The voice rang out from behind the muggers, slicing through the tension and halting the fight from occurring. It was a feminine voice, reminiscent of silver bells, causing Subaru to stop in his tracks and glance behind them.
There stood a girl with porcelain skin and long, flowing silver hair that cascaded to her waist, adorned with a delicate white flower. Her striking amethyst eyes sparkled with an intense glare, and she wore a dress in shades of white and purple.
If Subaru had to choose, she was undoubtedly the cutest girl he had ever encountered, second only to Mei Mei, of course.
But this wasn't the time for gawking women; there were more pressing issues at hand.
"What the heck are you talking about?" shouted the short thug as he turned to face the girl.
"Give back what you took from me right now! It's reeeeally important!" she shot a fierce glare at the four men. "If you return it, I'll overlook everything else, but that item is something I can't let go of."
Subaru and the thugs exchanged glances, each party unsure if they had indeed taken something that belonged to her.
"So you're looking for something you lost? You're not here to help him?" the lanky one asked, pointing at Subaru, who let out a snort.
"Pretty bold of ya to think I need saving from a walking stick," he relished the furious look on the thug's face.
"What unusual clothing… if you're asking if I have any connection to him, the answer is no."
'Huh, she's not gonna even bother to try to help me? Aww man. I know we're complete strangers, but couldn't she at least try? Why is everyone being so rude today?' He didn't need saving; typically, it's the opposite, but knowing that at least someone is willing to stick their neck out for him would feel better.
"Then you have nothing to do with us! It must have been that brat who just ran past us who took it," the ogre noted.
"Oh, right! I should hurry before she escapes!" the girl exclaimed, sprinting past Subaru.
'…Well that was something… I guess,' Subaru thought, not knowing whether he should feel sad that he was ignored or dismissive of the whole scene.
"Well, I'll just make this quick." He quickly regained his mocking smile and looked at the muggers, ready to dash and knock the ogre out first—
"But I can't just leave and ignore this," the girl said, stopping in her tracks and turning back. She extended her hand, and three icicles appeared before her.
"If you three don't back off, I'll have to use force," she warned.
Subaru was surprised at how quickly she changed her mind yet he was happy nonetheless. 'Finally someone is being nice to me for a change!'
"Hahahaha, just because you can cast spells doesn't mean we're scared of ya; it's still one against three."
"Actually, it's two against three. I'm right here, you know," Subaru quickly chimed in.There was no way he was going to sit this one out.
A lively voice chimed in, suggesting, "How about we make it a three-on-three match?" Subaru glanced around, trying to locate the source of the cheerful sound, but it eluded him. Where was it coming from?
Suddenly, the necklace worn by the girl began to emit a vibrant green glow, illuminating the dim alleyway, and a small cat sprang forth from it.
The cat, with its grey and white fur and striking blue eyes, sported a tiny purple handbag slung over its shoulder. If Subaru hadn't been accustomed to the supernatural, his jaw would've been acquainted with the floor, but instead, he merely blinked in mild surprise.
The muggers, however, reacted differently, retreating in fear. "Y-you're a spirit arts user?!" the short one stammered, his eyes wide as the others stared at the girl in disbelief.
This caught Subaru's full attention. 'A spirit arts user? Wait, spirits exist here too?!' he pondered, observing the newly recognized spirit.
As a Jujutsu sorcerer, Subaru was well-acquainted with cursed spirits, as his literal job was fighting and exorcising them due to their hostility towards humans. However, when he extended his senses, he detected no cursed energy emanating from it.
This led to two possibilities: either it wasn't a spirit and the muggers were mistaken, or it was a spirit that operated on a completely different energy source, probably mana. Subaru leaned towards the latter.
Yet, an important question lingered. 'How is she a 'spirit arts user'?' In his world, some sorcerers possessed cursed techniques that allowed them to manipulate and control curses, like Geto.
In this instance, the spirit was capable of human speech, so it's a pretty powerful one, and from what he observed, it appeared to act of its own volition. Moreover, Geto had to "eat" curses to utilize them… Did this girl eat the cat to control it?
The thought made Subaru gag; he could never comprehend how some people could do such things.
