Chapter XI Oasenstadt, an Oasis in the Desert of Ziggurat

Imagine a grand city named Oasenstadt, proudly standing as the capital of the Kingdom of Alsahra in the sun-soaked southern reaches of Avalon. This kingdom goes by many names: the Dry Sea, the South, and the Great Sandy Realm, each reflecting the unique character of this arid land. Overseeing it all is the Sand King, a ruler who commands respect and authority. The very symbol of this rule is the Sand Throne, which embodies the heart of Alsahra's monarchy, aided by the council of noble lords known as the Sand Lords.

These Sand Lords hold sway over the Duchies of Sahara, Gobi, Mojave, Atacama, Arabia, Kalahari, and Australsand, each playing a pivotal role in the kingdom's governance. Oasenstadt itself is a jewel within the vast Ziggurat Desert, acting as a crucial hub for traders journeying across the continent. Among its bustling industries, Dyeing and Precious Metal refining take center stage, showcasing the city's advanced craftsmanship. The region is overseen by a local chief, who currently holds the title of the Queen of Alsahra.

What might puzzle outsiders is the delightful and buoyant disposition of the townsfolk. Their sunny outlook and unhurried pace often leave visitors both charmed and bemused, offering a unique contrast to the desert surroundings.

It's been a whole century now, a hundred years of watching those eerie, demonic creatures make their home among the Sphinx and Pyramids nearby. It's like they've set up shop there, and that's stirred up quite the frenzy among adventurers. News spreads like wildfire, you know. But there's more to this place than just the supernatural. You see, the Alsahran Gangland Syndicate and the Brethren of Slayers, two shadowy groups, have also taken root around here. Yeah, sounds crazy, right? But I know all about it, 'cause this is where I was born, and I used to run with a gang back in the day.

Oasenstadt, that's the name of the city, smack in the southwest corner of the Avalon Continent. Now, don't let the desert fool you – we're talking about a place that's not exactly swimming in water. It's like the desert's heart, beating right here. Back in the day, cities were smartly set up around oases, and water was never an issue. But those good old days went up in smoke when Surtr made a comeback. The Oasis, well, it dried up faster than you could say "scorching sun." So what did we do? We had to craft an artificial oasis, a man-made watering hole if you will. Took a massive stretch of land – once known as Lake Danao – nestled between Aigleterre and Oasenstadt and turned it into our lifeline. Travel back to the year 1204 M.C. – that's Midgard Century for those keeping track. Picture this: a colossal war unfolding between Giants and Gods, a clash that shook the very foundation of the Avalon Continent. The culprits? The fire giants from the realm of Muspelheim, led by none other than Surtr, a fearsome Jotunn. But the Gods weren't sitting back sipping mead. Odin, the head honcho of the god squad, stepped up to the plate and gave those fire giants a run for their money. And guess what? In the end, they got their behinds handed to them. Odin and his crew showed those giants the door, but not before they left a mess behind.

Imagine it: the Secar Ocean, once this vast expanse of water, now transformed into a barren desert. Think scorched earth, bodies of Muspel giants, and the aftermath of a clash that could light up the night sky. Those defeated giants, their bodies – remnants of a fiery past – slowly morphed over the years into something we now call Arsonium. And that Arsonium? It's no ordinary rock. It's like a piece of Surtr's power got stuck in there, powering his blazing sword. Fast forward a bit, and tribes started getting curious. They saw a goldmine, and not just any goldmine, but one filled with this Arsonium stuff and leftovers from Muspel. Mines popped up like daisies, and these tribes went on a treasure hunt for Muspel relics.

Now, with so much power up for grabs, you can guess what happened next – a bunch of squabbling among the tribes. Everyone wanted their piece of the pie. But out of the chaos emerged a star, the Khartoum Empire. This bunch managed to rise above the fray, using those rare resources to build a nation like no other. It wasn't just prosperous; it was the top dog of its time. Alright, let's rewind the clock a bit to the time of the Khartoum Empire. This empire, a real heavyweight, had a king – Osiris was his name. But wait, there's a twist in the story. Osiris' brother, Set, had his eyes on the throne and, wouldn't you know it, he managed to grab it from Osiris' grasp. A classic tale of power struggles in the family.

