Debby's POV
Entering the man's living room left me wowed, I mean everything is so classy and expensive.
Beside the entrance door stood the potrait of a very beautiful woman, her eyes so soft and friendly.
She has a pair of blue eyes, if one didn't take a closer look, you will think she wore contact. She have a jet black hair, a warm welcoming smile playing on her lips.
"Debby are you alright there?" The man asked me.
I nod still not taking my eyes from the potrait, I'm so engrossed in it.
"I was talking to you but you didn't reply" he said.
I turned wanting to ask about the woman in the potrait, but then I saw the woman.
Standing next to him with the same warm welcoming smile on her lips.
I gasped. I think I stared too much at the picture, now I'm imagining her. I slapped myself lightly as if to wake up from my daydream, but it didn't work, rather the woman's smile widen.
"Debby meet my wife Nora" the man said, looking at Nora with so much love.
I stood dumbly not knowing what to do, I'm awestruck. How can someone be this beautiful? I guess God was being partial when creating her.
I waved at her shyly.
"Oh dear, don't be shy" she said and took my hand into her soft delicate hands, "come, let's have a seat" she added and led me to a couch.
I sat down, she and husband sat opposite me.
"Would you like something to drink?" Nora asked me.
I'm kinda thirsty, I've been going on all morning without food or water.
"Water please" I replied.
Immediately I said it, a maid came and placed the water in front of me, like she was on standby, waiting for command.
I drank the water almost too quickly, fortunately I didn't choke on it.
I dropped the cup on the small table beside me and raised up my head to see, Nora and her husband looking at me carefully....monitoring my actions.
Which makes me wonder why they're watching I look weird? I shrugged that thought from my mind.
I cleared my throat quietly.
"Sir, what is it that you wanted us to discuss?" I asked him.
He smirked
"well first things first, call me Mr knights" he said, I nod in affirmation.
"So, I will be honest with you" he paused looking at me, I don't know why but he's looking at me. "We don't need a cook" he said.
What?? They don't need a cook, why then did they put that notice there.
Something is not right here, or do they put that notice there to lure girls in and use them for ritual?!.
Oh my God, I hope they haven't drugged my water.... was that why he was looking at me?, Wondering why I haven't died yet?,
No, I can't die like this I need to get out of here.
My breathing became rough, I begin to breath unevenly.
Nora noticed this, so she placed her hand on my shoulder, using the other hand to rub my back, trying to calm me down and get my breathing back to normal.
"What happened just now?" Nora asked, panic noticeable in her voice.
Mr knights too is looking worried, I shook my head to tell them I'm fine.
"You were having a panic attack" Nora states.
"I'm fine, why did you put that notice there if you don't need a cook?" I asked, I have to confirm with them if what I'm thinking is right.
"Well we need you to do something else for us....." He exchange looks with his wife then turn to me. "We need you to do something... something difficult" Mr knights said.
Something difficult?! Could it be robing a bank?! Wait....what am I thinking?!
"What is that?" I asked.
"Debby, after this job is done, 5million will be transferred into your account" Nora said smiling, why is she always smiling.
I smiled mentally.
5million, that's a lot of money.
I can start a business with it and even further my education and nobody will ever look down on me ever again.
I don't think any job can be too difficult for 5million.
"What do you want me to do?" I asked them.
Mr knights and Nora shared a knowing look.
Ok, now I'm confused, why will they share a look? I didn't ask any foolish question, right?.
Nora laughed nervously.
"Marry our son" she said looking at me straight in the eyes.
Say what now?!
Marry their son?
Are they out of their minds?.
How can I marry their son..... someone I don't know!
what if their son is a cripple or deaf and dumb, what if he's an imbecile.
I shuddered at that thought.
I can't sacrifice my happiness for money.
if they want their son to get married so bad they should talk to him about it..... why are they willing to pay such a huge amount just to find a wife for him.
Mr knights and Nora were both looking at me expectantly, their eyes begging me to say yes, I can see the desperation in their eyes.
"I can't" I said.
"Why?, Is the money not enough?" Nora asked, I looked at her like she's lost her mind, she's a woman, how can she ask me something like that.
"Don't worry about the money, if it's not enough, we can add more later" Mr knights said.
What is wrong with rich people..... throwing money about, thinking everything is about money.
Don't they know that there are some certain things that money can't buy?,
Money can't buy happiness, they should look for something better to use their money for.
"It's not about the money, I just can't do it. sir, if you want your son to get married, sit him down and tell him he's old enough to settle down, you can't choose a wife for your son or hire one for him" I told them.
"Debby you don't understand, our son won't listen to us, he's a workaholic and never gets time for himself, just please marry him" Mr knights said.
I shook my head in disbelief.
"I can't do it, what if he already have a girlfriend?" I asked.
"He doesn't have time for himself how can he get a girlfriend" Mr knights chuckled lightly.
"Debby please help us" Nora said, I couldn't talk, I just kept staring at them questioningly.
A lot of questions are running through my mind, I need to investigate this family, but before that I need to get out of here, but how can I leave.
"Or do you need time to think about it?" Nora asked.
Hmmm, that's a good idea, I can say I need time to think about it and leave immediately.
then I will never come back here, after all, they don't know where I live.
I nod my head quickly, that I think I heard my neck crack a bit.
"Okay we'll give you some time to think" Nora said.
Mr knights dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a small card, his business card I think, and stretch it to me.
"Call me when you make up your mind" he said. I collected the card and stood up quickly.
"I'll take my leave now" I told them.
"I'll see you off" Nora offered but I politely decline with a fake smile, I need to leave as fast as I could.
"Okay dear, Take care" she said, I nod and rushed off like my pants is on fire.
I was in a hurry to leave, that I didn't pay attention to where I was going.... I didn't see a man carrying a small briefcase and a phone in his hand Walk in.
I was in such a hurry that I walked right into him and everything he held in his hands fell on the hard floor.
"WHAT THE FUCK" the man roared.