The spirit's voice jolted him from his thoughts. "That's right! Now I suggest you step back, or I'll make sure to haunt you and the rest of your kin. Not that you'll have one left after I'm done with you." The cat spun gracefully in the air as it delivered its warning, but Subaru sensed a genuine seriousness lurking beneath its playful tone.
The muggers hesitated even more before fleeing the scene. "You bitch! Y-you'll regret this, we'll make sure of it!" the scrawny one yelled as they dashed past Subaru and out of the alley.
As silence enveloped the alley, and their footsteps faded away, Subaru took the opportunity to scrutinize the girl-spirit duo. He adjusted his glasses slightly, peering at them from above the frames.
The girl resembled the others, possessing an Od and a gate, which was red, indicating her fire attribute and her ability to manipulate temperature. Her mana reserves were remarkable, by far the largest he had ever encountered, his was a minuscule amount compared to it, which stung his pride a bit.
Next, his attention shifted to the cat spirit, who exhibited the most striking difference among them. For one, it appeared to have an Od like the others, but it seemed denser despite its small size, and it was the shiniest he had ever observed, likely indicating a significant amount of life energy.
Interestingly, the spirit lacked a gate; he could see mana coursing through every part of its body—its legs, torso, head, and limbs. The mana was so immense that he couldn't even begin to quantify it, and it appeared to be the purest he had ever witnessed, glowing a brilliant red. This, too, wielded fire magic.
However, the most captivating aspect was the connection between their Ods, resembling a rope of mana. His six eyes quickly told him the necessary information: this was a "Contract." The girl and the cat were linked by a contract that allowed them to support each other, with the spirit using magic to protect her while drawing on her mana as a source of power.
'Interesting, I wonder if something like this could exist back home, wouldn't mind having a cursed spirit or two watching my back, even if they're ugly as hell.'
He figured it was time to break the silence before things got too uncomfortable. Adjusting his glasses, he waved at the pair. "Yo, thanks for the assist!"
"Don't move!"
At the girl's loud command, Subaru froze, giving her a puzzled look. She was glaring at him, and suddenly he found himself locked in a staring contest with a stranger in an alleyway. Hell of an awkward way to meet someone new.
As the silence lingered, Subaru took a good look at the girl. Her skin was flawless, and her hair looked lush and well-groomed and… Her ears were pointy?
'Woah, is she an elf?! That's awesome! I've always wanted to meet one!' He grinned at the thought, wondering what other races might exist in this world. Could there be dragons too?
"Aha! You smiled; you can't hold a straight face, which means you have a guilty conscience, so you know who took my insignia, don't you?" she accused, and Subaru raised an eyebrow at her logic.
"I think you're wrong this time. I don't sense any guilt or ill intentions behind that smile." the spirit beside her intervened..
"Shush, Puck. I know what I'm doing," she interrupted her spirit companion and stepped closer to Subaru.
"You know who stole my insignia, don't you? Tell me!" she demanded, looking up at him because of their height difference.
Subaru raised his hands in a playful gesture of surrender. "Nope. Sorry, miss, I have no clue who took your insignia. Honest.."
She scrutinized him for a moment, and then her expression shifted from determination to concern and worry. "Oh, if you're telling the truth then.. Oh no, I've already lost her! Did I take a wrong turn? What should I do, what should I do?"
As the girl fretted, speaking to her spirit who was beginning to soothe her, Subaru found himself in a conundrum. Since he wasn't needed at that moment, he figured he should just move on. He still had no clue where he was or much else, as all his attempts to gather information had ended in failure. However, seeing the girl so distressed about losing her cherished item tugged at his heartstrings.
'What should I do? I can't go on a wild goose chase after something when I don't even know where I am. Hell, I don't even know what country I'm in, but it feels wrong to just leave her like this,' Subaru pondered for a moment until an idea struck him.
Why settle for just one option when you can have both? A little greediness now and then isn't a bad thing.
"Is the insignia you're talking about a small round object with a jewel in the center?" he asked, capturing both their attention.
"Y-yes! That's it! But how did you know? I thought you didn't recognize it," her initial excitement shifted to suspicion, and even the spirit looked at him with curiosity.
"I don't, but I did catch a glimpse of it, along with the girl who took it and where she went," he replied.
