While John was doing the program about arts, it didn't take long for someone to notice his other faculties of intelligence.

One afternoon after his first week of the Art Program, he was reading an Advanced Mathematics book 1., it was all the concepts of basic math and their foundation of learning, yet he was reading it without taking any notes when he was seen by a professor in mathematics while also checking out a book, he decided to approach the kid, the professor then asked.

"Are you a student here? Aren't you a bit young to study Advanced Mathematics 1" asked Nhoj Lenon, a professor in the mathematics department, to our John.

"Yes, I am, and also Yes, I am, I am part of the Art Program that was offered here, and I'm just studying to start my academic career early, it doesn't hurt to get started isn't it ?" John answered the professor.

"Alright want me to quiz you?" the professor asked John, still having doubts about whether or not the kid understood the topic,

"That's alright with me, but I don't do something without any exchange, is there any merit for me if I passed your little quiz?" asked John to see if he could get more from this transaction.

"For a young age, you are quite cunning, aren't you? Well if you pass my quiz, I will give you every math textbook I own, I don't need them anymore and I want them to be put to good use" the professor said.

"DEAL!, AHAHAHAHAH I WOULD ASK MY FATHER TO HELP BRING THE TEXTBOOKS SO GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS," John said confidently even though the quiz was not yet finished.

"The quiz is not yet starting, don't get ahead of yourself, I have the reputation of being the most difficult professor to pass a subject," The professor said proudly, even though it could also mean that he was just a bad instructor that the students always fail.

"Let's start, so we can finish early," John said to Lenon after the quiz started, the professor noticed that John had a very different approach to solving an equation, he just wrote the given and then answered immediately, he didn't have any solutions, after maybe about 10 minutes. John was done, which was so impressive since it was a 3-hour quiz even for the most intelligent students he ever handled. While checking the papers, he was shocked that every answer was correct, he then asked John how he solved it without writing down the formulas or the sequence, he explained that everything was being processed in his brain, and after reading the question, he could visualize the entire solving process at fast speeds, making him like a human calculator, the professor was stunned, it was the very first prodigy he ever saw, probably the greatest one that he will ever saw. 

"You are a genius do you know that?" the professor asks him.

"Of course I know, I'm still only 4 years old and yet I'm talking to you about concepts in advanced math," John said to him.

"This is my number and my office, I also have my schedule here, and my room in classes, you can always come to our room if you want to learn more, I would also introduce you to my colleagues within the physics, if you want to learn more, study all the textbooks I will give you later after we met your father." Alex Lenon said to John, clearly not wanting John to waste his talents.

"I would like that, I wanted to learn more about mathematics and physics, I want to start my own company after I graduate so that I can be rich," he said to the professor, having a childish dream that probably would transfer into the future.

"I believe you can achieve that with your talent, but talent is not enough, it must translate into ambition and skills that were necessary, this whole thing is just the foundation for your future." the professor said without regarding John as a child but a person that knows what he wants. The two continued their study session when George arrived.

"Where the hell are you, I've been looking around for you everywhere," George said with a bit of anger in his voice, clearly for running around.

"I'm just here at the library, I got bored waiting for you so I went here to read, Don't worry, Professor Alex Lenon accompanied me, and offered me to join his mathematics class, he would also give me his textbooks for free!" John said enthusiastically to his father.

"My subject is topology, and analytic number theory, so you have to be ready, these subjects are much more difficult than what I just quizzed you earlier" the professor warned him.

"Don't worry sir, I would make sure that I would be the first place in your class, even though it will not count," John said to the professor, while George stood there.

"Professor, isn't it a little early for him to study that kind of material? He's still 4 years old nearly 5 but still," George asked with a hint of worry in his tone, his son is still really young, and he doesn't want his son to burn out as fast as possible.

"Do not worry, your son is the most genius prodigy I have ever seen, maybe he will surpass eEinsteinto be the greatest intellect this world has ever seen." the professor said." now don't just stand there, your son won a lot of textbooks?" the professor said to George who followed hi.m

"John, go wait in the car, it was in the parking space designated to you by the camp, us," George said to John who in turn, started walking into the truck when he was there, it was maybe 20 minutes before he saw his father, holding 7 bags that have textbooks inside, it was really heavy that his father, a strong man, struggle to hold it when George did manage to the truck, he was wheezing for air, after maybe 2 minutes of catching up his breath, they leave the campus parking lot, John waited a little while when he decided to confront his father about his health.

"Dad, don't you want to exercise?" John asked George

"What brings this about? I'm just a little fat but I'm as healthy as a strong bull" George said to John while focusing on the road.

"I'm just worried about your heart dad, what if you suddenly have a heart attack, you are old enough to have one, please exercise, I want you to see all of my achievements and maybe if I got married, see my life, and our kids, don't you want to see that?" John said, manipulating George's feelings by using the future as leverage, it didn't seem ethical but he didn't want his dad to die, just after he got his family to become closer and he was close to his dream job.

"Yes, I do want to see that, but If I'm exercising, you should too, even if it's just jogging, we can run 1 mile every day to start," George said to John thinking he wouldn't accept.

"Deal, I hear exercise is great for brain development," John said to George, while George just started thinking about the future that his son just said, a cute granddaughter to dance with, or grandson to play with, it just added to his motivation.

After 20 minutes of driving, they arrived at their house, where they were greeted by Georgie playing and Mary cooking. George then hugs his wife and kisses Georgie on the forehead before taking a shower. Then it was time for dinner where they all talked about Georgie's day and the news of the professor about John, it was a pleasant day, but it would be a whole more pleasant with an unknown twins growing into someone's belly without them realizing it.