Display of Strength

一个长相甜美的女孩不情愿地开口道:"齐辉,我们都是同一所学校的学生.没必要这么狠.再说了,政府不会抛弃我们——他们肯定会派人来救我们.另一个脸上布满雀斑的女孩冷笑着."张晶晶,你高尚的人品是你自己关心的,但不要跟你一起拖累我们!""别担心.我不会吃你的一口饭.王刚丝毫不在意.他短暂地看了张晶晶一眼.她穿着一件白色的连衣裙,突出了每一个曲线,她的身材是魅力的化身.只看她一眼,就会激起罪恶的念头.然而,张晶晶的美丽是纯洁而精致的——以至于尽管她身材迷人,但很少有人愿意按照这些想法行事.王刚觉得她很了不起——不仅仅是一个美人,而且是一个心地善良的人.如果她愿意,他打算带着她一起度过世界末日."好吧,你自己就是这么说的.我希望你信守诺言,"齐辉对王刚说.夜幕降临,饥饿啃噬着每个人.赵勇拿出两根香肠,一瓶矿泉水,一袋面包,然后放在王刚的手中."来,拿这个.""我不饿.你应该吃,"王刚拒绝,把食物推回去."没事,就拿走吧.别对我客气.赵勇坚持道,再次将补给品压到手中.看到赵勇的诚意,王刚接受了他们,决定在赵勇需要的时候报恩."索菲亚,你能帮我把这些食物藏起来吗?""主人,你还没解锁次元存储,所以你不能把物品收起来.""什么是次元存储?我该如何解锁它?"这是一个别人看不见,摸不见的空间,但你可以在里面存放物品,如果你愿意,甚至可以把它扩展到一个巨大的帝国.但是,要获得它,您必须完成一项任务."哦?什么任务?王刚的兴趣被激起了."杀死僵尸.到目前为止,你已经杀死了 42 人.再消除 58 个,您将有机会旋转彩票.如果运气好的话,你可能会得到次元存储.听到索菲亚的解释,王刚明白了——彩票旋转不是随意授予的.他们必须通过变得更强大或杀死不死生物来获得.他把目光转向屋顶的门.一大群丧尸正以无情的力量砰地砸向铁门,急切地想要突破.王刚解开穿阳弓,拉紧绳子,朝外面的生物射出一箭.随着一声尖锐的哨声,箭划破空气,射穿了大门的窗户,击中了一个丧尸的头.那生物的头骨瞬间爆炸,深紫色的血液向四面八方飞溅.这一景象让所有人都目瞪口呆.他们忘记了饥饿,难以置信地盯着王刚.无视他们的目光,王刚一箭又一箭射进了大门.一个接一个的丧尸随着响亮的爆炸声倒下.转眼间,三十多具尸体堆在入口处.赵勇终于从震惊中醒来,惊讶地问道:"王刚,那是什么弓?没有真正的箭怎么能杀死僵尸呢?其他人也同样渴望知道,聚精会神地听着."这是传家宝.它可以将空气凝聚成虚空箭,"王刚带着一个小小的欺骗回答道,隐瞒了真相."王刚,既然你的弓这么厉害,你能护送我回家吗?"我爸爸是鲁北城的名商——他会赏你丰厚的!那个长着雀斑的女孩,就是之前嘲讽张晶晶的那个,紧紧抓住王刚的手臂,眼中充满了兴奋."对不起,我不需要钱."在世界末日中,金钱就像纸片一样毫无价值——也许甚至更不值钱.纸张至少可以用来写字,而钱太粗糙了,甚至无法擦去.Moreover, Wang Gang was merely a first-tier Berserker. He could handle five or six zombies at once, but against a large horde, even he would be overwhelmed.The freckled girl was taken aback by his rejection, her expression turning sullen."Wang Gang, this place isn't safe. Since you're so strong, why don't we break out and head for the police station? It must still be secure."Qi Hui sought a safe haven."Sorry, I'm not strong enough for that yet. If you want to go, you're on your own." Wang Gang replied while continuing to fire arrows.Before long, another twenty zombies had fallen at his feet.The heap of corpses completely blocked the entrance.At that moment, his mission was complete."Master, congratulations! You've completed your first task and earned a chance to spin the lottery!"The moment Sophia finished speaking, a familiar prize wheel materialized in Wang Gang's mind.He pressed the button, and the pointer whirled madly before finally landing on a dull gray slot.A blade materialized from the empty space.It was a Mountain Cleaver—one meter in length, weighing 1.8 kilograms.Wang Gang felt a tinge of disappointment. Another weapon. He had been hoping for Dimensional Storage."Master, don't be discouraged! If you didn't get it this time, you can always try again!"Sophia's voice carried a hint of reassurance.Wang Gang nodded and withdrew the Mountain Cleaver from the prize pool.As the massive blade suddenly appeared in his grip, Zhao Yong and the others were visibly startled."Wang Gang, where did that blade come from?" Zhao Yong eyed him up and down in amazement."Do you want it?" Wang Gang deflected the question."Of course!" Zhao Yong was elated.Though just an ordinary weapon, the blade was still a powerful means of self-defense—an invaluable tool against the undead.Wang Gang handed the cleaver to Zhao Yong. "Stay here. I'm heading out to kill a few more zombies.""I'll go with you!" Zhao Yong, emboldened by the weapon, was eager to test his mettle.He knew that sooner or later, he would have to face the horrors outside. Better to start now, under Wang Gang's guidance.Wang Gang nodded, and together they unlatched the rooftop door.The stacked corpses slid down the stairs like discarded carcasses.The two began pushing the bodies aside.Zhao Yong soon realized the stark difference in their strength—Wang Gang could casually shove four or five corpses at once, sending them tumbling down the stairwell, while Zhao Yong struggled to roll over even a single body.The others, too, were astounded by Wang Gang's sheer power.Before long, they had cleared the doorway.Wang Gang and Zhao Yong descended the stairs.Behind them, Qi Hui, fearing another zombie breach, secured the entrance with heavy chains once more.On the eighth floor, a dozen zombies aimlessly wandered the hallways like lost souls.But the moment they spotted Wang Gang and Zhao Yong, they charged forward with a bloodthirsty frenzy."I'll take care of the distant ones. You handle the close-range ones."As Wang Gang spoke, he reached for the Sunpiercer Bow once more.