Edna's and Hallie Torre's Souls



The papers landed on the table with an heavy hit and Hallie shook, almost flying away from her chair. But she was used to this, Edna wasn't!

"Are you crazy, Hallie?" Her father asked as he placed both his hands on the table, his veins showing hard.

"Now, tell me. Acting is your life and what? You are rejecting to act a three billion dollar movie? This is absurd and very unacceptable." He shot angrily, his voice reverberating throughout the large study that was filled with books. Books on acting, books on modelling, fashion, entertainment.

Torre's Group was divided into town parts. Real Estate Management and Fashion and Entertainment Institute.

Gray was to take over the Real Estate while Hallie, Fashion and Entertainment, something it seemed she never had a problem doing. But today, as Edna lay in the dark abyss, allowing Hallie's soul take control, it seemed Hallie didn't even like acting, but she had been trained to be good at it.

"Dad, I'm not stable enough yet. When I am stable....."

"All you killed was just a girl. It's been four days now and no one came to claim her body. It's very simple. You killed an insignificant girl, Hallie. Why can't you get over it as soon as possible?!" Tom shot.

"Dad!!!" Hallie screamed back in reply as tears brimmed her eyes. "I'm everything but not a killer. I can't....I can't get over it." She shook her head, tears falling rapidly.

"Look at me, Hallie." Tom took long strides towards her and held her shoulders tightly, for her to look at him right in the eyes.

"You are my child. You are Hallie Torre. It takes more than just murder to bring you down to a fall. You can rise again. This is not your end!"

Hallie sniffed, her breath shaking as she nodded her head franctically to her father's words. They were far away from soothing but they were very compelling.

"You would go to the destined setting by the day after tomorrow. And you'll also resume school on Monday." He said. Hallie's lips curled towards in a failed attempt to cry or argue.

"Okay dad." With that, she left the study and almost immediately, Gray grabbed her hand and took her to his room.

"Are you okay?" He asked, pushing her to sit on the bed.

"Dad is not listening to me. My mind is twisted. Gray, I can hear Edna's voice in my head, all the time and sometimes I feel she's sharing my body with me." She said, staring at Gray with teary eyes.

"Edna's not in you. She's probably up there, with God. You just have to stop being miserable." He said. Hallie sniffed, her head bobbing up and down in response.

"Okay." She muttered.

"Do you want ice cream? You need to calm your nerves." Gray asked even though he knew that Hallie most of the times doesn't take ice cream because of sugar.

"God, I love ice cream." Her eyes lit up as she clasped her hands together and Gray pursed his lips.

"You love ice cream? No, Hallie. You only take it sometimes. To keep fit." He said and Hallie blinked, biting her lips.

"Anyway, I'm going to have it. An extra large bowl please."


"Aarghghh." Hallie closed her eyes as she finally emptied the bowl of ice cream and dropped it on the small handle close to her.

She and Gray were in the small cinema of the house, the place was dark while they watched movies and Hallie had just emptied a bowl of ice cream and was eating popcorn now.

Gray ran his eyes over her. She was behaving very weird. Hallie normally eats like a bird and not so much like this.

"Are you sure you are fine, Hallie?" He asked again and she nodded, not taking her eyes away from the movie.

"I'm okay." She said.


"Hallie." Gray walked towards her door where she stood, looking at the painting of the room.

"Why did you paint my room half dark?" She asked as she turned to Gray.

"That was what you said you wanted." Gray said, confused.

"No! Why would I want black and pink in my room? Change it back to full pink. Now!!" She held her school bag tightly and walked past him immediately.

Gray looked shocked as he stared at her and back at the room. "She said she wanted it this way." He muttered and picked his phone, calling the painter. But when he got to the car park, it was a different whole scenario.

"Why am I having a pink car?" Hallie shouted as she rested on the car, looking frustrated. Was Hallie living in a barbie house? Why was she too pinkish? Edna cringed at the thought of riding pink to school. Maybe she should just walk, she doesn't even know how to ride a car in the first place.

"Where are you going?" Gray asked, stepping into her front.

"Where else? School." Edna replied sarcastically.

"Why aren't you using your car?" He asked, giving a small nod towards her car.

"Because it's pink." Edna scrunched her face tightly.

"But you love pink. You bought the car yourself." Gray said.

"Well, now I don't want pink anymore. I want grey, harsh, blue, black, brown. Anything not screamy." She said.

"But you just asked me to change your room back to pink." Gray reminded her.

-Oh shit! Hallie! Use your head. I hate pink, why do you love it so much?!

-As long as you live in my body, Edna. You use what I use.

Wait? Did Hallie just reply to her thoughts? Edna turned to look back but it was only she and Gray here.

-You can hear me? She asked.

-Of course, I can. Two souls in one body. Not that hard.

-Aren't you scared?

- I am. I don't know why you are in my body. Hallie admitted. -But if you think you can change the color of all my things, then you lie.

Sure, this was how Hallie would behave.

-I'm getting a black car with your card.

-Doesn't matter. Anyday I take over, I drive pink!


"Hallie!" Gray snapped her how of her conversation with her enemy. Funny, both the victim and the enemy living in one body. But now she wasn't a victim anymore, she was a villain.

"Ride in my car with me. When you get back, we'll go get a dark car." Gray said and got into the car, same with Hallie.

"Thank you." She said meekly. "And can you please not call the painter to change the room. I like it that way."

-Change it!!!!! Hallie screamed.

- No, leave it black and pink. Edna shot.

When they got to school, Edna got down from the car and started walking towards the classroom.

"Huh, she and Logan are not walking hands in hands today?"

"I'm pretty sure they fought!"

"Maybe something big happened?"

Rumours flew around her ears and she gave Logan a glance. Their eyes met, before she finally looked away from him and walked up the stairs.

Logan scoffed as he walked up too, opposite her and they got to class together, she entering first.

"What's going on here?" She asked when she saw there were only six chairs and desks left.

"The president asked only the six of us who knows about this to stay in a classroom. Your brother would be here soon." Kozette said.

Logan rolled his eyes and passed Hallie, walking into the classroom. He immediately went to his seat and sat down, placing an head phone on his head and played a very familiar recording.

Hallie scoffed as she looked at the six seats. Wow, they are really serious about keeping my death as secret. I should never have trusted the president of the country with my life. She rolled her eyes as she took a seat at the back which was a little bit unusual because Hallie either sat beside Logan or at his front which was the first seat, but now, she was two chairs away from him.

"Don't tell me you guys fought cos of Edna?" Marlo asked and Logan stared at him, a cold icy glare.

"Hallie?" Kozette called and Hallie turned, "We are not fighting." She said plainly.

Add Spice, Edna!

She didn't want to relate with these accomplices of a murder case, but they were all Hallie's friends. And to get secrets that would keep them in jail forever, she needed to be close with them, so she smiled.

"Logan and I are just taking time apart to think. Right, darling?" She threw Logan a glance and he frowned. Well, she would too. Everyone knew Hallie didn't like Logan except for who he was, the president's son and a billionaire heir to an high scale group. He was richer than them all.

"Fvck off, Hallie." Logan didn't try to hide his distaste. Kozette chuckled a bit but she stopped when Hallie glared at her.

Gary silently walked into the class and took a seat near Hallie.

"I'm here." He smiled at her and she pursed her lips, nodding her head slowly. No one knew Gary could treat his sister like this and treat her, Edna, like trash.

Her eyes flickered when she saw Jerald Saint, standing at the door. That was her best friend. Edna's best friend.

"Bestie!!!!" Hallie flew towards him and hug him tightly. But.....Hallie and Jerald don't click.