Fast forward to when the Khartoum Empire had already fallen from its prime. Guess who decides to make a dramatic comeback? None other than the fire Jotunn, Surtr. This guy's like a persistent bad penny. He rolled back into Midgard with destruction on his mind. But guess what? Standing in his way wasn't some massive army – nope, it was a solitary warrior with nerves of steel and a sword to match. That warrior's name? Herakles. Yeah, you heard that right, a single guy taking on a fire giant.

Picture this: the Ziggurat Desert – wide, desolate, and a perfect stage for an epic showdown. For a whopping ten days, Herakles and Surtr went at it, trading blows that could make mountains tremble. The earth itself shook beneath their fury, and the sand flew as their weapons clashed. But you know what they say – all good things come to an end. On that tenth day, Herakles pulled off the impossible. He took down the mighty Surtr and, just to make sure the guy didn't try any funny business, sealed him up beneath the very ground they fought on.

Now, let's not forget that this ain't just any old patch of dirt. Nope, right on top of Surtr's confinement, they built a shrine. And around that shrine, like a burgeoning oasis, sprouted the town of Oasenstadt. So, every time you step foot in Oasenstadt, remember that beneath your feet, a fire giant's been put on ice – thanks to the bravery of a lone warrior and some earth-shaking battles.

Let's dive into the year A.W. 997 – a time when things took a turn for the wild and woolly. Someone had this wild idea of unleashing Surtr from his underground vacation spot. But hold your horses, because this wasn't just your run-of-the-mill scheme. Nope, it involved sacrificing innocent kids, one full moon after another, for an entire year. Yeah, pretty dark stuff.

But fear not, heroes were on the case. Enter the Brethren of Slayers, led by the fearless Rhian Boniface. They weren't about to let Surtr make a comeback, so they dispatched Rhian and his gang of assassins to put a stop to this craziness. And you betcha – they succeeded. No Surtr resurrection on their watch.

Time ticked on, and the landscape shifted. Oasenstadt castle decided to switch up its look, and the area around it started to see some real development action. But guess what? Trouble knocked on the door again. Another bright spark thought, "Hey, let's try that Surtr release thing again." This time, they hit the jackpot. Surtr was unleashed, and Oasenstadt paid the price – in ruins.

Cue the Crusaders. These folks were all about aiding and abetting the survivors of Alsahra while also doing their darndest to deal with the Surtr problem. Think of them as the cavalry charging in to help clean up the mess. But wait, there's more – the Sandlords themselves joined the party. They opened up their resource coffers, sent their top guns (Engineers, Architects, Soldiers, you name it), and basically said, "Let's get Oasenstadt back on its feet, folks!"

So there you have it – a rollercoaster of events that turned Oasenstadt from sacrifice city to a phoenix that rose from its ashes with a little help from the good guys. After all these years, I'm finally back in the place where it all began – my birthplace. A whole century has come and gone, and let me tell you, this city is livelier than ever. The old town, the heart of the action, got itself a fancy title – an Imperial Heritage Site, along with its ruins. It's like stepping into a time capsule, everything looking just as I remembered, except for that glaring hole in the middle of the old city. Yeah, they call that the Abyss of Mors now.

Now, right next door to the old city, we've got the new city, born and bred, along with a brand spanking new castle they're calling the Palace of Sandstorms. That's where the big cheese, the Queen of Alsahra herself, hangs her hat. You could say it's a mix of old and new, with the same vibes as the classic Oasenstadt, complete with traveling merchants hawking their treasures. And let me tell you, they've been busy bees in the South and Southeast Districts. They're expanding and sprucing up the place to keep up with the population explosion and all those investors swarming in, thanks to the ARRPC – that's the Alsahra Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Program Committee in case you were wondering.

So there I was, strolling down memory lane on the old west avenue, heading to the good ol' bustling market. Destination: the Crusaders' headquarters. Man, the years may have passed, but the quest for justice and protection keeps on going strong. Not long after Surtr's dramatic return, the Crusaders stepped up their game to lend a hand in rebuilding the decimated old Oasenstadt and tackle the fresh challenges looming over Midgard. They're like the frontliners of aid and defense, you know?

