Prologue- Ghost from the Past

Alex's POV

23rd February, 2041

Maple Café

"So, where should we start from, Alex?"

He spoke with confidence and an air of authority. I could tell he was a bit annoyed that I came alone, but my husband had some emergency to deal with at the company, so I decided to come without him. 

"We can start from wherever you see fit."

He stared at me, with a crease between his eyebrows. I was startled at first when I saw him. He'd grown up so much; when I last saw him, he was still a child with grubby fingers. Every time I would see him, he asked for chocolate with puppy eyes and a pouting face. 

"What's so funny?"

I was smiling to myself without realizing. I cleared my throat, "It's good to see you again, Mikhail. You've become so tall." I can see that he isn't that thrilled to hear my motherly observations, but I can't help it. 

"Oh, you noticed? Do you think I'm as tall as Aaron?"

I chuckled. He always saw Aaron as his rival.

"I think you're taller than him, he's a little hunched now that he has aged. But don't tell him I told you that."

He smiled for the first time today. A good sign, I thought to myself. 

"Speaking of Aaron, do you have any idea when he is going to show up? Does he even want to meet me?" He spoke with annoyance, but I could feel the hesitant tone in his voice. He was worried we would shut him out after all these years. Only if he knew what we'd do for him. 

He called Tanya two weeks ago, out of the blue, and told her that he was back home for good and he'd already bought an apartment here despite his parents' protests. Mikhail was stubborn even as a child. Tanya breathlessly filled me in and gave me his number. He wanted to contact me but couldn't find my number anywhere. I talked to him several times on the phone before he invited me for a chat; I immediately accepted. I wanted to meet him just as much. 

"Of course, he's going to show up," I smiled, "All of them are dying to meet you, Mikhail. Sebastian called me this morning saying that he'd booked a flight as soon as he heard you were back for good."

He looked up at me, surprised. "Isn't Sebastian in Canada for a meeting?"

"I'm sure he's earned the right to bail on one meeting." 

Mikhail snorted at that. I was relieved to see that some of his boyishness hadn't faded because of his trauma. I know it is hard for him to sit here and chat with me. It's going to be harder to continue talking when I start telling him the full story. But it's hard for me too. I didn't expect Mikhail to show up after so many years demanding the truth. But it's only natural for him to want to know about his sister. 

"You look a lot like Madeline, Mikhail, especially when you're smiling."

His smile faded from his face.

I shouldn't have said that.


"That's what I'm here for."

He has so much pain in his voice. It isn't going to be any easier breaking the truth to him.

"We can take this slow, there's no rush."

"No, you can lay it out on me, I can take it. I've spent so many years in the dark already."

"There's no need to push yourself, Mikhail"

His eyes narrowed at me, "That's none of your concern. Just tell me the truth. Did Madeline kill herself?" 

Here it was, the moment I was dreading. "No, she didn't." I almost choke on the words.

Mikhail was shocked, angry and confused. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes to prevent crying, "That doesn't make sense; I saw the article on the news. I heard the policemen talking. Mom and Dad…"

"They lied to us, Mikhail."

He looked at me with so much hurt and betrayal that I couldn't help but feel guilty. I wish I could hug him, but that would freak him out more. He needed to be eased into the truth and I wasn't the right person for this. 

"How can I be so sure that you're not lying to me too?" His face contorted into a menacing expression, "After all, you're the one to blame for it." 


This is what I was afraid of.

I should be defending myself. I can't. Even after all these years, I secretly blame myself too. If Mikhail can be at peace knowing that I was the reason he never knew his sister, I can live with that. I just don't want him to be in pain anymore. But he's here for the truth. He deserves to know it. I'm not sure if he would believe me, but the least I can do is offer him the explanation that no one gave him. 

But how do I do it?

"What's the matter? Say something!"

He bangs his fists on the table, I flinch and look around us. There are a few curious eyes looking over at our table but not many. I'm glad I chose a local café; I knew that things could get heated.

"Mikhail, you need to calm down."

