The battle of sword , fist , magic and blazing glory

Alya Milkhailovnawich and Dazai Osamu and other school council members finally after a day of continuous discussion and discourse , decided to finally confront Takashi Yamahiro , The Sigma Male. 

Thus , entered all of them into the scene as they stumbled upon Takashi in an empty classroom. 

Then as they gathered around the Sigma male , Dazai faced Takashi directly in the face and spoke: 

Dazai: "Sigma. Sigma indeed Takashi. However , this ends now. The sigma male must be defeated in order to retain balance on earth! Takashi. So just give up already , you have no chance of winning against our magic. 

Takashi: "heh. Yare yare daze. Throughout my life , I have always wanted to be a sigma. But now , here you are , opposing me , human."

Alya: "enough is enough Takashi. This ends now!"

As she said this , she charged towards the Sigma male with ice Magic. Then from another direction , Dazai charged with fire magic.

Combination of fire and ice magic was deadly. However , Takashi valiantly fought back. The sigma male unleashed the power of rizz and rizzed up his girlfriends. He rizzed up 20 at first , then converted their love into power of sigma magic. The golden sigma magic defended Takashi against Alya and Dazai. Then with the next 20 , he went on the offensive and attacked both Alya and Dazai. As this pattern continued, Alya and Dazai and Takashi clashed and fought brightly as with each clash , the Aura rizzed up more and more people and gave Takashi more and more sigma Magic to fight. Each clash impacted the walls , hallways and rooms heavily as the entire building was being shaken from the intensity of their clash.

"Korewa....watashi no REQIUEEEM!!!! SIGMA SMAAAAAAAASH"

yelled Takashi as he fought both Alya and Dazai at once. But other members of the school council joined and gave hands.

To this , Zamia the elf kanojo of Takashi fought alongside him. These lead to a series of violent bursts and injuries all over the fighters. Everyone fought for their lives here as the sigma bender consumed and used more and more sigma magic. The fight went on for four hours and it devastated the building as pile of debris started falling from everywhere leaving them no choice but to evacuate the building after another hour of fighting completely devastating the classrooms and hallways in the heat of their battles and clashes. More and more magic was being used up on both sides and it lead to a deadly flash of light here and there as the intensity of their clashes kept fluctuating with both sides sustaining heavy damage. 

Alya and Dazai teamed up and used a special move: 

Wind , lightning , fire and ice. Spirits of Alzenia , give me your power. For we shall eradicate the imbalance of the sigma male

As they said this , bright sparks of lightning and heavy wind came upon the battlefield as both Alya and Dazai absorbed all of this power and concentrated it into a single laser aimed the the Sigma male. 

It's showtime 


Skies split asunder! grounds shaken and earth rockened! The laser aimed at takashi immediately annihilated the entire building and even hurt both Takashi and Zamia badly. However this move used up alot of Alya's and Dazai's magic as it was sort of their trump card. 

However , Takashi did not give up. Finally , he rizzed up his own elf girlfriend Zamia , and the intense and immense love from Zamia reached Takashi , afterall love is the most powerful weapon. 

This love converted itself into sigma magic , allowing takashi to strike back! 


This move caused Takashi to emit golden arrows and spears and swords from many dimensions all aimed at Dazai and Alya. 

However , they were tough with their last bit of magic. 

Swords here , spears there , arrows everywhere , like a game of Touhou dodging bullets , both Dazai and Alya managed to avoid them all surprisingly but the effects of the sigma aura on the weapons had significantly damaged Alya and Dazai to the point of escape and withdrawal. 

Takashi too , felt the brunt of all of this magic. 

As they all moved away from the destroyed building , they all felt very tired...