Chapter 14: Dagger’s Edge

Gertrude Northguard

Convincing the guards that I am bringing the princess her food was actually quite easy. As I thought, the fortress is too big and filled with too many people for any one person to know everyone. I offer an innocent smile and they let me pass without question. The real problems begin when I enter Princess Gwyn's chambers.

The room unsurprisingly has a similar structure to the rest of the fortress. Windows high up and barely large enough to fit a malnourished child, most of the light coming in form of torches. It would seem the door is the only means of getting in and out.

The princess is hunched over her desk, facing the side, reading through what I assume is the missive she took from the war room.

"I brought you, your food, my princess." I make sure my voice is polite and soft.

For a moment Gwyn doesn't react, I almost think she didn't hear me until she slowly makes her way to her feet, hand hovering over the sword hanging by her hip. There is a critical look in her eyes as she turns towards me, I have to do a double take of where I have hidden my daggers.

"I don't know you." She points out flatly. "Mary was supposed to be the one to bring me my food."

I carefully keep my expression even, offering a nervous smile that seems appropriate for a servant in this situation. "Mary is not feeling well today, my princess. I have been sent in her stead."

Her eyes narrow as she looks me up and down. "I make it a point to know everyone who serves under me and my father. Not just anyone is allowed into the Black Fortress. I have to give my approval for everyone that works within these walls."

I fight back an annoyed sigh. I did have the feeling this would have been too easy. "Could it be possible that my princess has simply forgotten?"

Her critical expression drops and is replaced by one of careful contemplation as she takes yet another step closer, her hand now fully wrapped around the hilt of her sword.

"You carry yourself like a servant." She tilts her head to the side. "The way you hold yourself, the way you speak. It's actually quite impressive, but I've faced Veiled Ones before. You're just a tad bit too good of an actress."

Seeing no need to keep up the pretence, I let an impressed smirk form on my face. "Quite impressive, Princess Gwyn."

I set the food down on the nearby table, making sure my eyes never leave her. Her posture is coiled like a spooked snake ready to strike. I keep my movements slow so as to not provoke a violent response, the guards are right outside and if what I have gathered is correct, I wouldn't be able to subdue her quickly or quietly enough to make sure I don't draw their attention.

It's hard not to be unsettled by her. Everything about her implies she is no stranger to violence. She is also a fair bit taller than me, angling her head down to meet my eyes.

"Blonde hair, grey eyes and the air of someone who believes she has everyone securely nestled in the palm of her hand." Her expression is halfway between a sneer and a mocking smile. "You must be Princess Gertrude."

"I am." No point in denying it.

"Why are you here?"


She frowns, clearly irritated by my response. I can see she is trying to play the fool; she likely has a good idea as to why I am here. She pulls out her blade just enough for a metallic hiss to echo through the room. I don't move for my daggers yet.

"You must have gone through a great deal of trouble to make it into Black Fortress without being detected." Her voice is calm and cold. "You clearly came here with a purpose in mind, what is…"

There is a knock at the door. Before Gwyn can address whoever it is, a girl, probably 17 or 18, confidently strides in. It's not difficult to determine who she is. She has the same features as Gwyn, from her hair to her eyes. Her features are much softer and more delicate though, looking probably as unblemished as the day she was born.

Princes Elpis, younger sister of Princess Gwen and Prince Bran.

"Gwyn, it's a dreadfully dull day." The younger princess laments, ignoring my presence entirely. "I find myself in need of entertainment."

Gwyn fully sheathes her sword again, giving me a weary look. I glance between her and Elpis, schooling my expression back to neutral before bowing lightly to Elpis as a servant would do.

"And this concerns me how?" Gwyn asks, directing the question at her sister.

"Oh, dear sister, it concerns you a great deal." She flourishes her hands as she speaks. "Father is busy being his usual brooding and ominous self and Bran has sought out his… usual company."