They've got this open-door policy for adventurers scattered across Midgard. Anyone with the right skills and grit can hitch their wagon to the Crusaders' star. The catch? You've got to make an impression on Commander Oaksteel – the big cheese in charge. Now, let me drop a little personal tidbit – back in the day, I was among those starry-eyed adventurers hoping to snag a spot with the Crusaders. And yeah, I've got some impressive lineage to back me up, but that didn't seem to be enough for old Oaksteel. He's a tough nut to crack. But guess what? Instead of just waving me in, Oaksteel gave me this quirky task – rounding up Live Coals for the guards' bonfire gigs. Talk about unconventional initiation, right? So, there I was, hauling those fiery embers like my life depended on it. I bring back the goods, and you'd think that's my ticket in? Nope, Oaksteel still gives me the skeptical squint and sends me back to the waiting line.

You know what they say, third time's the charm? Well, I wasn't about to let Oaksteel's doubt rain on my parade. This time, he pulls a wild card – tells me that the mercenaries trucking in from Nordenbergwald can't handle our sizzling temps. So, what's my job now? Bag a bunch of Ice Hearts, those chilly little critters that help folks chillax in the heat. Off I go, on my heart-hunting escapade, and lo and behold, I deliver the goods yet again.

And finally, Oaksteel breaks his poker face, Chief hands me a shiny Crusader Certificate – it's like the golden ticket, signaling that I've got the chops to roll with the guard. Talk about a roundabout way of earning your stripes, right?

So, after my little visit to the Crusaders, I decided to mosey on over to the ARRPC – that's the Alsahra Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program Committee, if you're not into the whole brevity thing. This baby was cooked up post-Surtr mayhem to help get Oasenstadt back on its feet. It's like a team of homegrown heroes, plus some generous souls from other corners of Avalon who rolled up their sleeves to fix this town up.

Picture this: you've got the big shot Director who's like the grand conductor of the whole symphony of restoration. And then there's this HR hotshot who's brought in from Aigleterre – their gig? To dish out the able-bodied folks to different teams, either on the construction front or the supplies brigade. But hey, no one's picky – if you're willing and able, you're in.

You got these four HR maestros – the Construction Czar, the Brick Boss, the Wood Whiz, and the Rope Ruler – they're the ones who wrangle the troops, making sure everyone's where they need to be. And yep, they're totally down for welcoming outsiders into the mix – more hands, less stress, you know the drill. Alright, let's break this down like we're having a fireside chat. So, you've got the Construction Department – these are the real doers. They're the ones who roll up their sleeves and put the city back together, brick by brick, beam by beam. But here's the kicker – they're like a band, and the Supplies Department is their backstage crew.

The Supplies Department, my friend, is all about crafting the goods that the Construction team needs. It's like a well-oiled machine with three teams: the Wood Wizards, the Brickmasters, and the Rope Royalty. Each team has their gig – they create the building blocks, the essential stuff like wood, bricks, and ropes. But wait, they're not just crafting these wonders; they're also playing the delivery game. Yep, they're like the building superheroes, taking their freshly made supplies right to where they're needed, like a rock star road crew setting up the stage for a killer show. Guess what? The ARRPC, that's the Alsahra Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program Committee, has been on a roll! They've been like the comeback kings, bringing our town back from the brink. And now, they've got their sights set on a big project – putting the sparkle back in the Sand King's Castle. This place isn't just any old building; it's like the town's pride and joy, standing tall and proud. Sure, it had a rough patch with all that darkness hiding beneath, but we're not letting that define us.

And here's the cherry on top – they've got this cool leaderboard going on. It's like our hall of fame for all the adventurers who've pitched in and hit the 500 mark on the helping scale. It's a way to give high-fives to those who've been part of our restoration journey, turning this place from a dust bowl to a gem. So, if you're up for some heroic work and want your name up there with the legends, this is your chance to shine! Oh man, you wouldn't believe what's happening on the restoration front. They're not just fixing things up, they're also on a monster-busting spree out in the Ziggurat Desert. The Subjugation Party, led by the centurion mercenary group, is like the Avengers of our region, taking down Surtr's incarnations one by one. It's like they're on a mission to restore peace and quiet to our neck of the desert.

