Chapter 9: The Knowledge of Energy

Chapter 9: The Knowledge of Energy

"As I was mentioning about the distinction between internal and external energy in Pokémon, I must go deeper into it."

"Water, fire, electricity, grass, rock, ground, steel, ghost, ice, poison, bug, and so many other energies all fall under one category: elemental energy."

"Water energy usually comes from oceans or rivers. Fire energy originates from volcanic lava. Lightning energy can come from natural storms or artificial power plants. Grass energy is found in forests and grasslands. Rock energy comes from mountains and rocks. Ground energy arises from the earth and soil. Steel energy comes from iron and steel. Ghost energy is derived from the essence of life and death, while ice energy comes from glaciers and snow. Poison energy is found in toxic gases, swamps, or poisonous substances. Bug-type energy is the pheromones secreted by insects."

"For elemental energy Pokémon, their moves are mostly powered by a combination of their internal energy and the external environmental energy. Take for example the Squirtle Leader's ability to use Surf on the ground—this works because he channels his internal water energy and communicates with the moisture in the air. Once the water energy is intentionally summoned and shaped, it forms waves, enabling Surf to be used even on land. That's why Water-type Pokémon prefer to stay near abundant water sources. The richer the water energy, the easier and more powerful their moves become."

Riolu thought about the games he played in his past life and suddenly understood.

In games, regardless of the environment, a Pokémon could use moves like Thunderbolt in a cave, Leaf Blade in a lava area, or even Flamethrower on the ocean. Clearly, these moves were about the Pokémon using their internal energy to communicate with the external energy around them.

Additionally, the abundance of the external energy influenced the power of the move. For example, when Rain Dance is used, water-type moves are strengthened because the surrounding environment gains more water energy, while fire-type moves are weakened as fire energy is reduced. On the contrary, Sunny Day increases fire energy, boosting fire-type moves while weakening water-type moves.

"These elemental Pokémon are just like the mages in novels, aren't they?" Riolu couldn't help but chuckle.

Machop looked at Riolu, confused by his sudden amusement, but didn't ask further and continued his explanation.

"However, for Fighting, Psychic, Flying, Dark, Dragon, Fairy, and Normal-type Pokémon, the external environment can't provide the energy they need. These Pokémon rely on something called 'Transformational Energy.'"

Transformational Energy!

Riolu immediately focused, sensing that this was the key piece of information he had been waiting for.

"Since you can't draw on external sources for Transformational Energy, it must be generated through internal cultivation. For example, Psychic-type Pokémon train their willpower through meditation, which increases their psychic energy. The stronger their willpower, the more powerful their psychic moves become. A move like Telekinesis can be strengthened into a more powerful form like Psychic through proper training."

"Flying-type Pokémon constantly train their flying techniques. Skilled flyers can even harness the power of the wind to perform powerful Flying-type moves. For example, Air Slash uses the wind's power, and Aerial Ace is based on the Pokémon's exceptional flying skills."

"Dark-type Pokémon focus on strengthening their presence and aura. Powerful moves like Dark Pulse are created by amplifying their malicious aura to instill fear in their opponents."

"I haven't seen Dragon-type Pokémon myself, but according to the professor's research, Dragon-types have a unique physiology that allows them to continuously generate Dragon energy."

"Fairy-type Pokémon use their charm and external appearance to create a unique allure, and this charm directly affects the strength of their moves. For example, a Fairy-type move like Attract is more effective depending on how charming the Pokémon is."

"Lastly, we have the very common Normal-type Pokémon. They continuously refine their species' unique skills. Unique skills include moves like Glare from Snake Pokémon or Transform from Ditto."

Riolu was wide-eyed, thoroughly impressed with what he was learning.

As he listened to Machop, he couldn't help but think that with the way Machop was explaining, he looked like a scholar, complete with glasses and a book.

"But for us Fighting-types, the source of energy is pretty simple," Machop continued.

With that, Machop bent his arms and flexed his muscles, causing them to bulge impressively.

The sudden change in Machop's posture shifted his appearance from a scholar to a muscular powerhouse.

"The energy for Fighting-types comes from our meticulously trained bodies. Punching moves rely on the power of our arms, kicking moves use the strength in our legs, and the core power and balance required for other moves come from our core bodies. To become stronger, we must exercise our bodies so that Fighting energy can be produced from every part of our bodies."

"In short, the stronger your body becomes, the stronger your Fighting energy will be. And the more energy you have, the better your body will be strengthened. They complement each other."

"Fighting moves work like this."

With that, Machop walked over to a tree, took a deep breath, and then delivered a powerful chop to the trunk.

The sheer force of the strike caused the tree to shake, and wood splinters flew in all directions as a large, arm-length dent appeared in the trunk.

Riolu stepped forward and felt the depth of the dent. To his astonishment, it was deep enough to fit a whole hand. The tree's trunk was incredibly thick and solid, almost like steel, yet Machop had made such a powerful dent without using any energy. This demonstrated how much physical strength Fighting energy enhanced.

Riolu pretended not to notice the dismayed looks from the Metapods who had fallen from the tree.

Metapods secrete a sticky substance that allows them to stay attached to trees. Most Caterpie, when they sense they are about to evolve, will find a suitable tree and stay there until they evolve into Metapods. Afterward, they attach themselves securely to the tree to avoid danger.

However, despite the sticky nature of their attachment, the Metapods were knocked down by Machop's strike.


Machop awkwardly laughed and began carefully putting each of the Metapods back onto the tree, making sure they were secure.

"When you have energy and infuse it into your actions during battle, you create the effects that make up your moves," Machop continued, but suddenly, the sound of flapping wings interrupted him.

Both Pokémon looked up and saw a Butterfree descending slowly from a tree, its red eyes filled with irritation.

"Machop, what are you doing again?!"

Butterfree flapped its large white wings as it angrily shouted.

Riolu stole a glance at the tree that had been affected, noticing many dents around the trunk of various depths.

It seemed that this tree had been severely abused by Machop.

"Ah, you knocked my little siblings down! How dare you!"

Butterfree saw the distressed Metapods on the ground, its temper flaring. It whipped its antennae and immediately flew towards Machop, wings beating rapidly.