I supress a smirk as Gwyn's face adopts an even deeper scowl.

"Which means the task of keeping me entertained falls to you." Gwyn drawls, her eyes still flickering to me. "This is not the best of times. Unlike yourself and Bran, I have real responsibilities to Merridor"

Elpis groans, glancing over at Gwyn's desk with a look on irritation. "You mean father's brand new obsession? I wonder how long this one will last. What was this one again? They all blur together after a while."

"Elpis…" Gwyn's voice almost turns into a growl as she grasps her sister's wrist and begins dragging her over to the door. "Entertain yourself for once, the matters that I have to attend…"

"You mean indulging father's endeavour to resurrect the dragons." Elpis bites back. "Folly if I have ever heard it."

This time I can't keep my expression straight. I feel my eyes widen and breath hitch. That can't be what they are trying to do, could it?

Gwyn's entire form seizes as if struck by lightning. Her shoulders rise before she slowly lowers them, her breathing heavy as she lets go of her sister's wrist.

"I should sow your mouth shut myself." Gwyn seethes at her sister before turning around and drawing her sword with such speed that I barely have time to react.

Elpis let's out a scream as I quickly reach behind into the borrowed robes to pull out my daggers. I sidestep Gwyn's first attack and try to retaliate but Gwyn is faster than her size would suggest and follows the momentum of her swing before fully spinning around and trying to land a hard elbow on my face.

Hearing the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the door I know I have to act fast. Blocking Gwyn's elbow, I kick hard just behind her knee, forcing her down to one knee before dashing over to Elpis with inhuman speed, void essence trailing behind me. I quickly get behind her, seizing one of her arms and bring a dagger up to her throat.

"Don't struggle, princess." I instruct coldly, pressing the blade lightly into the skin of her throat for emphasis. She is frozen against me, her breathing shallow as she mutely nods.

Gwyn's eyes are blazing with fury as she gets back to her feet and looks like she is about to lunge again. She stops herself though when she sees I have her sister, her anger still very present but tempered by concern and a hint of fear.


Before the words can leave her lips the door bursts open over a dozen armed guards burst in. I place my back against the wall, looking between the guards and Gwyn on either side of me, feeling Princess Elpis shudder against me.

"Tell them to leave the room." I state, turning to Gwyn. Her glare is almost intense enough to make my skin boil.

"What are you going to do? Slit my sister's throat, lose the only leverage you have?" Gwyn questions, not making any attempts to mask her fury.

I let out a small fake chuckle, knowing that bluffing is the only real way forward that keeps my head still attached to my neck. "You said you have encountered Veiled Ones before. If that's the case, you should know we know when to cut our losses. If you do as I say your sister may live and I may come out the other end of this alive. If you refuse, then your sister will die and I will most likely die after. I know which outcome I prefer, but I have already accepted the other should it come to that."

My heart beats heavy in my chest despite my bold words. Even though death is always a possibility whenever a veiled sister is given a task, it really doesn't prepare you for when it becomes a likelihood.

"G-Gwyn?" Elpis whimpers, sounding terrified out of her senses. "I don't want to die."

It seems the desperate tone of her sister is all that was left to break Gwyn out of her anger. Gwyn's eyes soften as she looks back at Elpis. Gwyn slowly puts away her sword, focusing on her sister. It's strange how her entire demeanour shifts, turning into something more protective and gentle.

"You won't, Elpis. You'll be alright, I promise." Gwyn words are soft but her gaze is intense as she gives me a look before turning to the guards who up until now have been standing by. "Leave us."

"But, my princess…" One of the guards speaks up.

"Did you not hear me." Her voice hardens into something low and dangerous as the torches around us flare into new life adopting a greenish tint. Looking back at her, I can see her eyes have adopted a similar shade of green, glowing with menace. "I told you to leave."

Wisely, the head guard instructs the other guard to fall back and they slowly shuffle their way out of the room, the door shutting with a small thud.

