WebNovelSigma male100.00%

The aftermath of the final battle and end

Dazai , Alya , Takashi , Zamia and everyone else was tired as there was no victory but it was a draw. Takashi couldn't move much because he used too much sigma magic and the emerald's glint started to flicker.

The emerald came out of Takashi's chest and fell to the floor. It was in this moment that everyone raced towards the sigma emerald and tried to grab it. However , just as they were about to , a passing car ran over the emerald and smashed the emerald to bits. All sigma magic was lost.

Takashi was at this instant , no more the sigma male. Neither would've the others be and well since the emerald got crushed.

Dazai smiled happily as though to say that this turn of events concluded that the fighting was over.

Because Takashi was no longer the sigma , he had lost his charm and everyone went back to normal.

However, Zamia's existence was fading due to insufficient sigma magic.

Takashi held her in his arms and cried..

"No..Zamia San, my elf girlfriend , not you...you can't leave me please...."

Zamia: "oh my dear Takashi , I will always love you... *cough* no *cough* matter what you are...sigma or not. To me , Takashi is more beloved than the Sigma male.

Takashi: "No..Zamia San...I...I... I'll miss you , love..hurts... I truly love you Zamia San.. "

He cried as he held Zamia's fading body in his arms

Zamia: "Look Takashi...here" she handed him a fragment of the Sigma emerald.

"With this , you will have some sigma magic and power left... *cough*...my parting gift to you... this will be...my symbol of love for you darling....t-takashi.." she coughed up blood and was losing consciousness.

Takashi: "Zamiaaaaa...San..." cried Takashi as more tears left his eyes

Zamia: "don't cry my dear Takashi...let me wipe your tears darling...''

After wiping his tears , she placed Takashi's head on hers and said "I will always love you....this is our story afterall...you are my sigma...Takashi...I have always enjoyed being with you...You are everything to me"

She looked at Takashi in the eye as she got tears as well upon seeing his face.

"Remember...Takashi...the true Sigma was the memories we made along the way...so don't look at me...instead face the other way as I dissappear... my dear ♥...stand proud you are strong..

''A-Am I really???''

Cried Takashi as he held her in his arms with their heads pressed together...an everlasting moment of emotions and love between them interwoven deeply as they both felt the depth of their love for each other with each tear rolling down their faces while they looked at each other...

"Yes...yes you are...my sigma..." Takashi heard an echo of these words as he asked this question to Zamia. Then he cried alot and alot.

It plunged Takashi into a depression of sorts and it took a month for him to eventually heal and return to his normal life. 

He continued to go to school normally after a month of depression and overwhelming situations that made him the Sigma. However , fact cannot be denied that was truly The Sigma Male. 

Takashi would often remember Zamia every now and then and get a little emotional but over time things took a better turn in his life. 

Due to the blessing of the remaining sigma fragment , he was somewhat lucky in finally getting a girlfriend and not being bullied badly like he used to. 

Getting eventually friends as well , Takashi's life gradually improved over time. Though challenges come here and there , but Takashi was a strong man at heart. 

Coming to college , Takashi even managed to write a thesis about the Sigma emerald and gained world wide fame for his bizzare adventures. 

Yeah , like that actually happened. Just kidding. 

He attended college normally but did write a thesis on the Sigma emerald. It gained good attention and pretty much he went on to marry his girlfriend ''Arina miyo'' , one of the girls in his school whom he made friends with after losing Zamia and she helped him get over his rough past. 

They went to college together and eventually got married as well. 

Well , now he's in a pretty good position , don't you agree?