Aaron's POV
8th January, 2021
"Let me tell you, this party is going to be lit! Everyone is going to be there and I've heard that the Lawrence brothers have found the key to their parent's booze stash. They have confirmed that there's going to be more than enough for the whole school to get black out drunk."
Kieran is still yapping about this stupid party. I thought he would tire himself out after an hour. It has been three, and he's still going strong.
I look around the room and see Sebastian scrolling through his phone, definitely not social media. Sebastian's too introverted to engage in social media like the rest of our peers. Instead, he has a habit of turning any electronic device into a Kindle. If it has a screen, it can be used to read the PDF of a book.
"Aaron, we have to go, buddy! This is my last chance to get laid." Kieran pleaded.
Oh, so that's what it was about.
Covid happened only one year ago; and I figured that the mood after a world pandemic would be somber and chilly. Instead, people have been partying and celebrating like the world is ending tomorrow. There was the main party, then several after parties and even more after-after parties nowadays. I guess staying indoors for a whole year has circuit fried everyone's brain and they think this is their last chance at fun.
Teenagers have been doing the most partying.
"Wait, who are the Lawrence brothers?" Sebastian looked up and asked finally.
"They're the guys with the weird jokes!" Kieran said as if it was all the explanation we needed.
Sebastian and I exchanged a look. It was clear that Kieran had no idea who these guys were, but he didn't care. He just wanted to go to the party.
"Kieran, we can't go to someone's house we barely know." Sebastian deadpanned.
"We're not going to their house. The party is in their backyard and the booze cellar is in their basement." Kieran explained.
Sebastian shook his head. It was very difficult to reason with Kieran when he was pumped to the brim with enthusiasm.
"Still, we shouldn't go," I tried to coax him. "What if these guys are weird and the party is lame?"
Another reason for not going to this party would be that Kieran had horrible drunken habits. He would forget his own name after a few shots of tequila and try to flirt with several girls at once, resulting in getting slapped multiple times. I don't want to see him projectile vomit out of the car ever again either.
"As you said, this place would be crowded. What if the police show up like they did on Ann's birthday bash?" Sebastian pondered.
That was a good point. The kids around our neighborhood are all rich as sin and when they throw any party, chaos ensues. The police have shown up in quiet a few different parties in the last few weeks. If the Lawrence brothers intend to throw a party big enough for the entire school, the police are bound to show up.
There are a few months left till graduation, and even Kieran with his wild side wouldn't risk getting a police encounter. As for me, avoiding any situation where my father or mother would have to be informed would be the best.
"So, we're not going then?" I concluded.
"No," Kieran said, "We're going."
"Come on, Kieran. There would be other parties." Sebastian argued.
"Of course, but your girlfriend won't be going to those." Kieran smirked.
This hit a nerve with Sebastian, "Tanya's going?"
"Hell yeah! She's taking her nerdy friend with her too!"
Her nerdy friend. He's talking about Alex.
Alex is going to a party?
"That doesn't mean we have to go."
"Oh, come on, Sebastian! Even the nerd is going and we're just going to stay home? Aaron, back me up, buddy!"
I stopped listening the moment Alex's name popped up in the conversation.
Alexandra Russo; I only saw her name printed at the top on the board when test scores came at the end of a term; or when our principal announced the winner of the annual Art and Design Contest. I saw her in the hallways at school, going to class.
But I didn't actually see her until two weeks ago at the café.
She looked right at me and spewed out insults to my face.
Blazing brown eyes and black hair; but not completely black, it changes color and becomes the same shade of brown as her eyes the moment sunlight hits it. Her eyes are so clear that they can see through your soul. And her lips…
Kieran has been screaming my name for some time.
"Have you gone deaf, brother?"
Alex is going to be at this party.
"Sebastian is pissing me off!"
I need to be at this party.
"Is it a crime to want to have fun at a party with my two best friends?"
I don't give a shit about this party. I need to see her.
"I think we should go." I say, much to Sebastian's dismay.
"I thought we weren't going to encourage his whims."
"We aren't. But we should go to this one. I have a feeling." I smiled, which did not go unnoticed by Sebastian.