There are a few beats where the only sound is Elpis' and Gwyn's uneven breathing. Gwyn eventually straightens up before looking me dead in the eye, her face expressionless and voice flat and matter-of-fact.

"If any harm comes to her I'll gut you myself."

To my surprise, she actually gets a cold chill to run up my spine. The torches have reverted back to their original orange hue but her eyes are still tinged with green.

"Co-operate and it won't come to that." I offer, drawing my dagger slightly away from Elpis' neck, making both sisters breathe a little easier. "Your father is planning on resurrecting the dragons."

Gwyn's jaw clenches tightly and I can almost hear her teeth grinding. "He is."


"Necromancy. How else."

Narrowing my eyes at her, I go back to pressing the edge of my dagger against Elpis' throat, earning a yelp from the younger girl. "Recall what I said about co-operating."

Gwyn's nostrils flare but she centres herself with a deep breath before retrieving the missive from her desk and holding in up.

"There is a ritual." She explains as she holds up the paper. "These are the materials needed. The specifics of the ritual are something only the Mortim know."

"Mortim?" I inquire, the word new to me.

"A select group of Necromancers who have been serving my family since longer than most of us know." She explains. "Take this missive and release my sister, then you may leave."

"And I presume you and your men are just going to allow me to leave?" I ask sceptically. "Toss it to me, then I'll decide."

Frowning, Gwyn rolls up the missive before tossing it to me. With my free hand I grab in with my free hand, letting go of Elpis' arm but keeping the blade firmly against her throat before tucking the parchment into my robes. As soon as it is secure I restrain Elpis' arm once again, not taking any chances.

"What will you do now?" Gwyn asks, narrowing her eyes once again.

I open my mouth to answer but I feel something sinister grip my senses. The magic almost feels like a taint in the air, bitter on my tongue and crawling across my skin like a thousand scurrying rats. The magic has a repulsive scent to it, the smell of a thousand burning corpses.

I don't have to wait long for its source. The doors burst open with such force they get torn off of their hinges, startling everyone in the room, myself included. A tall figure, taller than any man I know, strides into the room. Broad shoulders adorned with black shoulder guards ending in a surprisingly elegant green cloak. A longsword at his side.

His eyes are as black as the void and filled with unspoken malice. Grey hair litters the sides of his head with a scruff of short brown hair at the top. A scar runs down his mouth and lips which are pinched into a frown which deepens as he assesses the room and his eyes land on me.

"Princess Gertrude Northguard." To my surprise he offers a formal bow, far deeper than would be necessary even under diplomatic conditions. "It's been quite some time."

"King Alistair Kaydwin." I try to keep my voice even. "I don't believe we've ever met."

"We have, you were just too young to remember." He points out casually, his frown slowly melting into a small smile which is somehow even more unsettling. "Do you remember being young and naïve?"

I blink a few times, taken aback by the question. "What?"

"A time you didn't have to burden yourself with all of… this." He gestures to me, his look almost resembling pity. "Sneaking around in the shadows, trading secrets, slitting throats, feeding the fires of war."

"We aren't at war." I point out simply.

He merely chuckles, as if addressing a child. I feel heat rise into my neck, anger spiking but I stamp it down.

"We might as well be, Princess." He steps closer. "And we all have your father to blame for that."

I narrow my eyes at him, feeling a frown grow on my face. "My father?"

"Declaring himself king of the entire north." He takes another step forward. "Lording Kamrion's power over us like dangling a slab of meat over a starved dog. How could I, how could any king stand by and allow such disrespect, such… hubris."

"You've faced Kamrion's might before, a long time ago." I point out, allowing a cold edge to come over my voice. "From what I heard, it didn't end well for you."

The words seem to find purchase somewhere in him. His face pinches into a look of pain as his eyes find one of the high windows, seemingly drifting off into thought.

