Chapter 4: Forces Unnatural

Finnian Northguard

I've never seen a creature like this before, and I've seen a lot. Luthera is staring the creature down but I can feel her straining her magic to keep it docile, the mark on my wrist burning in response to her struggle. With a huge surge of effort, I heave the crystal shield to the side, displacing the rubble with it.

I take a moment to survey the scene, all those capable of using magic are doing their best to displace the rubble from above without injuring anyone. A slight burn from the union mark on my wrist urges me to glance at Luthera again who appears to be becoming faint, swaying on her feet once again.

"I c-c-can't keep him at bay for much longer." She whispers with considerable effort.

I draw Arno, feeling its magic jump to life.

"Let go." I tell her gently. "I'll handle it from here."

"I can hang on long enough for you to get the first strike." She counters.

Nodding, I rush forward, willing my own magic to mix with Arno's magic. When I'm close enough, I jump, magic propelling me far higher than normally possible. I slash Arno in a wide arc at the creature's throat just under its gills. The creature wails as the strike hits true, it's a deep cut that oozes out a strange black blood. What in the name of…?

The creature lunges at me, baring its teeth. Still willing Arno's magic to empower my movements, I rush pass the creature to the outside, leading it away from everyone else. I hear people call after me but I don't have time to dwell on it, I can feel the creature at my heels.

I lead it to the training ground, a wide open space far away from everyone. I turn just in time to see the creature lunge at me again, attempting to take a bite out of my back. I am able to roll out of the way but it then thrashes its neck, knocking me into the air and straight threw a few training dummies.

"Bastard." I grunt out as I jump to my feet.

For a moment we just size each other up. It seems to be tracing each and every minute movement I make. Throwing caution to the wind, I charge it again, but this time instead of closing the distance completely I gather a large amount of magic in my off hand, much larger than I would normally be safely able to gather without Arno, and slam it into the ground, summoning a large pillar of flames just underneath the monster.

It wails out in pain and stumbles backwards, it's underside singed and smoking, the cut under its gills continues to ooze out the strange black blood. It lets out another low growl as it's body suddenly starts steaming, the same steam that obscured it in the first place. I rush forward, deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to lose sight of it.

Turns out this was a very foolish idea. The monster lowers its body and the sharp spines on top of its back shoot out towards me at incredible speed.


Without any time to think I dive to the side, landing in a roll and immediately throwing up a crystal shield. But I didn't throw up the shield fast enough. Before it can fully materialize a spine makes it threw and imbeds itself into my shoulder. I groan in pain as I pull the spine out, resisting the urge to drop Arno. If I'm barely hanging in this fight with it, dropping it would be certain death.

The monster launches another volley of its spines. I grit my teeth as I put all my effort in strengthening the only barrier between me and them, but the sharp pain in my shoulder makes it difficult. Large cracks start spreading across the barrier as the monster releases volley after volley of its spines.

A familiar magic ignites behind me before I feel it add its own strength to the crystal barrier, repairing the cracks and reinforcing its strength. I can't help the relieved sigh that escapes my lips, about time someone showed up to help.

"Never took you for a damsel in distress." Gertrude's says as she comes up to my side, a dark grey, almost black magic swirling between her fingers. "Your injured."

"Monster first." I say, trying to ignore the pain in my shoulder.

"I'll distract it, you deal the finishing blow, preferably between the eyes." She instructs. I nod, seems like a sensible plan.

The markings on Arno glow as I draw even more from it, feeling it numb the pain in my shoulder. When the monster finally breaks its offence Gertrude rushes towards it with such speed that even I have trouble following her movements.

She waves her hand, raising the creature's spines out of the ground and launching them back at it. They dig into the creature's side and leg, almost making it tumble to the ground but it steadies itself, setting its murderous yellow eyes on Gertrude. She's moving very well, staying just outside of the creatures lunging range, forcing it to charge and miss, tiring it out.

Finally seeing an opening, I let Arno's magic spread, feeling it pull at every single muscle and reinforce every bone. I push off the ground with all my strength, feeling the wind rush past me as I sour over the creature which is still fully focused on Gertrude. I land on the back of its head, causing it to immediately try to rear up to throw me off but it's too late.

I raise Arno above my head before immediately driving it down, piercing through the head of the creature with almost no resistance. I hang on as the last of the monster's strength fails and it tumbles to the ground, dead. I pull the sword out of its skull before jumping off, pain shooting up my shoulder as I land, the numbing effects of Arno's magic fading as I stop drawing strength from it. The blade's markings glow once again and the black blood coating the blade evaporates into steam. I sheath the sword before making my way towards Gertrude.