" You do! That's amazing! Thank you so much!" Her amethyst eyes sparkled with hope, warming his heart. "Do you know where—"
"Ah ah ah, not so fast," he said, wagging his finger. "My information isn't free; I want something in return."
"O-oh, what do you want?" she asked, the hope in her eyes fading into dread and caution. "I'll do my best, but I can't promise much."
"Yeah, buddy, you heard her. It better not be anything…" the cat chimed in with a glare "Too adult," the spirit added with a pointed look at the girl.
Subaru winced at the implication.
"No–look I'm gonna be quite frank with you, I'm lost, so I'm hoping you both can tell me about this place and answer my questions. In exchange, I'll join you and help you find your insignia."
He then reached out his hand to her. "Deal?"
The girl looked at him with uncertainty, mentally weighing her options about accepting his assistance. After a brief pause, she took his hand and shook it. "Deal."
"Great!" Subaru said as he bent down to grab his groceries. "But before we get started, can you tell me about your friend?"
"Oh, you mean Puck?" She picked up the spirit and began to stroke his head, and he clearly relished the attention. "This is Puck, my contracted Great Spirit. He's been by my side and helping me for as long as I can remember." There was a noticeable warmth in her voice as she spoke.
Subaru shelved the "Great Spirit" bit aside for later.. "Before we begin, could I get your name? Mine's Subaru, what's yours?"
The girl tensed, her hand pausing as she seemed anxious about the question. After a moment of thought, she replied, "M-my name… is Satella." She looked down as she spoke. "Just Satella, no last name."
The spirit frowned at her. "You have terrible taste," it remarked before flying into her hair, vanishing from sight.
Subaru observed her closely, his expression neutral . He might act like an idiot at times, but he was far from naive. He could tell that she was lying to him.
'She seems guilty; she must have her reasons,' he thought.
"Satella, that's a lovely name for such a cute girl like you," he said with a bright smile. She whipped her head at him in surprise, as if she had anticipated a different reaction.
"Well, we should probably get going before it gets dark. Come on, let's hurry," he said, stepping out of the alleyway with Satella quickly following behind him.
"You know, you might just be the strangest person I've ever met, Subaru...
"Hey, hey, that's a bit harsh for someone you just met! Is that your first impression of me?"
After leaving the alley, Subaru and Satella walked through the city streets. He had already described the girl's appearance and suggested they head to the location where she had been robbed and start from there
As they made their way to the scene of the incident, Subaru seized the chance to ask Satella some questions to learn more about this world.
The outcome was…
"N-no! It's just that… we're in the capital of Lugunica, and you didn't know that…" she trailed off.
Subaru figured that made sense. The country he was in was called "The Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica," which is the easternmost nation of the continent.
This led him to two conclusions: since this is the easternmost part of the continent without a name, it likely means this world has only one, and the mention of the "Dragon Kingdom" suggests that dragons exist, which is pretty damn awesome.
These were basic facts that everyone should know, so it was understandable for her to be surprised by his ignorance.
Still, it stung a bit.
"Nah, it's all good. I guess anyone would find it odd if a random person they just met didn't know the name of the country they were in. I'm not offended," he said, trying to put her at ease.
"So, what other countries are around? And where are they located?"
"Well… There are three major nations and a few smaller ones. The major ones are the city-states of Kararagi to the west, the Holy Kingdom of Gusteko to the north, and the Sacred Vollachian Empire to the south," she replied.
Subaru nodded as he took in her answer. Once he found a place to settle, he'd research more about these countries, but for now, it was a solid start.
"Okay, let's talk about currency. What types of coins does this country use?" He redirected the discussion towards money, already assuming they use coins due to this being a medieval society.
"We have four kinds of coins: copper, silver, gold, and holy dragon coins," she listed, raising a finger for each type.
"And how does the exchange rate work?"
"Ten copper coins equal one silver coin, ten silver coins equal one gold coin, and twenty gold coins equal one holy dragon coin. But the rates have been changing lately, so it might be different now."
Subaru simply hummed, his mind racing. If the exchange rates were unstable, it could mean the economy was struggling, possibly even in a recession.
'I need to gather more information. If things are as bad as I suspect, I might have to leave and head to another country,' he thought.
