Chapter 10: Butterfree is a Fighter Too

Chapter 10: Butterfree is a Fighter Too

Leaving the "battlefield" to Butterfree and Machop, Riolu shrank into the corner and quickly hid behind some nearby rocks. After hearing Machop explain the energy theory of the Pokémon world, he was eager to watch the real action. This was the perfect opportunity, so he kept his eyes glued to the fight between Butterfree and Machop.

He instinctively opened his Pokédex to check the details of the two battling Pokémon.



Encounter Progress: 18/25

Battle Progress: 0/10

Real-time Analysis

Pokémon: Normal - Butterfree (Female)

Level: lv18

Type: Bug + Flying

Ability: Compound Eyes (Increases move accuracy by 1.3x)

Moves: Supersonic (lv1), Gust (lv1), Stun Spore (lv0), Confuse Ray (lv0)


This angry Butterfree, though not as strong in level or moves as Elite Machop, smartly used Gust, a Flying-type move, to counter Machop's Fighting-type moves.

Gust—one of Butterfree's higher-level moves—saw her white wings fluttering in the air. The faint blue energy in her wing patterns swirled, and instantly, two gusts of wind formed, shooting towards Machop.

"Gust! It's a very different version of Gust than I've seen before," Riolu thought to himself. "The gust looks gentle, but it feels like it could have more force... Ah, I see now!"

Though the wind wasn't fierce, it was incredibly fast. The leaves that had been knocked from trees in the surrounding area were swept up by the strong gusts, forming a green whirlwind that charged toward Machop.

Riolu was astounded.

"Is this a Gust version of Leaf Blade?!"

Butterfree was certainly experienced in battle. She not only used a Flying-type move to strike first but also cleverly used the environment to her advantage. The leaves on the ground were naturally sharp-edged, and when moved with enough speed, they could become a deadly weapon.

"Swish, swish, swish—"

Machop, however, was unfazed. His eyes locked onto the windstorm of leaves, and brown-red energy radiated from his body.

"Bullet Punch!"

With a roar, Machop's fists shot forward like bullets, forming a barrier of fist-shaped afterimages in front of him.

However, despite the fists' rapid movements, the small, light leaves easily passed through the Bullet Punch barrier, continuing to hurtle toward Machop.

"You can't avoid my Leaf Storm!" Butterfree smirked, thinking the battle was already won.

But as Butterfree reveled in her success, Riolu noticed a faint smile on Machop's face.

"Deflect!" Machop suddenly yelled.

With a swift motion, Machop turned his fist into an open palm, slamming it against the ground. The stones and debris on the earth were thrown up, forming a shield between him and the incoming leaves.

Two moves at once!

Riolu's eyes widened. This wasn't the typical turn-based battle he had seen in games or cartoons, where Pokémon would take turns using their moves. Here, both Butterfree and Machop combined their moves in real-time, breaking his expectations of how battles were fought.

Machop's use of two moves simultaneously, one to block and one to counter, was truly impressive. It made Riolu realize that this world of battles was far more complex and realistic than what he had imagined.

Even though Machop had successfully neutralized Butterfree's Leaf Storm, he didn't allow the fight to pause. He quickly advanced on Butterfree, eager to take the upper hand.

As a Fighting-type, close combat was Machop's domain.

"Not good. Gust, Stun Spore!" Butterfree, sensing the imminent danger, flapped her wings in a frantic retreat. She immediately released another Gust and, this time, dropped yellow powder from her wings mixed in with the wind. It was Stun Spore, aiming to paralyze Machop.

Stun Spore was a troublesome status move. Pokémon affected by it would be paralyzed and unable to move freely, significantly hindering their ability to battle.

Machop, however, did not dodge or avoid the incoming Stun Spore. He allowed the yellow powder to settle on his body.

Unfortunately, the probability of being paralyzed from Stun Spore came true for Machop.


Electric currents ran across Machop's body, and his usually swift movements slowed as he was paralyzed.

Seeing this, Butterfree was overjoyed. She shook her antennae and immediately used her signature move: Confuse Ray.

Spiraling rainbow-colored light emerged from Butterfree's antennae, and just as the beam was about to shoot toward Machop, something incredible happened. Machop, even while paralyzed, gathered an immense surge of energy within him, propelling his legs forward in a powerful leap and swinging his right arm in a mighty chopping motion.

"Brick Break!"


Machop's hand collided with Butterfree's head with tremendous force, sending the startled Pokémon crashing to the ground, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Ugh!" Butterfree groaned after receiving a devastating Brick Break, struggling to regain her flight.

Though Machop's Brick Break had inflicted significant damage, it wasn't a lethal blow. Both Pokémon understood this was just a friendly spar, not a life-or-death battle, so they held back somewhat.

Butterfree, grumbling, lifted herself off the ground and fluttered back into the air.

"Well, looks like you've lost again," Machop teased, grinning.

Butterfree's face twitched in annoyance. "I spent all that time planning my moves, and you just countered them like that!"

With that, Butterfree flew up to a tree, pulled out a small, cherry-like fruit, and handed it to Machop.

"This is a Cherry Berry. It will cure paralysis. You always fight so recklessly—why don't you try thinking next time?"

Riolu chuckled to himself, watching as the two sparring partners continued to interact.

Machop had been so scholarly when explaining earlier, but in battle, he was a completely different beast—muscles bulging and fists flying.

After eating the Cherry Berry, Machop's paralysis dissipated, and he resumed his calm, thoughtful demeanor. "As you saw, moves are simply techniques that allow us to channel energy through our actions. Every Pokémon has their own species and elemental moves, but they can also learn moves of other types, though with limitations. For example, Grass-type Pokémon can't easily learn Fire-type moves, and non-flying Pokémon can't use moves that require wings."

"Now, you," Machop said, sizing up Riolu. "Although I'm not sure what your species is best at, it seems like you're suited for agility-based moves. You probably won't be great with energy-based moves."

Riolu, with his agile limbs, was certainly a good match for punches and kicks. Additionally, since Riolu had a tail, moves like Iron Tail were naturally included in his move pool.

"You can sense your own moves as a Pokémon. Go ahead, try and sense what moves you have, and I'll see if I can help you learn how to use them."

Finally, the moment Riolu had been waiting for!

After listening to all the theories, Riolu was more than ready to put them into practice. He had already scanned his move list earlier, so without hesitation, he said, "I know Quick Attack and Detect."

Machop frowned. "Hmm, I'm not too familiar with those moves. I can't really teach you those."

"What?!" Riolu was disappointed.

"However, there's someone over there who knows Quick Attack. You can ask him for help." Machop pointed toward the entrance of the valley. "But be warned, he's not the easiest to get along with. Be prepared."

With a sense of anticipation, Riolu glanced in the direction Machop pointed, wondering what lay ahead.