"Have care how you speak." Gwyn grits through her teeth, eyes flashing in anger. She has been silent since her father walked in but now she looks ready to jump at me again.

"Calm yourself, Gwyn." King Alistair raises a calming hand towards his daughter, voice surprisingly gentle and solemn. His eyes returning to me with a steel cold glint. "You are right, our last battle with Kamrion did not end well for us. We lost many men, and so much more."

 I raise a curious eyebrow, wondering what he could be talking about. I don't recall much from the last battles with Merridor. I know Finn and Kai came here with father when they were younger for talks of peace but not much else.

"Which is why I know you will understand when I tell you that I do not intend to lose anything else to the Northguards." He speaks again, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Release Elpis, Princess Gertrude. You have no other options."

Well, isn't this an unsavoury predicament. Gwyn would have been a tough enough fight alone but with her father here there is no chance of me being able to fight my way out of this room. Even if I did there is no doubt a platoon's worth of guards are standing by in case the situation becomes too volatile.

I could always try fully jumping into the void…

And risk dying a most unpleasant death, feeling all my insides freeze over the course of what could feel like decades to centuries.

That's the last option.

I don't know if it was the thought of the void that brought this new feeling on. I can feel a familiar chill in the air that usually accompanies a Void Walk. Initially I think I am hallucinating until I see a familiar shimmer behind King Alistair.

It… couldn't be. I gave them explicit orders to withdraw.

The King reacts immediately, drawing his longsword, a greenish glow coating the blade before swinging it in a large arc behind him. Two figures flicker into full visibility, both rolling out of the way of the slash.

They both engage the king, Lindri sparing a moment to look over to me. "Are you going to gawk until the end of the age or are we leaving?"

Her words snapping me to full attention, I pull the dagger away from princess Elpis' throat and throw her towards her sister with what is probably more than the necessary amount of force.

It gets the desired effect though, Elpis almost knocks her sister off her feet and I take the time to rush to Lindri and Guilda who are struggling to keep up with the bear of a man that is King Alistair.

The king grabs Lindri by the throat as she attempts to stab his chest before lifting her off the floor with one arm and pulling back his sword to run her through. Guilda has most recently been knocked into a wall and is still recovering.

Her face starts turning blue as she struggles and gasps for air. I don't have time to think. Running full speed, I lunge forward with my dagger, stabbing it into the arm that is currently holding up Lindri.

This causes him to drop her but that is about the extent of his reaction before he back hands me with his now free hand. The force of the blow has my vision fading in and out of darkness before I recover enough to roll past him catching Lindri as I go and using all of my strength to haul her towards the door as she struggles to catch her breath. Guilda is still trying to get to her feet and the King zeros in on her.

I run to get in between them. I am able to get her out of the way and push her towards the door but the king's blade finds my side, leaving a deep gash. I can't help but let out a yell of pain. I have been cut before but this… this felt different. The moment the blade touches my skin I can feel a tiny bit of that foul magic I sensed earlier tear my flesh open and seep inside.

Before he can follow up on this opening I dive towards my two companions, clutching my side in pain. By this time Gwyn has successfully hidden her sister a safe distance away and has returned with fire in her eyes.

Behind us I can hear heavy footstep… the guards. The king and princess slowly approach us, steps slow but confident.

We are well and truly surrounded now.

I share a look with Guilda who is staring at the floor. For the first time in what feels like forever uncertainty in her eyes. The last option, it's the only way out of this with any chance of survival and we both know it.

I try to do it but I only end up wincing and doubling over, the pain in my side flaring.

I look up to see Guilda shake her head, a sad smile on her face.

She grabs my hand before grabbing Lindri's who looks confused, then scared.

"Guilda, don't…"

"I will walk the shadows." She recites, acceptance in her eyes. "I will tread the line of the void and resist the temptation to fall. Walking unseen, dagger poised to protect my people…"

"Please, let me…" Lindri's eyes water up but she is still struggling to catch her breath.

