I stared at the ceiling, powerless, filled with rage and hatred. Why was this happening to me? Why did that girl have to kill me just because I didn't love her? The disgust I felt toward myself made me nauseous. I wanted to scream with all my might, but I didn't. Not out of respect for those around me, but because I simply couldn't. My throat was tight. I had an idea why, but at the same time, I had no clue. Maybe because it was the first time someone had murdered me. But also because I hadn't been able to take revenge for the death I had suffered.
So, I got up with my usual expression on my face, trying to convince myself that everything was fine, that what had happened shouldn't bother me. Since I already knew what was going to happen, I just had to avoid going there. I made the same decision as yesterday: dress well and keep my hair out of my face.
I went downstairs. My sister had the same reaction as the day before. I decided to react with the same indifference. But this time, I stayed home longer to read and avoid the endless comments about me. Twenty minutes later, I left for school.
When I arrived, I was slightly late, and I realized it was the worst decision of my life. The moment I entered the classroom, everyone thought I was a new student. I could hear whispers about how handsome I looked. Feeling incredibly awkward, I quickly made my way to my seat.
That's when the class representative exclaimed:
— What are you doing? Why are you sitting in someone else's seat? And who are you? A new student is supposed to introduce themselves!
— Huh… what? I replied, surprised, though not really.
— Get out of that seat and introduce yourself!
I ignored her, but internally, I wondered why the most popular students were always the most annoying. Seeing that her insistence was getting her nowhere, she quickly gave up. At that moment, the teacher arrived. She was shocked to see me like this, but said nothing.
Then, a voice suddenly spoke up:
— Madam, that new student over there is rude and disrespectful! He took someone else's seat!
Of course, it was none other than the class representative.
— A new student? the teacher said, surprised. Who?
— Him! she said, pointing at me.
The teacher burst out laughing. After a few seconds of total confusion, she finally said:
— He's not a new student; he's just Ehito, who decided to take better care of himself, that's all. I know he looks like a new person, but come on… Poor guy!
— Huh?! she shouted, her face turning red with shame, embarrassment, and shock.
She came over to me, bowed, and apologized.
— It's nothing, I replied neutrally. It's understandable. It could happen to anyone.
She went back to her seat, and the rest of the class looked even more shocked than she was. The teacher calmed the room and made an announcement:
— Today, we will have our usual school tests, which consist of non-mixed physical activities for obvious reasons. The challenges remain the same, but the grading will be different.
Everyone was surprised, myself included. The present had already changed quite a bit… But since it was graded, I had to finish in the top five. It was an agreement with my parents: if I didn't finish in the top five, I would no longer be free to do what I wanted. And I valued my freedom.
Anyway, I had another plan in mind: finish first among the boys. I wanted to shock everyone, and I had a specific goal in mind. It wasn't just for fun. My little sister would be entering middle school next year, and I didn't want her to be criticized because of me. Finishing first wouldn't be a problem—my close family already knew my physical and intellectual abilities. My aunt, who was also the teacher, wouldn't be surprised either.
We all changed into different sports uniforms and headed to the training field, along with the other classes of the same grade. The tests began.
For the boys, the events included:
The number of push-ups in one minute The number of squats in one minute The number of sit-ups in one minute The number of pull-ups Plank and wall-sit duration Grip strength Running (speed and endurance)
My results were as follows:
200 push-ups 210 squats 50 pull-ups 300 sit-ups 40 minutes of plank 20 minutes of wall-sit 1 hour and 30 minutes of continuous running 100-meter sprint in 11 seconds
I finished first, scoring beyond the maximum possible points according to the grading scale. I had 200 points, the only boy to exceed the perfect score. Among the girls, only one person had achieved something similar: Lia, the girl I had met at the supermarket. She finished with 130 points.
Both of us were then summoned by the principal.
— Lia and Ehito, correct?
— Yes, sir, we answered in unison.
— First of all, congratulations on your results in the fitness tests.
— Thank you, sir, she replied, her face lighting up with joy.
— Do you two know each other? Are you a couple? he asked curiously.
— Huh?! I choked on my saliva.
I glanced at Lia and was surprised to see her completely red with embarrassment. She's cute, I thought. Really cute… Wait, what was I saying? Finding a girl cute? I didn't have time for that… But then again, just because I had received an ability didn't mean I wasn't allowed to love. What nonsense! If I liked someone, I had the right to like them.
I snapped out of my thoughts as the principal continued speaking.
— Ahem, let's move on. I wanted to know if you were interested in participating in the national inter-high school competition.
— Huh?! she gasped at his words.
— Yes, I'm serious. So, what do you think, Lia?
— Yes, absolutely! she answered with enthusiasm. I've always dreamed of this!
— Before getting too excited, we need two mixed-gender teammates. That's why I called you both here.
— Uh, I don't think… I started, but I was cut off.
— Please, Ehito! It's been my dream for so long!
— I'd love to, but my sister… Who's going to take care of her while I'm away?
— Me! a voice said as the door opened.
That voice…
— Auntie?!
— What did you just call me? We're in school. You should call me professor!
— Sorry, but… what? You're volunteering?
— Yes, why? You don't trust me?
— It's not that, but… you're a single woman, and kind of old to be taking care of a child, aren't you?
— Huh?! Who's old?! I'm only—
— Ahem… Pardon me, Mr. Principal, she quickly corrected herself.
— It's fine, he replied. The important thing is that we now have a solution for you to participate in the tournament.
— You're going to participate, right? Lia asked, giving me puppy-dog eyes.
— It's not that I don't want to, but…
— You're not going to refuse an invitation from such a cute girl, my aunt added.
— Fine… I sighed, smiling.
But despite my smile, bitter thoughts ran through my mind. My reading plans were ruined. Yet, strangely, even though my favorite activity would be disrupted, I felt a small warmth in my heart at the thought of spending more time with Lia.