After all that action, I swung by the office and took a stroll down memory lane, heading to my grandma's place. But you know what caught my eye on the way? The entrance to that trippy psychedelic shroom farm. Talk about a blast from the past! This underground farm is run by a local merchant named Sheey Lou, and let me tell you, it's all about the magic mushrooms there. They've got the Vermillion Gooey ones that'll mess with your mind, and the Musk variety that's also in the mix. You won't believe it, but back in the day, snagging these mushrooms was like a rite of passage for anyone eyeing a membership with the Alsahran Gangland Syndicate. Ah, the nostalgia's hitting hard!

I strolled down Weinst Avenue until I reached the grand mansion near the oasis. When my grandma opened the door and saw me, her face lit up with joy. She ushered me in, and boy, was I in luck – it was suppertime! We sat down to a hearty meal and spent the evening catching up, swapping tales like old friends. She was itching to hear about my adventures, and I didn't hold back, sharing my exploits with a proud grin.

It turns out, my grandma wasn't always a grandma. Back in the day, she was a real trailblazer. She went to the Batavian Institute of Economics and all, but you know what? She dropped out because she felt like there was something more exciting out there for her. And guess what she did? She joined the Alsahran Gangland Syndicate, diving headfirst into all kinds of shady business deals. Can you believe it? Haha, what a character! Back in the good ol' days, my grandma was a legend with the alias Hathor Sandpierce. Yep, she led the notorious Sand Snake Squad, which she's now the proud owner of as a mercenary and security group. Pretty wild, right? Oh, and here's a little secret I didn't spill during our chat – I actually invested some bucks into her company. Gotta support family, you know?

But that's not all. My grandma was one gutsy lady. She kicked things up a notch and joined the Rogue Mafia, and let me tell you, she wasn't just another member. She became one of the first-ever Phantom Trackers. Crazy, right? On that day, she teamed up with two other fearless trackers – my grandpa, the one and only Francois Chasewalker, and his cousin, the remarkable Eleanor Kaiserin. They were the trio that ventured into the mysterious Neueweltz. Oh man, that night was something else. I gobbled down a seriously satisfying feast – roasted chicken and some lip-smacking stewed Blobdrops. And guess what? I got a little too cozy with the drinks and ended up getting properly drunk. Grandma didn't hold back either – she spilled the beans on her artifact-selling and antique-collecting escapades. Turns out, she's all about those ancient goodies and valuable treasures.

But here's the kicker: she casually dropped that bomb about snagging the Bagacay Grove Hill Manor over in Joseon. Yep, the very same house I was eyeing to buy! Sneaky move, Grandma.

And you know what else I did? I handed her this slick Large Serpent Skin garment, crafted from the hide of a Xiangliu. Oh, and there was also the Xiangliu's Leg, cleverly turned into a wicked dagger. It felt real good to be back in Oasenstadt, catching up with my grandma and all.

Man, the morning after was like waking up with a thunderstorm in my head. My head throbbed like nobody's business – classic hangover style. I scrambled for some orange juice, gulping it down like it was the elixir of life. Anything to soothe that hangover beast, you know?

Stepping outside, I squinted at the Ziggurat Desert, kicking off my day. I decided to wander out of the city, like, really out there – into the middle of nowhere. And let me tell you, that desert is one heck of a sight. You've got sand stretching out forever, with trees, rocks, and ancient ruins scattered around like forgotten puzzle pieces.

Let's rewind the clock a bit – we're talking hundreds of years ago. This very desert was ground zero for a showdown of epic proportions. Imagine Surtr, the fire Jotunn, stomping over with his demon army from Muspelheim. Yep, he was trying to give Midgard a second round of destruction. But standing in his fiery path was none other than Herakles, a human warrior with serious guts. These two went at it like wild beasts for a full 10 days and nights. That's some serious dedication, right?

