Chapter 3

Debby's POV

"What the fuck?!" The man yelled.

His voice sounds so thunderous, that if the foundation to this house is not strong enough it will shake it.

I took a step back, head bowed, I dare not raise my head to see how angry he actually is.

I bent down to pickup the phone and briefcase that fell from his hands, although the phone is already broken.

The phone look so expensive, I'm just hoping and praying he doesn't ask me to buy him a new one..... I will just have to sell myself to replace the phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I mumbled continuously as I pick each piece of the phone that scattered around.

I stood up, head still bowed, I stretched out the stuffs to him.

"Why don't you f**king watch where you're f**king going?" He yelled again, I flinched.

Doesn't he know anything other than yelling?

"I'm sorry sir"I apologised.

"F**king raise your head when I'm talking to you" he hissed harshly.

I instantly raised my head and behold the sight that befall me is magnificent, I'm mesmerized by it.

The man before me is dressed in a black tuxedo, his dirty blonde hair styled and neatly combed backwards, his hair rests perfectly on his shoulders.

His eyes are the perfect shades of green, his lips so pink and kissable, I unconsciously lick my lips.

My eyes travel down to his chest, his muscles are budging out, like it can rip out of his suit any second, I'm 100% sure he's got strong abs in there.

His tan skin glittering, only one word can describe this creature in front of me, beautiful.

"Hey" he waved his hand in front of my eyes, to cut me off from my trail of thoughts.

He studied me from head to toe.

"Are you a new maid here?" He asked me.

I opened my mouth to reply him, but Nora rushed to the scene and begin to look at me, searching my body, maybe looking if I'm injured.

" Oh dear, are you alright?" She asked in her soft voice, but you can tell she is genuinely worried.

"Yes" I told her with a small smile.

She puffed out some air from her mouth.

"Thank God, I thought I heard a crash" she said.

While we were having this conversation, the man I ran into stood impatiently.

Then he cleared his throat at once, reminding us of his presence.

"There's nothing to thank God about, this wretched girl ran into me and broke my stuffs" he said through gritt teeth, glaring down at me as he's way taller than me.

He's 6ft3 I guess, compared to my 5ft2, I'm a shorty.

Nora just laughed and waved him off with one hand, as if what he just reported is not a big deal.

"Just shut it Andre" Nora said.

The man, whom I know just now as Andre, opened his mouth to argue, but Nora sent him a harsh glare, that shut whatever he wanted to say.

Andre scoffed sent a glare four times harsher than his mother's to me. I couldn't withstand it so I averted my gaze from him.

Nora turned to me with a smile and took the phone and briefcase from me.

"Dear you can go home now" she told me, I nod in affirmation "and think about what we discussed" she added, I nod again and quickly dashed for the door.

I can't stay in the same room as that guy, being in the same room as him, makes an unexplainable chills run down my spine.

There is this aura around him that makes me wanna pee on myself.

I left the compound as fast as I could, immediately I stepped out of the compound, my old Nokia phone rang.

I brought out the phone from my back pocket and saw it is Anna calling.

I rolled my eyes, of course she must call me.

Anna is my best friend, we've been friends since as long as I can remember, we are practically sisters.

"Hey Anna what's up" I answered the phone.

"Don't what's up me, you left without eating the food I kept aside for you" she said.

I can imagine her putting her hand on her waist and having a very angry face on right now.

"Sorry, but remember I told you, I won't eat anything until I get a job and start to contribute to the up keep of the house" I explained.

The thing is, I once had a job at a bar but I had to quit, cause the boss is an old creepy and perverted man.

So I vowed not to stress or depend on Anna to feed me, until I get another job.

"Debby!!" Anna barked, I moved the phone from my ear a bit.

"Yes" I replied.

"Did you hear a word of what I just said?" She said.

"Huh?" I asked cluelessly.

She huffed frustratingly, I can tell she is doing an eye roll right now.

"Of course you didn't hear me" she said, then paused, "I said come to FK's cafe, Lucas is meeting us there" she said.

"Why are we meeting there?" I asked confused.

"You have to tell us how your interview went" she said and end the call, that snicky girl, I know she hung up to avoid me asking her too many questions.

Anyway I kept my phone back in my pocket and begin my journey to FK'S cafe, I need to prepare myself for their questions before I reach there.



Ten minutes later, I found myself in FK'S cafe.

As soon as I stepped foot inside the cafe, little Manson ran to me and hugged my legs, that's where he can reach.

Manson is the owner of this Cafe's son, he's so adorable, he's just three years old but he's got a smile that can get girls falling.

I picked him from the ground and placed him on my left side hip. I kissed his forehead and he giggled, his cheeks turned to pure shades of pink, he's blushing.

My eyes scan the whole cafe and I saw Anna and Lucas sitting at our usual spot.

I walked towards their direction, getting there I sat on the empty chair next to Lucas.

"At long last the queen arrived" Lucas said, standing up from his chair and does a dramatic bow.

Anna and I laughed briefly and shook our heads at his silly behavior.

"Lucas Please sit down" Anna told him, she pushed him down on his chair.

"So.....?" Anna said and trail off looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to complete her sentence.