"…and my sisters."

As she finishes the oath I feel the unmistakable pull of the Void, this time much stronger than anything I have ever felt before. It almost feels like being frozen from the inside out. Ice torturously nipping at every part of your skin, feeling everything inside you constrict as your breath freezes in your lungs and your vision clouds over.

Just when you think this is it, this is the end, it's over. It only really lasted for half a heartbeat but the incomparable cold of the void made it feel like a lifetime.

My back hits the cold stone floor, my eyes unfocused and I stare up at the intricately decorated ceiling above me. I sit up to see that accursed relic, a tall arch of almost pitch black stone, a blue and purple glow emanating from within the boundaries of The Veil.

"G-Guilda…?" I hear a broken voice ask from behind me.

Turning around, I see Lindri on her knees hovering over a deathly still Guilda. Guilda skin is a ghastly shade of blue, her eyes closed with small icicles formed at the edges. I sharp pain rings through my chest and I almost choke on my own breath. Still clutching my injured side, I mostly crawl towards them.

"Guilda, you s-stubborn old hag, can you hear me?" Lindri's voice is breaking on almost every word, her body wracked with tremors.

I push back the sting in my eyes as a sister walks in, probably curious about the commotion and appears at the entrance.

"Sister Gertrude, what are you…?" He eyes fall on the still form of Guilda and she almost immediately goes pale.

"Inform Master Dahlia that we have returned." I instruct, using every single ounce of willpower I have left to keep my voice from breaking. "We need assistance."

The sister nods before hurriedly leaving. I turn back to Lindri who is still trying to shake Guilda awake, tears just one gentle nudge away from falling. I fight down a tremor in my throat as I kneel down and press two fingers on Guilda's neck, just above the point where you could feel someone's heartbeat.

I almost shiver on contact; her skin feels impossibly cold.

A moment passes…


One last one…


This time I can't keep a sob from tearing its way out of my throat.

"Lindri… s-she's gone."

And that was it, the final crack that broke the unseen barrier and Lindri's tears finally begin to fall freely. She collapses on top of Guilda's cold body, clutching tightly onto her robes.

"She… told me… to leave like you… said. I… convinced her t-to come b-back for… you." Her words are broken apart by loud sobs, breaking as her tone goes from barely a whisper to almost a shout and back. "I should have listened… I should have listened… I should have listened."

She repeats this mantra over and over again, each time getting quieter. Not knowing what to do, I try to rub her back comfortingly but it has no effect as she repeats her mantra. This… this is why I told them to fall back. I feel my eyes sting once again but I hold the tears back as hurried footsteps grow louder and louder.

Several figures hurry into the room but only one registers to me.

"Gertrude, Lindri, what…?" Dahlia's words freeze in her mouth as her eyes fall on the still body of Guilda. "By the fates, no…"

Sorrow overtakes her features as she looks between us.

"It was…"

"No, not here." She shakes her head, stopping me before I could say anymore. "To my study. Lindri?"

Lindri doesn't look up, shaking her head. "I can't leave her."

A look of understanding crosses Dahlia's face as she nods, turning to some of the other sisters. "See to it that she is taken care of."

I try to make it to my feet, wincing as pain bursts out of the wound that I am still covering with my hand. I had actually forgotten about it up until now.

"Your injured." Dahlia steps forward, taking my free arm into hers. "I'll treat it in my study. Come, child."

Not having any strength to argue or put up a fuss, I accept Dahlia's help and let myself lean most of my weight on her. I turn back to Lindri just before we leave them room, seeing her broken form still slumped over our fallen sister.

"Lindri…" I try to call to her. I don't know why, it won't change anything, but I just felt like I should.

Surprisingly, Lindri does raise her head, her dark, tear-stained eyes meeting mine.