She is breathing heavily, fingers twitching and legs quivering, definitely from the excessive use of her magic. I am trying to keep myself from stumbling, my legs feeling weak underneath me as the after effects to using so much magic in such a short time begin to manifest as well despite Arno's assistance.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Better off than you." She replies, gesturing to my shoulder. "We should get back; I think the others should have cleared the rubble by now."

We make our way gingerly back towards the now destroyed ballroom, exhaustion heavy in every step. By the time we make it back it seems everyone has just managed to settle the worst of the damage. Kai is with the other knights searching through the rubble for anyone unfortunate enough to be buried underneath. I scan the rest of the scene, trying to gauge how bad it is.

My eyes clash with my mothers who immediately bolts to the two of us. She pulls me into an embrace, trembling arms wrap around my neck as I feel her shaky breath against my shoulder. She pulls back, her eyes glassy before turning to pull Gertrude into a similar embrace. When she pulls back this time she rests one trembling hand on my cheek and one on Gertrude's.

"My loves." She manages to rasp out, her voice even shakier than her hands.

"We're alright, mother." Gertrude assures her, her voice softer than what I'm used to.

"A-and… the monster?" She asks. I look around and spot everyone's eyes on us, Kai, father, King Reginald, Queen Portia… Luthera. I raise my hand to come on top of mother's, still on my cheek, and give it a comforting squeeze.

"It's dead." I finally answer and everyone sags in varying degrees of relief. "Gertrude helped me kill it."

"I find that woefully unsurprising." She mutters, finally pulling back hesitantly. "I'm glad you did though." She nods at Gertrude.

I wince, another sharp pain nipping at my shoulder and mother rushes to my side, inspecting it.

"Your injured?" Her voice is full of worry. "I need to seal this."

"Dear, we need to do a full evaluation on what happened tonight." Father says tentatively. "And Finnian is going to be needed for…"

"Whatever it is it can wait until our son has been treated." She cuts in abruptly. I'm left stunned, as far as I can remember mother has never snapped at father like that, at least not in front of anyone else. "And it can wait until we have tended to all the injured and… dead here as well."

Father's eyes scan around the room seemingly for the first time. All the injured, all the unmoving bodies on the floor, stray limbs poking out of heavy rubble, it's quite the grotesque sight.

"She's right, father." Kai affirms lightly, joining the other knights.

 Mother turns back towards me, eyes calculating and clinical before drifting to Gertrude.

"Are you injured?" She asks.

"No, just drained." She replies with a gentle nod. "I just need a minute to rest."

"Please do." She nods before grabbing my wrist and tugging gently, indicating that I should follow.

I follow her without any protest. She is going slowly, probably to minimise agitation to my shoulder which I am silently thankful for. When we finally get to her private wing she goes straight to work.

She immediately closes her eyes and focuses, a leaf green mist seeping out of her fingers and settling around my shoulder, immediately drawing a relieved sigh from my throat. She works her magic for a few minutes before she is satisfied enough to begin bandaging. Neither of us say a word as she finishes up, nothing left but a dull hum in my shoulder.

"It was deep but it didn't hit anything vital." She informs me, handing me fresh black robes after discarding of the bloodied one. "My magic will speed up the healing process but you still need to rest for a day or two."

"Thank you, mother." I say, though it doesn't feel like enough. She offers me a small smile before there is a knock at the door.

"Yes." She calls out.

Kai walks in a moment later, looking tired but otherwise fine. He offers each of us a small smile before sighing.

"Father insists on this assembly as soon as possible." He says, an apologetic look on his face. "I'm sorry but we can't really start without Finn, I tried…"

"It's alright, love." Mother smiles at him reassuringly before turning back to me. "You think you can manage?"

I reach out and give her hand a comforting squeeze.

"I'm alright."

With a nod I begin following Kai through the familiar corridors.

"I'm sorry I couldn't join you and Gertrude." He says after a minute of comfortable silence.

"You were occupied, you needed to tend to everyone in the ballroom." I reassure him. "It worked out in the end. Gertrude was more than enough help… and with no ancestral sword to her name too."

I motion towards Langris, hanging at his side. His hand wanders over Langris' hilt for a moment before he chuckles.

"I'm glad you two made it out alright."

We approach the room designated for our meeting, door wide open with all occupants already in the room, standing in silence. Without a word we enter and I survey those in attendance. Father, King Tristan, Gertrude, Commander Arthur of the Palace Guard and Luthera.

"Welcome, young prince." King Tristan is the first to greet me. "You may return to your mother now Luthera, I believe now that the princes are here we can start the meeting."

