"Tina? I heard a sonorous voice call from behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Daisy. Daisy! I was perplexed, I walked up to where she was and gave her a tight hug, "I...I thought you were in there, and I saw the fire...."
"I am fine Tina", Daisy said patting me on the back, I felt relieved to know that she was okay. I disengaged from the hug and gazed at her face protrudly studying her countenance, not a inch of worriness was written on it. "Daisy your house is on fire aren't you worried? I asked but she smiled and giggled. "I don't live here anymore, I have moved from that apartment a long time ago." She said then suddenly the countenance of her faced changed.
"What are you doing here? She asked aching her brows. Suddenly I felt emotional, as tears began to whealm up in my eyes, I opened my mouth to say something but couldn't utter a word. "You where right Daisy, Drayton was cheating on me." I said as the tears rolled down my cheek.
"Oh my goodness I am so sorry you had to find out this way Tina." Daisy said taking my hands in hers and she pulled me into a warm embrace. "I am so sorry for pushing you away, I let my insecurities get the best of me and now...." I couldn't finish my sentence as I sniffed uncontrollably.
We both walked to where my car was parked hands in hand and got in. I felt that I didn't deserve Daisy's forgiveness, I was so mean to her. "Tina I am glad you finally discovered the truth, I always knew you would, just that it would take you some time to accept it." She started off when we got into the car. I felt stupid for not trusting her back then. I am so sorry Daisy can you find it in your heart to forgive me? I said gazing at her eyes hopefully, but she chuckled.
" I can never be angry with you for that long , I have forgiven you a long time ago Tina." Immediately she said that a feeling of relieve washed over me. "You have put on a lot of weight Tina"...I didn't let her finish before interceding.
"I am pregnant." I said I'm haste and Daisy paused. Then suddenly her lips broke into a bright smile, I could see happiness written all over her face. "Really, oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me? She said screaming excitedly. I could see she was very happy about my unborn child, Daisy was my only emotional support when I had still haven't had a child five years into my marriage with Drayton.
I was pressured a lot from Drayton's family and felt like commiting suicide, but Daisy's support always had me back on my feet. I owned her alot for her kindness, she was such a jewel, a rare friend to find. Does Drayton know about this? She asked but then the smile on my lip disappeared, I shoke my head from side to side signifying my response was a no.
"Drayton is asking for a divorce." My lips trembled at the word divorce. "What! Daisy shrilled in astonishment. "That pervert had the impetus to ask you for a divorce, after all what you have done for him? Her voice was laced with anger, as her lean fingers balled into a fist. I caught him cheating with his secretary at his office." I said as my gaze suddenly became distant, slowly the scene played in my head and it caused me unbearable pain. I told Daisy all that transpired at the office, and by the time I raised my gaze to glance at her I could see tears in her eyes.
"I am so sorry Tina, I can't believe Drayton would do that to you." She said sincerely. I wiped my tears with my hand, taking out my car keys from my purse I ignited the engine and the car came to live. "Forget about me, let's talked about you, so where have you been all this while? I asked changing the topic and I saw her face lit up.
She raised up her right hand and shoved her lean fingers at my face, at first I couldn't get the message but when I saw the diamond ring on one of her fingers, I was so stunned that I lost my grip on the steering wheels almost running into a nearby car. But I was quick to hit the brakes and the car came into an abrupt halt as we jerked on our sit.
"Tina are you trying to get us killed? Daisy face was white, as if all the blood in her face had drained off. "Daisy you are married! I asked excitedly and she nodded affirmatively. "Oh my goodness, congratulations." I said hugging her and she was all smiles. "I was going to invite you for my wedding, but I thought you wouldn't want to see my face after what I had told you about Drayton." She said as her countenance changed, it now read guilt.
"It's not your fault Daisy, I am to blame here." I said as the thought of it caused a whirlwind in my head. "So what were you doing back at the street where your old apartment was located? I asked swerving my steering wheels in an adroit manner, my gaze firmly fixed on the road. "I came to see a friend living on the next block, i didn't meet her at home, but I was glad I came after all because I finally got to see my best friend after a while." Her words warmed my heart.
"Best friend? I said as the word tingled on my tongue. "I don't deserve to be called your best friend Daisy", I said sighing heavily. "Don't say that Tina, we will always be best friends, no matter what happens." This time her words filled me with so much warmeth.
"You should tell Drayton about your unborn child, he deserves to know he is the father after all." She said shifting the topic back to me. "Do you think he would care? He literally told me to my face I was not good enough for him." I was skeptical about telling Drayton about my unborn child, what's the use, he would just sidestep it and still go on with the divorce.
"It just a piece of advice, I will support what ever you decide." She said and I plastered a faint smile on my lips. "I get off here." She said glancing through the window and I pulled down at the side of the road. She opened the door of the car to get down but then closed it and gave me a tight hug. "Be strong for the baby bestie, when ever you need me I am just a phone call away." She said and disengaged the hug, I smiled and waved her good bye.
She finally got down from the car and waved me goodbye. For a moment everything felt in place but immediately I remembered my next destination was home, my mood became sour again, I got back on the road and made my way back to the mansion. Immediately I got into the arena of the mansion I parked my car at the garage and made my way inside.
I nudged the glass door to the mansion open and the scene I saw left me aghast. I blinked my eyes rapidly and shut the door instinctively. I staggered backwards and glanced at my surroundings, I was definitely at home, I wasn't in the wrong adress. I nudged the door open, and just across the living room on a expensive red couch was a woman with her legs crossed sexily, she was in a black night gown and her hair cascaded on her face.
I stepped into the mansion and made my way to where she was. Who are you? I fumed with anger, how dare she come to my home and behave like the mistress. She shifted her gaze from the red wine she was drinking to me and smiled. "I am Drayton's wife, who are you? Her words left me flabbergasted.
"Drayton's wife? What are you talking about, I am his wife." I said and my gaze unwittingly shifted to the spiral staircase and I saw Drayton climbing down the stairs in a white robe. Immediately his gaze landed on me I saw contempt in his eyes. "What are you doing here? He questioned as he walked up to me.
"What do you mean by that, this is my home I can come here whenever I please." Immediately I said that a heavily slap landed across my cheek and I staggered frenetically and fell on my butt. "Didn't I make it clear to you that I was done with this marriage, I gave you the divorce Papers didn't sign them? He raved with untamed exasperation, I felt hot tears trickled down my face, as my gaze inadvertently landed on the lady sitted on the red couch. "Who is she? I dared to ask.
"She is my wife."