"Wow, you really don't know much, do you? Even I, as a spirit, am aware of these things," Puck chimed in, floating just outside of Satella's hair.
"Puck has a point. Where exactly are you from, Subaru? Your clothes are unlike anything I've seen, and that strange thing on your eyes—are you a noble?" Emilia asked, turning her gaze to him.
Then there was the fact that Puck mentioned he didn't sense any guilt or ill intentions from him. Subaru may be a bit paranoid in this matter, but based on what Puck said, he is able to read people's minds, or at the very least their emotions, and he might discover if Subaru lied about coming from a remote village.
No, it was better to tell the truth while omitting some key details.
"Well, I'm from a place called Japan, which is quite far from here… and I don't think I can return even if I wanted to."
With that, the conversation fell silent as they continued walking toward their destination. An awkward tension filled the air, but it was well worth it as he managed to stave off any more questioning.
As he continued walking, he began to notice something odd: some people were casting him looks filled with hostility or disdain. Even the children appeared frightened, hiding behind their parents.
"What's with those glares? I haven't done anything…" he realized that the stares weren't directed at him but at Satella, who seemed visibly uncomfortable with the attention.
He almost blurted out a question but stopped himself, recalling how tactlessly he had spoken to Subaru earlier. Instead, he opted for a softer approach.
"Hey, I hope this doesn't come off as rude, and I understand it might be a sensitive topic, but why are these people looking at you like that?" he asked, noticing Satella stiffen as if she were a statue.
She hesitated, unsure of how to respond, but eventually spoke up. "W-well, it's because I'm a silver-haired Half-elf…" she said, looking down at the ground.
'That's it? Just prejudice? Why? I see demi-humans walking around without issue. Is it something against elves, or is it because Satella's a half-breed?' He glanced at Satella, who was nervously avoiding his gaze, likely expecting the same hostility from him.
But she would soon realize that Subaru Gojo was different from most people… even if he was still just an average guy.
"So, that means you're old, right?" Satella's head snapped up in shock.
"I mean, I'm not sure how aging works for elves, but humans get white hair as they age—"
"W-wait a second—"
"So I guess it's similar for elves, but they get silver hair instead, so—"
"N-no, it's not—"
"Since your hair is all silver, that means you're old. So…" he snapped his fingers and looked at her expectantly.
"How old are you? A century? Two centuries? Should I call you grandma? Or maybe great-grandma or great-great-grandma—"
"No! I'm not that old! And I don't have kids!" she half-shrieked, her face turning bright red as she pouted at him.
Subaru raised his hands in a playful gesture of surrender. "Okay, okay, I'm just teasing you," he said with a grin, but his expression quickly shifted to something more serious.
"I don't see anything wrong with being a 'Silver-haired half-elf,' and honestly, I couldn't care less," he stated, causing Satella to look at him in surprise.
"R-really? You mean that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Of course! We might look different on the outside, but inside, we're all the same; pink, wet, and disgusting. So, judging people based on their heritage and blood seems pretty stupid to me."
Satella glanced at him, then down at her feet, her expression shifting from conflicted to relieved, and a small smile appeared on her face.
"Thank you, dunderhead."
"The fuck is a dunderhead?"
After being scolded by Puck for swearing in front of Satella, Which culminated into Subaru apologizing profusely. The trio then made their way to the marketplace, where Satella's insignia had been stolen. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a child crying.
They spotted a small girl with green hair and green eyes, dressed in a pink dress. She was looking around anxiously, seemingly searching for someone, but her tears indicated she was lost.
"Hey Subaru, does that girl look lost to you?" Emilia asked, noticing the crying child.
Subaru had seen her earlier while they were walking but had held back from saying anything since they were already heading in her direction.
"Yeah, she's crying too," he replied.
"Then we should help her," Emilia insisted.
"Why? We're supposed to be looking for the insignia. We can't afford to get sidetracked when the thief could sell it at any moment."
"I understand that, but look at her! She's crying! I can't just leave her like this. Plus, who knows? Maybe helping her will come back to us in a good way," she said, her eyes filled with determination.
Subaru met Emilia's gaze, realizing she wouldn't take no for an answer. "Alright then, you're in charge."