But here's the twist – on that final day, Herakles managed to stick it to Surtr and sealed him deep within Avalon's crust. A shrine got built right on top of that seal, and that shrine grew into what we now know as Oasenstadt and the state of Alsahra. Crazy, right? So, picture this – after a couple of rounds of trying to bust Surtr out of his earthly lockup, the fiery Jotunn finally managed to break free. And let me tell you, he was on a rampage. He hit up Oasenstadt like it was a giant pinata, leveling it to the ground. Then, like a tornado of chaos, he headed eastward. And this is where it gets even crazier – he ripped open a freakin' dimensional rift. Yeah, you heard me right, a dimensional rift. That tear in reality wreaked havoc on a massive chunk of the Ziggurat Desert, leaving a scar we now call the Dimensional Gorge. It's still there, to the east of the Alsahra ruins.

Anyway, as I was exploring this desert wonderland, I stumbled upon this tiny oasis. I decided to take a load off and chill out by the palm tree. Just as I was soaking up that oasis vibe, a dude shows up out of the blue. He looked all noble and fancy, like some sort of Baronet. I guess he was seeking refuge from the harsh desert winds. We exchanged nods and greetings – you know, the usual pleasantries. Then, out of the blue, he turned to me and started talking...

"Hey there, the name's Sir Charles Sheldrake. Been around these parts of Midgard for what feels like a lifetime, seen my fair share of stuff. Power plays, green-eyed monsters, life's ups and downs..."

"Nice to meet you, Sir Charles. But I gotta ask, what's got you out here in the middle of Alsahra?"

"Well, let me tell you. This land, it's become a breeding ground for all the ugly stuff – greed, selfishness, you name it. It's like heartlessness is the latest fashion. But here's the kicker – I'm still holding out hope that I'll find someone, someone truly worth their salt, to help me out."

"Interesting. But just so you know, I'm not exactly a poster child for purity. Still, I'm curious – what's this thing you're after?"

"Alright, gather 'round, and let me spin you a tale that's been passed down through the generations – a tale of daring deeds, unforgettable friendships, and a gemstone that's more twisted than a pretzel at a funhouse.

Picture this: Back in the day, my grandpa was like this swashbuckling adventurer, just like you – fearless, wild, and up for anything. Him and his gang of four buddies, they were like the Avengers of their time, only with more dirt on their clothes and fewer spandex suits. Together, they painted the town – well, the world, actually – red with their escapades. Seriously, they were legends.

So, picture this: On one of their regular jaunts, they stumble upon a cave that's like the uncharted territory of their wildest dreams. Being the curious cats they were, and probably itching for a break from the ordinary, they decide, "Hey, let's go see what's inside!" Little did they know, they were about to face a beast so monstrous that even the word "monstrous" would look at it and go, "Whoa, that's extra."

So, get this: This creature had horns big enough to double as coat hangers, eyes that glowed with a fiery rage hotter than a chili-eating contest, and an appetite for blood that'd make even Dracula start questioning his life choices.

My grandpa, he sensed this thing was out for a party – the kind where you don't get an invitation and end up the main course. So, they hightail it, but in the pitch-black cave, they get split up like a deck of cards in a gust of wind. My grandpa, he's hiding, listening to his pals' screams as that nightmare incarnate turns them into a buffet.

He's trapped, you know, surrounded by roars and cries, his buddies' voices fading like echoes in the distance. So, he's like, "No more of this!" and darts out of his hidey-hole, ready to face this beast head-on and save his mates. Bad idea, though – this monster had moves like Jagger and gave my grandpa a one-way ticket to Dreamland.

And when he wakes up, it's just him and that twisted gem glinting in the darkness, surrounded by his friends' spilled life force. He buries his buddies, swipes the gem, and can't shake the feeling that something ain't right – like an evil-looking fruitcake at a holiday party.

Turns out, this gem's got a real knack for attracting folks, but not like a charismatic party host. No, it attracts them with greed, twisting their minds into pretzels of avarice. Grandpa, he puts two and two together – this gem's like a cursed beacon, and he's been handed the torch. So, he hides it away, but its darkness won't quit.