Lucas scoffed playfully.

"Anna at least, let her catch some breath" Lucas said, I sent him a thank you smile, but Lucas being Lucas had to spoil it, the next word that left his mouth made me glare at him playfully.

"So.....?". He repeated what Anna said.

I took in a big gulp of air, I guess they won't let it go until I tell them.

"Well they want me to marry their son" I blunt out tiredly, I dropped Manson down.

He's struggling to get down, the minute I put him down, he ran off to meet his mother.

"What!!" They both exclaimed simultaneously, their eyes bugging out that one push can make them fall off their eye sockets.

"Just like that?" Lucas asked crossing his arms around his chest.

"So what did you say?" Anna asked.

"I said no" I replied nonchalantly.

Lucas and Anna kept quiet, they both are looking at me, maybe they're Short of words.

"Did you see their son?" Anna finally found words in her mouth.

"No, I didn't" I replied.

Now thinking about it, I should have asked them for their son's picture, well I already said no to them.

Anna narrowed her eyes at me, she wanted to open her mouth to say something but someone else bit her to it.

The voice I hate to hear, the voice that always speaks in my nightmares, the voice that bully me all my high school life.

The voice I prayed never to hear again in this life time.

"Well well well, what do we have here?, Little Debby"

I tensed in my chair, my whole body went rigid.

It has been years since I graduated high school but I still feel the hair at the back of my neck stand at the sound of her voice.

My breathing rapid at this moment, my heartbeat is kinda fast, standing at a mile you can still hear it beating.

We are no longer in high school so why do I still fear her.

Come on Debby, you need to stand up for yourself, I encouraged myself.

I mustered enough courage and stood up to face her, I need to face my fear.

That is one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made, cause the moment I faced her, I regretted it.

Words vacate my mouth, my mind became blank instantly, my mouth hung wide open.

Standing before me is a goddess, I can never compare to her in any way or form.

Although her face is caked with make-up, her tan skin is to die for, her skin glowing and smooth.

She wore a short skinny pink coloured gown.

"What? Cat caught your tongue?" She asked in an overly sweet tone, she chuckled lightly and eyes me from head to toe.

"Olivia Thompson" I whispered, hoping she wouldn't hear it, but that witch have a very sensitive ear, she heard me loud and clear and her lips twist in a smirk.

"Debby fucking Ryan" she called me.

I rolled my eyeballs, I thought by now she'd have outgrown that childish way of calling my name.

She makes it sound like my dad is fucking me.....God! what am I thinking?! I scold myself mentally.

"Why are you dressed in rags?" She asked after she accessed my clothes.

"I thought by now you've become rich by the way you clung to your books and pen, need" she said, a sickening smile plastered her face.

I growled lowly.

"I thought by now you've gotten married by clinging to those sugar daddies" the words flew from my mouth unknowingly, it's like my mouth have a mind of its own, I wasn't able to control it until I said everything.

"How dare you!!" Olivia gasped, she raised her hand to slap me, but Lucas caught her wrist on time.

Where's all this new found confidence come from I don't know, but I'm glad it did.

She pointed her perfectly manicured finger at me, her eyes red and clouded with tears, but she pushed them back.

"You.... You're..." I smirked, guess she's lost all the words in her mouth.

This is a first, Olivia never..... I mean, never lose in an argument. Seeing her like this gives me so much joy.

"Grrrrrrrrrh" she groaned frustratingly and catwalk out of the cafe angrily.

Immediately she left, Anna playfully slap me on the back.

"Way to go girl" she said. I just chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, when did you become so fierce?" Lucas asked putting his arm on my shoulders.

"I'm hanging out with you guys, right?" I asked and they nod. "Of course I'm learning from you two, you are my great masters" I told them and they laughed, Lucas puffed out his chest like he just achieved something.

I shook my head sideways at his childishness.

"Alright guys, we're taking someone's virgin ass to somewhere new to let loose" Lucas said, giving Anna a knowing look.

"Yay!!" Anna exclaimed joyfully, throwing her hands in the air, jumping up and down.

"Anna take Debby home and dress her up, I'll pick you two by 07:00pm" Lucas said.

Anna looked at her phone and gasped, obviously dramatic, she threw her hand on my shoulder.

"It's 5:47pm already" she said and turned to Lucas " We have very little time to get ready, so we have to go now" she said and begin to drag me out of the cafe without even waiting for Lucas's response.

We board a taxi and before 10mins we're already home, cause 'someone' told the driver to recklessly or we'll be late for our appointment.

Arriving at our apartment (Anna and I are roommates) Anna pushed me into the bathroom and told me to start taking my bath, that she'll lay down clothes for me to wear.

I groaned, Anna's choice of clothing is very different from mine and her choice always makes me nervous.

They are so not me.

I wanna argue but she didn't give me any chance to, cause she shut the bathroom door.

I groaned again, gently banging my head on the wall, but I stripped anyway and begin to take my bath.

After taking my bath, washing my body thoroughly, I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in my towel.

I met Anna sitting by the dressing applying make-up on her face, her hair slightly wet.

"Anna have you taken your bath?" I asked her, using the hand dryer to dry my hair.

