Going to my desk I sit down and start to read over some documents of some mission details.

'So Gato is causing trouble in the land of waves while their neighbours Kirigakure are in the middle of a civil war. In a few years, I could escalate the war even more and maybe get Raiden to get some battle experience while gaining another ally. I can't have an incompetent heir after all.' I think to myself.

Speaking of Raiden his progression is above any genius that has ever existed in this and last generations talent pool. He's at a academy graduate level at the age of four and his potential peak is limitless, a good ally to have if anybody tries to harm me.

Having him make connections with the clan kids will be important to me.

Marrying him to the Hyuga's Clan heir to gain an ally for myself isn't too bad, I'm not foolish enough to think I can control that clan but if there's a chance I will go for it.

In the end it sort of his choice.

I'd pick a stable relationship over hate. Marrying who ever he wants wont change his Kage level potential.

The choice between the Hyuga and Raiden's happiness is obvious.

Although the Hyuga will probably be inclined to accept the marriage proposal as the clan head's wife is currently pregnant which is a good situation for me as apparently from my root's observations their heir isn't doing too good at spars. Which makes no sense since they should be training her at the age of five.

'They don't have generational prodigy like me.' I thought in disgust.

Tsk tsk...

The reason for her losing is probably because of their apparent taijutsu "genius" but to my knowledge doesn't hold a candle to my heir.

But with this they will support me in most of my endeavors besides giving me some talents for my Root to grow which is fine as I got the Aburame and the Yamanaka clan to leech off talents for.

When Raiden gets into the academy even for any amount of time as from what Bird says he wants to graduate early, I'll tell him to befriend the Ino-Shika-Chi clan heirs as it's important to branch himself out when getting allies.

I already got the civilians side and with the Hyuga, Aburame and in the future Ino-Shika-Cho trio there isn't anyone that could overrule my authority.

It's just the Uchiha I need out of the picture.

Picking up a report I start to scan it.


Name: Raiden Shimura

Age: 4 years and 2 months

Chakra reserves: Low Genin Level

Battle Iq: Mid Genin Level

Chakra Control: High Academy Level

Taijutsu: Mid-Academy Level

Kenjutsu: High-Academy Level

Shurikenjutsu (throwing projectiles): Low Genin Level

Genjutsu immunity: High Academy Level

Constitution: Mid Academy Level

Genjutsu: None

Ninjutsu: None

Chakra sensing distance: None


He's doing pretty well right now, his talent is showing with his combat highlighting itself more than his other skills. He's basically finished the academy's curriculum besides the uses of the three d-rank jutsus.

I'm probably able to further improve on his skills by me giving him some of the more useful jutsus my library has.

I want my little heir to get some war experience in the future so I may as well add fuel to the flame of the bloody mist.

"Rat, give this mission to Panda and Sloth to intercept food supplies of the Kiri rebellion force. And tell our merchants and agents at the Land of Waves to go near Kiri's border and sell resources to the rebellion too.

Abandon the Land of Waves. There's nothing of use there."

That should force the civil war into more combat.

Taking another document I speak again.

"Rat give this to Dragon, I want him to slow the Hyuga's businesses... Make sure to create problem's but not enough for them to send Hizashi." Another strategy for leverage. Cutting down their main sources of income outside the village will force them to use more of the branch house.

More infighting.

Rat taking both of the documents bows as he uses the body to flicker to disappear.

Standing up I make my way down a secret entrance near my desk as I start to walk through the bland and spacy hallway.

After a few minutes of walking, I see him.

Madara Uchiha or his protege to say the least.

I'm not stupid

Squinting my eyes I start to talk.


--POV Raiden--

Sitting down on my desk I start to write down notes on things I need in the future.

In the future Otsutsukis with the power of gods will be after my ass so I need to train my skill a lot.

Ninjutsu being completely useless against them basically wastes half of my options which isn't too bad as I'm currently trying to train my Kenjutsu.

For the future I think I will keep training kenjutsu and improve my body's structure with training and if you add my swift release then it makes my options even wider for what I want to do.

Other ideas such as asking future Orochimaru to make me an immortal zetsu body came into play.

Writing more ideas in English I start to doze off and eventually sleep drooling on the table.

Kakashi seeing this sighs and proceeds to pick me up and tuck me in bed.

[Post a Meme]

[A/N: You're opinion on the MC's current level? Is he too powerful or just right?]