Years roll by, and it's like a family mission now – grandpa and my dad, they're like a team of detectives trying to outsmart a villainous riddle. They craft this bracelet thing that's supposed to lasso the gem's wickedness, and boy, does it work. But you can't just chuck it in a lake and call it a day – nope, this gem's got an itch for chaos that's tough to scratch.

So, guess what? Now it's my turn, and I've been tinkering and toiling, brewing up a plan to put this gem's crazy in a box and bury it deeper than my uncle's obsession with collecting socks. And now, my friend, you've walked into my life like a main character in a story waiting to be written.

See, I've got this hunch, like a sneeze you can't shake – you might just be the hero I've been waiting for, the one who can track down that gem, drag it back to me, and let me slap the lid shut on its evil. So, spill it, champ – are you game for a little adventure that could save the world from some dark bling?"

"Hold onto your hats, folks, 'cause we're about to dive into a plan that's got more twists than a pretzel at a contortionist convention. Now, before we dive headfirst into this barrel of monkey business, let me lay it out straight – this plan, it's like the recipe for chaos, with a side of insanity. But you know what? Sign me up, 'cause where there's crazy, there's a good time waiting to happen. So, hit me with the deets, my friend – what's the scoop?"

"Turns out, our golden ticket is this cave, the very same one that's been causing nightmares for my family since, well, since cavemen probably had better fashion sense. You're gonna march into that cave like you're on a mission from the universe itself, and your goal? Bring down the Belial Hellspawn. Yeah, you heard me right – the gem's darkness cooked up its own evil minion, a demon so nasty it'd make a horror movie director shake in their boots. So, what's the grand plan? Easy peasy – you're gonna go in there, face this Belial Hellspawn head-on, and show it who's boss. And while you're at it, snag that gem, like you're picking up takeout on a Friday night. Just remember, this ain't a casual stroll in the park, it's a full-blown, boots-on-the-ground adventure."

"Now, I know what you're thinking – "Wow, that sounds like a one-way ticket to bonkersville!" And you know what? You're not wrong. But let me tell you, my friend, the weirdest plans often end up being the most unforgettable ones. So, suit up, gear up, and give me a head nod if you're ready to make this wacky dream a reality."

"Wait, are you for real? You're just gonna jump into this insanity with both feet?"

"Yep, absolutely."

"Well, alright then. If you say so."

"Oh, I say so. Let's do this!"

I dashed into the cave at a casual pace, whipped out my sword-ax-like Gramr of berserker, and stepped right in. The Belial Hellspawn was there, looking like it just saw a ghost – or in this case, me. It lunged at me, and before its claws could even scratch me, I'd already slashed it fifteen ways to Sunday, ending its monstrous reign in a snap. It crumbled to dust, leaving the gem shining in its place. I scooped it up and hightailed it back to the little oasis where the old Baronet was waiting. He looked gobsmacked, like he'd seen a unicorn riding a rainbow. How did I pull off this kind of miracle without breaking a sweat? Well, folks, I'm Rasleigh Chasewalker, the Einherjar Extraordinaire. Yep, that's me!

Ladies and gents, gather 'round, for we've reached the grand finale of this wild ride. Picture this: after battling demons, braving the abyss, and generally getting lost in the shuffle of cosmic chaos, we've finally got all our ducks in a row – the mystical Tablet and that pesky Hellspawn's gem are safe and sound in our clutches. And you know what that means? Time to cue the heroic music and get ready for a triumphant moment that'll have you fist-pumping in your seats.

Now, let me set the stage for you – we've got this trusty bracelet that's like the key to locking away the gem's power. It's like putting that genie back in its bottle, only without the whole three-wishes situation. This bracelet is like the ultimate lifehack for all those restless souls caught up in the gem's dark dance. And boy, oh boy, are we about to offer them a VIP ticket to peace-town. It's like trading in sorrow for joy, anger for love, and getting rid of that emotional baggage like it's last season's fashion trend.