I let the exchange go on for another moment before allowing Master Dahlia to lead me away. She leads me out of the Southern Nexus to the Northern Nexus. It's quite a lengthy journey and several sisters, most of them ones I know, try to stop and inquire but Dahlia waves them off politely.

"Thank you." I mummer. I don't think I have enough left in me to answer any of their questions.

When we finally make it to Dahlia's study she wastes no time settling me down and fishing out her medical supplies.

"She leapt into the void." My voice is barely audible even to myself. Dahlia seems to have heard me through, walking over to me before setting her supplies down on the table. "We were going to die, I knew it. I tried but I couldn't, Lindri couldn't either. She didn't even hesitate."

"It takes a great deal of strength to jump into the void alone." Dahlia's voice is soft, reminding me of my mother's voice in a way. "I can't imagine how much strength it takes to pull two others with you."

A moment of silence passes between us before she gently tugs my hands away from the gash on my side. Her eyes widen for a fraction of a second, she schools her expression quickly but I have already noticed.

"What is it?" I ask, too tired to keep the impatience out of my voice.

"What cut you?" She asks, her expression grave.

"King Alistair's Sword, coated in dark green magic."

Dahlia closes her eyes, the grim expression on her face growing grimmer. 

"Coated in the magic of Necromancy." She shudders out a breath. A feeling of dread runs to my very core as her eyes cloud over with sorrow. "I can bind it but I can't heal it. Necromancy is some of the most tainted magic one could ever come across. It latches on to everything it touches, corrupting it, rotting it to the core."

It's not hard to figure out the one thing she is not saying.

"It's killing me."

Dahlia almost flinches before nodding slowly. "I don't know how quickly it will act but yes."

"And… nothing can be done about it?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

"Not unless you purged the corruption using the very magic used to create it." She shakes her head, cleaning the wound carefully before bandaging it. "Or changing the very nature of the corruption itself. Both of which require expertise which we do not have."

Expertise that only our enemy has. My shoulders sag as I let out a breath that just seems to expel my remaining energy. Dahlia grabs my hands, taking me by surprise before looking at me straight in the eyes.

"If there is a way, we will find it." She appears contemplative. "Your mother's healing magic may be able to slow the effects, give us time to figure something out."

I am able to manage a small smile but only for a moment. I reach into my robes, eager to change the topic, despite how dire it is.

"King Alistair is planning on resurrecting the dragons." I state plainly.

I think this is the most off balance I've seen Master Dahlia in a very long time. The shake in her hands is subtle, almost imperceptible, but it is there as she accepts the parchment. I am quite curious as to what is on it, given how… hectic my final minutes in Merridor were. I never had the chance to read it.

"Alchemic ingredients and ritual supplies." She mummers. "From Thaegon and Illis."

I sigh, the fates had already been quite cruel. It really doesn't come as a surprise that Illis is seeking to bring about our downfall. I am curious about one thing though…

"And how do they intend to control these dragons?" I ask. "If legends are to be believed their will is all but indomitable."

"Perhaps Vilos." She suggests. "Their mind arts may be enough."

I purse my lips. Oddly enough, Vilos has been strangely absent from every clue we have been able to find. It's odd. I wince as a sharp pain shoots from the wound again. Dahlia reaches out and steadies me, worry obvious in her eyes.

"In any case, it doesn't matter right now." I continue, trying to ignore the pain. "We need to find out how close they are to resurrecting the dragons."

The door to the study swings open. Dahlia's reaction is instantaneous, a dagger in her hand and a ready stance as she jumps to her feet, limp slowing her down somewhat.


Dahlia immediately stands down when she sees who it is. Lindri's eyes are red and slightly swollen, her eyes hold a sadness that I couldn't notice before over the anguish.

"My apologies for walking in so abruptly, master." She offers a small bow, her eyes sadly looking over me. "And apologies for eavesdropping, I couldn't help but overhear your discussion."

"How much did you hear?" I ask wearily.