I feel a tug on my wrist as the bound mark protests. I look up to Luthera whose face briefly folds into a disappointed and disturbed scowl before she schools it back to a neutral expression. It's so quick you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't paying attention, which apparently no one else was. It could have been the nature of the bound mark or it could have been something else entirely, I'm not sure what, but something compels me to speak.

"Actually I think it would be beneficial if she stays." I point out. Judging from the mixture of shocked and intrigued faces pointed my way, they are just as surprised at my suggestion as I am. Still, it's too late to go back on it now. "She was able to briefly take control of the creature when it arrived. As I understand it, her magic ties her to whichever creature she is reaching out to. If that is true she may have more insight into it than any of us."

Gertrude sends me an impressed look. King Tristan has an expression halfway between surprised and delighted. I can read just about everyone's expression except Luthera herself, ironically enough. Her expression is as neutral as ever but the pleased hum from the mark on my wrist lets me know she is happy with what I said, even if I sense a hint of suspicion coming from her as well.

"All good points, young prince." King Tristan nods approvingly. "Then I believe we have everyone we need to begin."

Father clears his throat, turning to Commander Arthur.

"What are the casualties?" He asks. The commander lets out a deep sigh before answering.

"We have 32 dead." He begins. A sobering and chilling wave runs down my spine and deep into my bones. I knew in the back of my mind there were casualties but I haven't had time to think about them until now.

"And many more injured." The commander continues. "Extensive damage to the ballroom and the training grounds…"

"Odd." Gertrude cuts in, sounding absentminded.

"Pardon me, my princess." Commander Arthur asks curiously.

"Odd that those were the only two areas that were damaged." She clarifies. "I mean, the ballroom makes sense because that is where the creature attacked and the training grounds also makes sense since that is where my brother and I fought the monster. But why would those be the only places? The ballroom is close to the centre of the entire castle; I would assume the creature would have ravaged a few other areas. But it shot straight for the ballroom, right where we were, ignoring everything else."

"Very odd indeed for a supposedly mindless beast." Kai agrees. "Much more reminiscent of a calculated attack as opposed to a random primal rampage."

A heavy silence settles in the room. All the pieces starting to form into an unsettling puzzle.

"What can you tell me about the creature?" Father's voice is low and filled with silent fury. So intense I can actually feel his magic building into something that could easily become explosive.

"I think it would be more accurate to call it an abomination." Luthera speaks, her voice is distant and slightly haunted. "When I reached out to it, it's magic felt… contaminated. Some parts of it's being felt familiar but it was like a patchwork of different essences and magics amalgamated into one. It is an aberration…."

"Was an aberration." I correct lightly, looking up to meet her eyes. "It's dead now."

"All the same." She continues. "Such an abomination could never occur naturally, this monster couldn't have been born, it must have been made… and sent to attack this place by its creators."

My eyes find Kai's as we exchange a worried look. Luthera's words mirror my own after we encountered the mutated bandits at the northern border and it seems we both noticed.

If this silence before was heavy, this silence felt crushing. Father's fury goes up a few more levels, I didn't think that was possible. Unable to take the silence any longer I decide to speak up.

"It was unlike any other creature I've ever faced before." I point out hesitantly. "Given what it could do, how effortlessly it was able to infiltrate Kamrion right to the heart of the palace… whatever magic was at work in the forming of that creature is sinister and… wrong in almost every imaginable way. We need to find out where it came from. The people who created this creature attacked us once already, what's stopping them from doing it again?"

"What indeed?" Father finally speaks up, his magic having settled into a cold fury bubbling just under the surface of his skin. "That beast came here and assaulted my kingdom, killed my people, attacked my family. I will see to it that I have the head of whoever is responsible for its creation."

"As will I, Old friend." King Tristan nods. "This whole ordeal reeks of arcane knowledge being twisted and abused, it may draw the attention of the Sentinels."

I feel the fury inside father briefly subside into crippling fear, his face goes pale as he stands up straighter.

"We must make sure it doesn't come to that." He says, voice shaking slightly. "Commander, how soon can you prepare the Royal Vanguard?"

Commander Arthur raises a curious eyebrow, sharing a concerned look with Kai before answering.

"They can all be assembled by tomorrow, they have yet to be given their orders to travel north to deal with the mutant bandits." He answers.

"Rescind their orders to travel north, this creature and those bandits most likely come from the same creator." He commands. "I want to send them and Prince Kaius to where we will most likely find the source of this aberrant magic."

"And where would that be, father?" Kai asks, his voice also laced with worry.