"It is on, motherfuckers!!!" Kieran jumps off the couch and holds Sebastian in a chokehold playfully.
I can't wait to see the expression on Alex's face when I show up in front of her.
Alex's POV
"This dress is too tight; it doesn't fit me." I say, shifting from one foot to the other.
"It's not tight, Lexi, it's your boobs that can't be restrained." Tanya chuckles.
I blush down to my neck, "Language, Tanny!"
"Sorry!" Tanya chirps back playfully.
I'm standing in front of a mirror inside the changing room at the mall. From the moment I decided to go to Lawrence's party, Tanya went mad wanting to know about my outfit. After a thorough search of my closet and being utterly disappointed, she insisted that I should burn all my clothes and replace them with new ones. I defended my sense of fashion and we both agreed to buy one outfit for the party.
I wanted to wear a frilly satin magenta colored dress for the party but Tanya gagged at the look of the dress (which was hurtful and rude) and said that I should rip it apart (more hurtful). Tanya stated that I can't wear frills anymore because I was not in sixth grade.
That way of thinking is ridiculous; because they added frills to a dress a 17-year-old girl would wear, so there was no law prohibiting me from wearing it. But Tanya was relentless in her persuasion.
"You're going to love this party, Lexi. People won't be able to take their eyes off of you." Tanya says, proudly.
As I'm looking at my reflection in the mirror, I think she's right. People won't be able to take their eyes off of me; not because I would be blindingly beautiful, but because I would be almost naked.
I say naked, but to anyone that would be an overstatement. I mean, modern fashion hardly resonates with me and I feel naked if my skin is showing anywhere, it's not meant to be showing. I'm not a prude and I don't lack the confidence to wear revealing clothes. I just don't get why people would wear any patches of cloth when they want to be on full display; why not just saunter around naked? Even I could do that.
Tanya chose a lacy black dress for me which shows the skin on my arms, legs and my back.
Yes, I would rather be naked than wear this tissue paper-like dress.
"Tanny, I like the dress."
"Really?" Tanya says expectantly.
"Yes, it's very sexy."
"See? I told you it's good."
"Yeah, definitely."
"Let's get it!"
"I'm not buying it, Tanny," I open the curtains and look her in the eyes, "I'm not wearing something like this at the party where the whole school will be."
Our little standoff was witnessed by a male employee nearby. And considering that I stood in front of Tanya with the curtains wide open, he could see all of me; and he blushed and muttered a hasty 'sorry' before scurrying away like a thief.
Just great.
Facing Tanya, I say with conviction in my voice, "I would rather go naked than wear this to the party."
Only, Tanya's sassy remark didn't come. She was preoccupied with a message that popped on her phone.
"Is something wrong, Tanny?"
"Sebastian is also coming to this party." Tanya said with a worried expression.
"Oh, that's good right?" I say, trying to cheer her up.
Tanya gave me a sad smile, "I'm not so sure."
I feel so stupid for worrying about my dress in a moment like this.
Tanya and Sebastian have been dating for two years and they are the IT couple of our high school. They are so adorable together; many Instagram pages upload their candid pictures with the caption 'couple goals'; but trouble creeped into paradise two weeks ago.
There was a strange rumor spreading suddenly that Ryan, the captain of the football team, had eyes for Tanya. Which was bloody ridiculous, because Ryan had no time for dating. When he had free time, he practiced on the field, if not, he studied in the library. At least that's what I knew.
I don't know where the rumor came from, but two weeks ago, there was a confrontation between Sebastian and Tanya at Maple Café and Sebastian was suspicious of Tanya's loyalty. It was clear that he was coming to this party to keep an eye on Tanya.
What was more annoying was that the prick Aaron was blatantly accusing Tanya of cheating without knowing a single thing.
Oh my god, I forgot all about Aaron.
"You say Sebastian is going to the party?"
"Yes." Tanya says, confused at my question.
"So, the rest of my friends are going too?"
"Sure…Kieran and Aaron, probably."
My worst fear had come to reality.
"Are you okay, Lexi?" Tanya's face was alarmed.
No, I was not okay. I just insulted this guy like hell two weeks ago without realizing who he was. How was I supposed to face him tomorrow?