"Everything." Her voice is barely a whisper as her eyes linger on my injured side. "I'm sorry."

She sounds so broken. I have to look away, the look in her eyes stirring up things I'd rather not think about at the moment.

She pulls out something from robe and hands it to Dahlia.

Is that a tooth?

"While I was investigating The Black Fortress I found this." She explains, voice hoarse. "They were men in black cloaks talking about failures, dozens of mutilated creatures spread across their chamber. I wondered what they were, I tried to extract one's hide but it broke one of my daggers, so I took a tooth. I had wondered what kind of creature possessed hide that tough. But if they were attempts to revive a dragon, it makes sense."

Dahlia looks exhausted as she stares down at the tooth. "I will have the Artificers look at it, thank you Lindri. Please don't eavesdrop again."

Ordinarily, I know Dahlia would have been much stricter with something like this, but she must see the sorrow in Lindri's eyes as much as I do. Lindri nods, slowly, murmuring an apology.

"We're having our parting ceremony for Guilda at sunset." Lindri speaks up.

"I'll be there." I respond immediately, no room for argument in my voice. At least I thought so.

"Do you think you'll have the strength?" Dahlia asks hesitantly.

"For this, yes." I meet her eyes and she concedes.

"What of this missive?" Dahlia inquires, raising the parchment in question.

"Get it to Finn and Luthera." I decide. "Illis is closer than Thaegon, he'll be able to take it from there."

"And should he be informed of your… condition?" Dahlia's gaze is hesitant.

I have to think about the question for a moment. Knowing Finn, it's entirely likely that he'd drop everything he is doing and come see me and at this point I can't allow that, we've made too much progress to backtrack.

"No." I shake my head.

Dahlia clearly doesn't agree with my decision but she doesn't argue.

"But we will inform your mother." Dahlia states, it's clear there will be no arguing on this one. "As I said before, she may be able to delay your declining condition."

"Alright, after the parting ceremony." I briefly glance at both of them before averting my eyes to the floor, yet another sting in my eyes threatening to bring about tears. "Guilda was one of my mentors… and my friend, I want to say goodbye."

I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder. Initially I think it is Dahlia until I look up to meet Lindri's dark eyes.

"If she were here, she would tell you that holding the tears in is pointless." A ghost of a fond smile hovers over her face. "Sooner or later they will fall, better to let them fall in front of the people you trust."

And something just broke.

The corruption slowly killing me, Guilda's death, the feeling that the whole world is trying to drown us as we struggle to keep our heads above the water. I lean forward, resting my head against Lindri's shoulder and finally let the tears fall, not even trying to keep my sobs quiet or controlled. Lindri says nothing, rubbing small circles onto my back.

Then came the ceremony.

It was a simple enough affair. Veiled were never much for standing on ceremony but the death of one of our own always brought everyone together. Even the elusive Grandmaster Evelyn, the highest ranking Veiled, absent in most things but always present for the death of one of her 'children'.

It should be her giving the parting words but instead it is Dahlia. It's actually rather comforting.

All of the veil sisters, myself included are standing opposite the veil arch in the Southern Nexus… where Lindri and I came out of the Void not too many hours ago. Each and every sister was holding a candle, staring straight ahead as Dahlia began to speak.

All except Lindri beside me, staring down at her candle.

"Most of you knew Sister Guilda quite well. She trained most of you." Dahlia looks among us, voice strong but sorrow coating each and every word. "And I know most of you would agree she wouldn't appreciate and overly long and lengthy anthology."

That does manage to draw a smile from me.

"She didn't believe much in words." Dahlia continues. "But she always did what was needed of her in the end… to the very end. Fear not the void."

"You've walked among shadows." We all join in and Dahlia recites the parting words.

"Holding them back to preserve the light."

"Every drop of blood spilled."

"Every lie told."

"Every good and bad deed may be forgotten."

"But never will your name be."



The last word that floats across my thoughts as the whole world fades to black.