"Thaegon." He announces. "They are well known for their alchemy. Playing with forces better left alone, testing the limits of magic even to their own detriment. Whoever created this creature would most likely be there."

I share a concerned glance with Kai and then Luthera, even Commander Arthur looks unsure of this course of action. Thaegon is logically the most likely suspect but for some reason it doesn't feel like the place to start or the place to send the Vanguard…

"Are you sure that's wise father?" I ask. I feel all eyes on me as I meet father's scorching gaze. "Tensions are high enough between us with the other Northern Kingdoms as it is. Do you think it's wise to send our strongest military force to Thaegon and begin accusing them of crimes against natural law? It may even provoke Merridor and Vilos to act against us."

The more I talk the more infuriated father seems to get until he finally closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. When he opens them to meet mine again I am faced with nothing but a hard stare.

"Will that be all, Prince Finnian?" He asks blankly, catching me by surprise. "Or would you like to continue telling your king how to rule his kingdom. Perhaps you can tell us where the person responsible for creating this creature is hiding, apparently killing it has blessed you with divine knowledge."

I feel a torrent of sharp retorts ready to jump out of my mouth but a sharp burn on my wrist pulls me back. My eyes glance down at the glowing mark before coming back up to meet Luthera's eyes. Her eyes are earnest, pleading and somehow at the same time demanding, they are conveying one clear message, 'Speak no more.'

"My apologies, father." I somehow manage to grit through my teeth.

"Perhaps you should send an envoy ahead of the Royal Vanguard." King Tristan cuts in, clearly eager to soothe the tension. "Inform Queen Clementina that the Vanguard are being sent as an inquisition force, not a military one. It may quell any potential misunderstandings."

"I shall do that." Father relents, finally breaking our glaring contest. "Thank you, old friend. Your welcome to stay and rest before you return to Illis."

"A generous offer, old friend." He nods. "Portia and I will stay the night but we must leave at first light. Illis cannot stay without a ruler for too long. The court can handle common affairs for a little while but I fear that they will be overwhelmed."

"Of course." He nods. "Everyone is dismissed. Please stay a little while Kai, I must give you the specifics of your voyage south to Thaegon."

Ever the dutiful son, Kai nods in affirmation before giving my shoulder a friendly pat. I exit the room alongside Gertrude, bidding the Commander a farewell as he goes off to inform the Vanguard of their new orders, King Tristan and Luthera in a hushed conversation in front of us.

"I agreed with you by the way." She says suddenly. "About not sending our strongest military forces to Thaegon and risk retaliation from the other Northern Kingdoms based purely on an educated guess."

"Forgive me for not getting that impression." I reply without any real bite.

"You questioned the King's plan in front of the king of Illis, his heir, our Knight Commander and our brother, the first in line to the throne." She points out as if it were the most obvious thing one could see, which, now that she says it out loud, it might be. "Forgive me for not jumping at the opportunity to rush to your support."

"I see your point." I relent easily, the energy to argue having left me ages ago. She gives me a sympathetic smile before nudging my shoulder playfully.

"We could all use some rest; we can speak more on it tomorrow. Besides…" Her eyes glance down the hall to where Luthera and her father seem to be finishing their conversation. They embrace before he bids her farewell and makes his way down the hall. Luthera turns to face us, her eyes meeting mine with an expectant but hesitant look. "You need to show your new wife to your new shared chambers, you two being married and all that."

I supress a deep groan, I had completely forgotten about that. But given everything that has happened today, I don't think anyone can blame me. Gertrude gives a short goodbye to me before waving to Luthera who then hesitantly walks over.

"I believe we are supposed to retire to our shared quarters now." Her voice is stable with small hints of nervousness.

"I suppose we are." I reply keeping the nervousness in my own voice to a minimum. "This way then."

I silently walk through the halls with her at my side, quietly leading her down the many twists and turns.

"I will never get used to these elaborate hallways." She sighs. "They all look the same."

I let out a small chuckle.

"I won't deny it takes some getting used to." I reply as we make the final turn to my…our chambers. "Mother told me this morning that they remodelled it to accommodate your needs as well as mine. I actually haven't seen the room myself."

"Then let's take a look, shall we." She gestures forward, even though she is trying to be unbothered I can sense her uneasiness, I don't know if it's because of the mark or because I'm just getting used to being around her and picking up on what she is feeling.

"We shall." I nod, pushing the door open.

The first thing I notice is the traditional black normally associated with Kamrion is now mixed with healthy doses of blue, Illis style blue. A changing screen sits at the far right side of the room next to the blue cloth lined cupboards which more than likely contain clothes for Luthera. The left side of the room has another changing screen next to a black cloth lined cupboard which most likely contains my clothes.