In his mind, Subaru was silently cheering her on. If she was in such a rush yet still took the time to "save" him in the alley, it was clear she would want to assist the child too.
This only reinforced his belief that she was a genuinely kind person who didn't deserve the harsh treatment she often received.
Satella approached the little girl and knelt down in front of her. "Hey there, I'm sorry if I'm not who you're looking for. Are you lost?"
Upon seeing Satella, the girl began to cry even harder, shrinking back in fear. "Wait! Please don't cry! I promise I won't hurt you!" Satella exclaimed, waving her arms in a panic, trying to soothe the child.
"Hey kid," Subaru said as he walked over to Satella and knelt beside her, trying to catch the girl's attention.
"Look here, I have a hundred yen coin," he said, spinning it skillfully in his fingers. "Now, if I do this…" He flicked it up with his thumb, sending it soaring. "This will complete the spell…" The coin hovered just above his open palm. "And make it float. Pretty impressive, right?"
The girl watched in awe, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and even Satella seemed surprised by the display.
"Wow, that's amazing! How did you do that? Can you teach me? Please, please, please!"
"Sorry, kiddo, but a magician never reveals his secrets. Now, you seem a bit lost. How about I help you and this lady find your parents?"
"Aww, okay," she said, pouting slightly but taking Subaru's hand as they began to walk.
"Wow, Subaru, I didn't know you were great with kids," Emilia remarked as they strolled along.
"What can I say? I guess I'm just a magnet that attracts kids," he replied with a grin.
"A "Mag-neet"? What does that mean?" she asked, but Subaru didn't catch her question as he suddenly had a thought.
"Hey, kid, is your dad a grumpy green-haired guy who sells appas?" he inquired, and the girl's face lit up.
"Yes, that's him! Do you know him?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.
"Kinda. I know where he is, just follow along."
At first, it might seem like a lucky guess, but it was more than that. Subaru had used his Six Eyes to analyze the girl, and while her Od was unique, there was a tiny part of it that felt familiar, as if he had sensed it before.
He pondered deeply and noticed that a small aspect of her Od reminded him of the appa vendor. He suspected there might be a connection, and his theory was validated when she confirmed their relationship.
Yet again, this showcased why he was so strong, while also being just an average guy. Definitely an average guy.
They walked for a little while until Subaru spotted the familiar stall, and the girl did too.
"Daddy!" she exclaimed, breaking free from Subaru's hand and racing toward her father, who turned at the sound of her voice.
"Plum! There you are!" He scooped the girl up and twirled her around a bit. "How's my little princess doing? You're not hurt, are you?" His voice was filled with concern.
"No, Daddy. This nice mister and lady helped me," she said, pointing at Satella and Subaru. The vendor's eyes widened when he noticed Subaru waving at him.
"Hey there."
"Wait, it was you, broke kid?"
"I'm not broke! And stop calling me a kid; I'm twenty!"
"Right, it sure as hell doesn't look like it." He gently set the girl down and turned to the pair.
"Well, whether you're a broke kid or not, you found my daughter. You deserve some kind of reward."
Satella quickly shook her head. "No, sir, we don't need a reward—"
But Subaru interrupted her. "A reward? Absolutely, we'll take it!" He pointed at Satella before she could object. "This girl lost her insignia to a thief. She had blonde hair and red eyes, and her clothes were a mess. Do you know anything about her?"
The vendor's eyes brightened with recognition. "Her?! It's about time someone did something about her," he scoffed.
"So, do you have any information?" Subaru asked.
"Yeah, her name is Felt. She's pretty infamous for shoplifting here. We reported her to the guards, but so far those lazy bastards haven't done anything yet. I've heard she operates somewhere in the slums."
"The slums, huh? With her outfit, that makes sense." He turned to Satella to tell her it was time to leave but noticed the smug expression on her face.
"See? I told you this would pay off later," she said, acting as if she hadn't been the one to refuse his reward.
"…Whatever you say. We should get going before the sun sets," he replied.
"Wait!" The girl called out as she approached Satella. "Um, please take this, miss, and thank you for helping me." She offered a flower, which Satella accepted with a smile and a nod.
"You're welcome."
With that, Subaru and Satella made their way toward the slums, the sky beginning to glow orange behind them.