"No! You need to tell me everything, now!" His stubborn eyes focused on me. 

The words are stuck at the back of my throat and they won't come out. Jesus, Alex, this isn't the time for you to get anxiety and freeze up. Mikhail is getting more suspicious by the second and I can't just let him think of me as the murderer of his sister. Madeline was my friend. 

"I just…"

"Well, judging from your expression, I think the cat's out of the bag."

A voice spoke from behind me and Mikhail's focus shifted from me to him. I didn't even need to look; I knew that Aaron was standing behind me. 

He had showed up just in time; like he always did.

"Aaron, hi…"

Aaron smirked. He always put Mikhail in an awed expression; actually, he turned heads everywhere he went, unlike me.

"It's nice to see you, kid. How about we get out of here first?"

Mikhail nodded.

Wow, only if he were this obedient with me.

"Car's outside, the driver will take you to the house. You can meet Annabeth and Aiden."

"Won't you guys be coming with me?"

"We have some work to finish here."

Oh, he's going to lecture me. Great. 

Mikhail nodded again and left. I sat there, a little annoyed. This was the same angsty teenager who screamed at me moments ago. But when Aaron showed up, he started wagging his tail like a golden retriever. Never mind that I was the first one to show up and keep him company while Aaron abandoned him.

There's clearly no justice in this world.

"Seems like someone's hurt."

I looked up, and of course he was grinning from ear to ear. My husband enjoys teasing the hell out of me any chance he gets, even after 10 years of marriage.

"Aren't you too old to be mocking me like this?"

"Hey! The heart beating in my chest is still young, you know?"

"Aging doesn't work like that."

"I have no clue what aging works like, I'm not the doctor here."

"Thank goodness you chose a different career path."

"Hey, you're dodging my question."

"I'm not hurt, I'm just a little disappointed that Mikhail prefers you over me. I don't see why."

"Really? I mean, you prefer me over anyone else." He smirks, "So, I thought if anyone understood Mikhail, it would be you." 

I hate that smirk on his face and I hate it that he's right. He's always right.

That's why I love him so much.

"So, what work did we have here?"

"Oh," he said absentmindedly, "I just wanted to look at you for a minute without the kid to bother us."

It's impossible not to fall for this man.

"You have already ditched him once today. Do you think he would keep idolizing you if you ignore him that much?"

Aaron gives me an amused look I know all too well. He always had this confident look on his whenever dealing with people. And why wouldn't he be confident? Some people were born with a certain charm and Aaron was the most charming of them all. People always seem to gravitate towards him naturally. He has a welcoming aura that blinded me when I was just a girl. And to this day, he never fails to surprise me.

He took a bite out of the neglected bagel I had ordered earlier and inquired, "On another note, why did you freeze?"

Oh, shit.

"No, I didn't."

He gives me a look saying, don't bullshit me.

I cave and say, "Yes, I did. I mean…I just got a bit nervous."

Aaron stared at me for two whole minutes which was enough to unnerve me further. I could never survive the undivided attention of those grey eyes. They resembled storm clouds and if I looked at them long enough, I'd be hypnotized and swallowed whole.

"As much as I like the kid, he can't just lash out at you like that; you don't deserve it."

I know that I don't deserve it. But Mikhail has been through more than me; I can't sit there and be selfish and put myself first.

As if reading my mind, Aaron warns me, "I want you to be selfish and put yourself first."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Can you read my mind?"

He smiled and pulled me loser, "I can, because to me, you're an open book."

"Wow, and here I am not able to guess what you want for dinner."


I scrunch my nose in annoyance, "That's what I wanted."

He brushes his lips over mine and says, "I know." 

Now, we're both smiling and my heart feels full. Moment like these make me realize that no matter what, as long as I have this man by my side, I can survive anything. Because those misty grey eyes are all the assurance I need whenever I'm about to break. 

That's what I fell in love with at first sight. Soft, dark hair like the night sky and those piercing grey eyes. 

I fall in love with them more every single day.