At the centre of the room the is a small dining table with freshly picked flowers in the middle. I eye the large bed at the end of the room, a cold sweat running down my neck. Now that all the excitement had died down the reality of our predicament hits me like a tidal wave. For what seems like hours the two of us just stand there, not looking at each other and not saying a word.

"I wanted to thank you, Prince Finnian." She suddenly breaks the silence. Curious, I turn to face her.

"For what exactly?" I ask.

"For convincing my father to let me join the meeting." She clarifies.

"Ah, that." I fight the compulsion to fidget with my hands. "It only made sense, I knew you had a lot to add to the discussion."

The corners of her mouth turn upwards slightly and I take the opportunity to actually look at her. Her midnight black hair hangs loosely past her shoulders, slightly frazzled. Her deep blue eyes are tired and weary. Swallowing, now might not be the best time to bring it up but if I don't say it now I'll never say it.

"Remember in the ballroom just before the attack? You had just asked me what I was thinking at that particular moment." I inquire.

She nods, her expression perfectly neutral.

"I was thinking about our argument the previous day." I admit, she quirks a curious eyebrow in surprise. I sigh, summoning all the humility I can muster. "I wanted to apologise, I know I said things that offended you. I was overwhelmed with everything that happened… I was angry, but it was wrong of me to take it out on you. I am sorry."

Her eyes widen and her face goes through several intensities of stunned. Her gaze quickly turns critical, searching my eyes for something. I fidget a little bit as the mark on my wrist hums, I'm not sure what it means but I allow it to do what it will, it seems to be reacting to what she is thinking.

"You really mean that, don't you?" Even though it's a question it sounds more like a statement.

"I do." I assure her with a quick not. Her gaze turns soft, a small sigh escaping her lips.

"I lost my temper as well yesterday, Prince Finnian." She admits gently. "I would also like to apologise, neither of us asked for this but I like to think we could at least make this arrangement bearable for each other."

"My thoughts exactly." I nod, feeling a smile form on my face. "I would like to start by once again offering that you just call me Finn."

It's her turn to return a small smile.

"Finn." She tests out loud, appearing to mull it over before finally nodding. "Then you may call be Luthera."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Luthera." I say, offering her my hand. It manages to draw a small chuckle from her before she accepts the hand, giving it a gentle shake.

"The pleasure is all mine, Finn." She replies and we slip into another, much more comfortable silence as we silently appraise each other.

It's not the most ideal situation to be in but this is far better than our interaction yesterday. If we are going to be stuck with each other then we may as well get along. We're still practically strangers, knowing next to nothing about each other, what we like, how we were raised… maybe one day I will find out why she has such an unshakable, and quite frankly dangerous, dedication to her duty. But these are all things that will come with time.

The mark on my wrist hums soothingly, seemingly satisfied with how this interaction is going. Curious, I raise my wrist up to get a better look at the mark, 'By Blood and Magic.'

"You know; I have no idea how this works." I point out casually as I turn to show her the mark.

"Really?" She asks, surprise clear in her voice. "There were not many books on marriage unions of this kind back in Illis. I had assumed your parents taught you about it, do they not have their own."

"No, they don't." I shake my head. "I only know what little I remember from a few very broad lessons I had when I was younger. Unions such as these are used to combine two kingdoms, far stronger than your typical oath. My mother was born Kamrion, so her and my father had no reason to make this oath. Though I believe when Kai gets married to Queen Melina of Tamrial they will make a similar union."

"I will have to consult your library." She ponders mostly to herself. "It appears there are a great many things I need to know."

"Things you couldn't find across the vast writings of Illis' esteemed libraries?" I question with an amused raised eyebrow.

"Kamrion keeps most of its knowledge to itself." She points out with a small laugh. "Since I am going to be staying here for the foreseeable eternity it only makes sense I learn as much about it as I can, will you show me to the library tomorrow?"

The question catches me off guard for a moment but I quickly shake it off and nod.

"For my darling wife, anything." I feel a smirk grow on my face which grows even wider as she sends me an unimpressed yet slightly amused look.

"Don't let your father hear you say that." She jests back. "He might think your starting to enjoy this."

We share a small laugh before she lets out a large yawn.

"I think it's time we… uhm, r-retire?" I wince at the way my voice shakes. Deciding to not make me squirm, she waves a dismissive hand.

"I would like the side of the bed closest to the window if you don't mind." She says, walking towards her cupboard, pulling out her night wear before disappearing behind the changing screen. This time I smile to myself, walking over to my own cupboard to find my nightwear.

"Not at all."