"Yep" she answered now she's applying a red lipstick on her lips, red suits her perfectly.

"Since when and where did you take your bath?" I asked.

"10mins ago and I went next door" she replied casually.

I stare at her in disbelief, how can she go nextdoor, our nextdoor neighbor is a dude, so why did she go there for a bath.

"Why are you giving me that look?" She asked when she turned and saw me looking at her.

"Why did you go there?, Couldn't you wait for me to come out?" I asked.

"Wait for you?" She asked resthorically. "You spent 20mins in the bathroom and you expect me to wait for you, you must be kidding me" she said and stood up from the dresser.

She rushed to her room and came back with a blue crop top..... offshoulder and a faded blue ripped jeans trousers, she shoved them in my hands.

Then she rushed to her wardrobe and came back with a pair of white sneakers.

"Now go and change into these" she said clapping her hands together in excitement.

I looked at the clothes strangely, then I looked at her..... has she gone nuts, she knows this is so not my style.

"I'm not wearing this" I told her shaking my head in denial.

She breath in and out, then looked at me from head to toe, shaking her head with a suspicious smile....her arms crossed across her chest.

"Debby Farrah Ryan, put the damn clothes on before I count down to one" she said then raised her five left fingers.

"Five....four... three...two....."

"Okay okay" I said quickly give in, letting her complete her count down means trouble for me.

Immediately I put on the clothes, Anna sat me down on the dresser and begin to do my makeup, after my makeup is done, she moved away from the mirror.

My eyes grew double in size and unconsciously a smile crept in my face.

Anna is a miracle worker, I almost couldn't recognize myself.

The girl in the mirror have a beautiful blue eyes and a beautiful face, smile so bright, so full of life. And that girl is me.

"Wow" I awed at Anna's masterpiece.

"Yeah... yeah.... I know" she said cockily.

In that moment, our doorbell rang.

I went to the door and open it, Lucas stood by the door, two flowers in his hands.

He blinked rapidly when he took in my appearance, the flowers almost dropped from his hands.

"Woah" he exclaimed in a hoarshed voice, he gulped. "You're gorgeous" he said.

"Thanks" I replied.

"These are for you, my Lady" he said in a funny British accent while offering me one of the flowers, I couldn't help but laugh.

I accept the flower with a smile and thanked him. He gave the other flower to Anna, she accepted and tossed it across the room, but not before saying thank you.

Lucas just chuckled at her silliness.

"I have two beautiful ladies as my date tonight, now let's go partying all night!!" Lucas shouted throwing his pumped fists in the air.


"Yay!!!" Anna shouted joyfully, they both grab my hand and pulled me outside.

We entered Lucas's car and he took off immediately.



Andre's POV

My head's killing me, all these paper work is really taking a toll on me.

I've been working non-stop since last month, I have a project at hand so there's no time for slacking off.

Next week I'll travel to Spain, when I return, I will conclude the project.

Being a CEO is not easy at all.

I know my company is biggest in America..... and I have braches all over the continent, but I still have to work all day and night.

Or else everything I've worked so hard to build all these years will just crumble to the ground.

To become this successful at 26 is not a child's play...though my dad is a billionaire, I set up my empire with my hard work.

And I can say I'm richer than him today.

The sound of my ring tone filled my study, I picked the call without looking at the name.

"What?!" I asked grumpily. I closed the file I was signing and kept it aside.

"What crept in your pants?" Sean (my best friend) asked in his usual carefree voice. I rolled my eyeballs.

"Sorry man, all this paperwork is just giving me a headache" I told him, he chuckled.

"When are you traveling to Spain?" He asked.

"Next week" I replied.

He kept quiet for a while.

"Yo man, why not come out tonight let's have some fun" he said.

"Fun?" I look at the heap of files at the corner of my table and grunt. "I have no time for fun, I have bunch of paperwork to sign" I told him.

"I know Andre, just come out to release some steams, cool off a bit" he insisted.

I closed my eyes, lean back on the chair and released a long sigh...I guess he's right.

"Okay" I said, "where are we going?"

"I heard a new club is now opened in Tank Lane, Michael and I will wait for you there" Sean said.

"Okay" I hung up.

I hear out and found my driver standing next to my Porsche. He bowed a little when he saw me coming his way.

"Where are we going boss?" He asked me, I just stretched out my hand, he handed the car key to me and step away from the car.

"I'm going alone" I said. I entered the car and drove off.




Debby's POV

"Are we there yet?" I asked for the hundredth time (okay I exaggerated a little), but I've been asking this question for some time now, Lucas and Anna refused to answer.

I can't see anything cause I'm wearing a blindfold.

"Relax babe, we'll be there soon" Anna said, from the way she said it, I can tell I've bore her with my questions.

I decided to keep quiet and not ask anymore questions for the rest of the journey.

Driving for what felt like hours to me, I feel the car jerk and finally came to a stop.

They quickly came to my side and guide me out of the car, when we're completely out of the car, Lucas removed my blindfold and shouted.



My eyes grew wide and purge out, they brought me to a place I've never step foot in all my 22 years of living on this earth.

A club!!

They brought me to a freaking club!!