The First Harvest
箭矢在空中呼啸而过,以致命的精度刺穿了他们的目标.丧尸一个接一个地倒下,头骨碎裂,直到只有一个能够蹒跚地进入王刚和赵勇的攻击距离.赵勇的手颤抖着,那生物向他冲来."放松.不要紧张.瞄准它的脖子,攻击它,"王刚鼓励他,坚定地站在他身边.坚定地点了点头,赵勇突然发出一声战吼,上前一步,召集全部力量,将剑划出一道有力的弧线.随着一声令人作呕的吱吱声,刀刃深深地埋了进去-不是刺入丧尸的脖子,而是刺入它的肩膀.武器的整个长度都沉入了腐烂的肉体中,稳稳地固定在原地.赵勇挣扎着想要挣脱,但他的力气不够.刀片不会移动.僵尸的利爪双手向前猛冲,饥渴地伸向他的脸.随着一声雷鸣般的吼叫,王刚用一记有力的踢击猛击.当他的脚碰到丧尸的头骨时,一声震耳欲聩的裂缝响起,在一阵血腥的爆炸中将其粉碎.鲜血和内脏像倾盆大雨一样溅到了赵勇身上.他愣住了,目瞪口呆地看着那具毫无生气的尸体倒在他脚下.王刚安慰地拍了拍他的肩膀."第一次总是这样.来——拿你的刀.他从僵尸伤痕累累的肩膀上扯下武器,把它还给了他."谢谢你,"赵勇喃喃自语,他的感激之情真诚而发自内心."不用感谢!我们是同学,不是吗?王刚没有忘记赵勇之前帮他的忙——打开铁门,救了他的命."来吧,我们去看看其他教室.里面可能潜伏着更多的僵尸.我们应该把他们全部消灭.王刚带路推开了最近的教室的门.果然,两只丧尸漫无目的地在里面拖着脚步.不需要赵勇的帮助,他迅速地将他们派遣了出去.王刚系统地开始搜寻整个校舍,清理了七,六,五,四层的亡灵.当他完成时,又有 112 个丧尸从他的手上倒下.新的奖励在等着他.启动彩票轮盘,他按下按钮并看着它旋转.这一次,他的奖品不是跨维度空间或新武器,而是武器升级代币."索菲亚,这个武器提升令牌有什么作用?""主人,这个令牌可以让你升级你的武器等级.""例如,你的 Sunpiercer Bow 目前是 1 级武器.一旦你使用令牌,它就会上升到 2 级."在 2 级,你的弓不仅能够毫不费力地杀死更强大的僵尸和怪物,而且它的被动能力也会激活,让你能够快速连续发射三支爆炸箭."王刚揉了揉太阳穴,惊讶地发现穿日弓有一个被动技能.这让他想起了"王者荣耀"中的英雄后羿,他的能力使他能够释放出三支箭的齐射.就在他准备使用进步令牌时,索菲亚再次开口."师父,你还只是一名一级狂战士.如果现在升级穿日弓,就没有力气抽出来了.王刚内心涌现出挫败感.他没想到会有这样的限制.他喃喃自语道,看来我需要多吃点地精来增强自己,晋级到二阶.吃大地精华的想法让他想起了什么东西——他的胃.一种啃咬的饥饿开始了.这并不奇怪,因为他花了一整夜的时间屠杀了 212 只僵尸.任何一个普通人现在都会因为疲惫而崩溃."Zhao Yong, let's head back.""Alright."Zhao Yong, equally drained, wiped the sweat from his brow and nodded wearily.Though he had only killed eighteen zombies, he was utterly spent. Rest was imperative.Just as they turned to leave, a bloodcurdling scream echoed from the stairwell, followed by frenzied howls and the chaotic thudding of countless footsteps."Wang Gang, someone just ran inside! And there's a horde of zombies right behind them!""Stay here. Don't go out. I'll check it out."Securing the classroom door, Wang Gang crept forward cautiously.Peering down the stairwell, he saw three students sprinting for their lives, panic twisting their features.Behind them, an overwhelming swarm of zombies surged forward, numbering at least a hundred.A moment later, desperate pounding and frantic cries for help erupted from above.Wang Gang realized they had reached the rooftop—but found the door locked.Ten seconds later, their cries turned to agonized screams.He clenched his fists. It was obvious now—Qi Hui had refused to open the door for them.All three had been devoured."Bastard," Wang Gang spat under his breath.If Qi Hui had opened the door in time, those students could have survived.Of course, Wang Gang could have drawn the zombies away himself, giving them a chance to escape. But facing over a hundred undead alone? That was a death sentence. Worse, it could have put Zhao Yong in danger as well.Yet if he had been the one guarding the rooftop, he would have opened the door.The zombies wouldn't have been a threat to him.Silence fell over the building, as if nothing had ever happened.Returning to the classroom, Wang Gang looked at Zhao Yong."There were three students. They didn't make it. If we want to get back to the rooftop, we'll have to clear those zombies first."The horde had now gathered there, making passage impossible unless they were dealt with."Understood. Let's go!"Zhao Yong rose to his feet, gripping his blade tightly, ready to fight alongside Wang Gang once more."Not this time."Seeing the exhaustion in his companion's eyes, Wang Gang refused to let him risk himself again.They moved cautiously up the stairwell.On the fifth floor, two zombies met their swift demise.On the sixth, Wang Gang cut down another seven or eight.The seventh floor proved more troublesome—twenty-one zombies lurked there. Wang Gang lured them out in waves, dispatching them methodically.By now, he knew that seventy more still roamed the eighth floor.Using the same strategy, he carefully drew out groups of seven or eight at a time, slaying them systematically.After ten rounds, the floor was finally clear.Another hundred zombies had perished beneath his blade, and with them came his third lottery reward.This time, the prize was exactly what he had hoped for—an Interdimensional Space.Elated, Wang Gang immediately attempted to store the Sunpiercer Bow inside.But upon inspecting it, his excitement dimmed.The space was only one cubic meter in size—a mere meter in length, width, and height."Sophia, what's going on? Weren't you saying this space could house castles or even entire kingdoms?"Staring at the minuscule pocket dimension, Wang Gang could only laugh bitterly.