So there I stood, on the precipice of making history – finally giving those lost souls a much-needed break and tossing that darkness out the window. And guess what? I did it! After years of mystery and mayhem, that bracelet went on like a charm, and the gem's power got sealed tighter than a pickle jar. It's like a cosmic exorcism, but without all the pea soup and head-spinning.

But hold on a tick – let's give credit where credit's due. Without our adventurous companion here, none of this would've been possible. "So, dear adventurer, I present to you this Euphrates Daisy, a token of my eternal gratitude. It's not just any flower – it's like a badge of honor, a reminder of the good you've done in this crazy world. It'll keep that gem's power in check and ensure that our hard work doesn't go to waste. Just remember, keep it on the down-low and out of the hands of greed-mongers. You've brought peace to my grandpa's spirit and kept the peace in our realm, making you the bona fide hero of this fantastical tale."

And there you have it, folks – the saga of battling demons, harnessing dark energy, and setting things right in the cosmic balance. So, to wrap things up, let's just say, "Well, thanks a whole bunch, old man. You're not half-bad yourself, adventurer."

And so, I charged through the desert amidst the swirling sandstorm, determined to fulfill my mission. The Valkyrie's words echoed in my mind, instructing me to vanquish three malevolent entities: the false god, the first king, and the treacherous usurper who had slain his own brother. It was clear to me now that I must defeat Shah Ra, then proceed to take down King Osiris, and finally confront Pharaoh, all in the precise sequence she had mentioned. Haha, it seemed like a challenging quest ahead! As if these challenges weren't enough, there were two more monstrous adversaries I had to face: the legendary sand-dwelling creature known as Apophis, and the Eternal Queen of the Ants, Reine Ameise, who had sinister plans of invading the entirety of Avalon with her ant army. So off I ventured towards the enigmatic Marokko Pyramid. This unassuming structure harbored not only the infamous Alsahran Gangland Syndicate but also the very demons I had been assigned to vanquish. Its origins trace back to an era when it was constructed in tandem with the Sphinx, under the facade of being commissioned by an unidentified pharaoh. As irony would have it, that pharaoh turned out to be Set, one of the demons on my hit list.

Navigating my way through the pyramid's basement, which doubled as a perplexing labyrinth, I couldn't help but recognize its reputation as a complex prison that only the seasoned gang members could confidently navigate. My primary target was Shah Ra, an intriguing figure of Alsahran lore whose myth predated the rise of the Khartoum Empire. The intriguing part? Shah Ra manifested as a human-like entity, clutching the Uas scepter—a potent symbol of authority. Shah Ra embodied the very essence of the air, an omnipresence that defied boundaries of time and space. This quality earned him the moniker "the hidden one," a name that captured his elusive nature. While he couldn't be directly observed, his influence was palpable, and he attentively heeded the pleas and offerings that people directed his way.

As the legend of Shah Ra gained momentum, it transcended Alsahra's confines, echoing throughout the expanse of the Ziggurat Desert. So much so that even the Presbyters came to recognize him as more than just a local deity—many believed him to be the offspring of Ra (the sun god) and even an earthly embodiment of Ra himself. This awe-inspiring reputation led to his grandiose title, Shah Ra. Legends are like stories spun by the old souls' creativity, often taking flights of imagination. In reality, Shah Ra's tale took a darker turn—he was the demon who manipulated Set into fratricide. Now, he's either still roaming free or perhaps ensnared within the Pyramid, a pawn in the hands of Presbyters acting on Set's orders. It seems Shah Ra didn't anticipate that twist, betrayed by those he had schemed against.

As I ventured to the deepest recesses of the pyramid, there he was—Shah Ra, confined to a stone chair and limited to movement through his power of levitation. Upon spotting me, a wicked laughter escaped his lips.

"What in Surtr's fiery name do we have here, youngster? Lost or seeking to grasp unparalleled power and rule the world? Tell me your desire... OOOF!" he exclaimed, his words cut short as I lunged toward the demon with incredible swiftness and strength, largely thanks to my Seven-League Boots and Magingiorde. My fist struck him hard in the abdomen, sending him crashing to the ground and spewing blood as he coughed and sputtered. I stood atop his stone throne as he lay there, still wheezing from the impact, and then I drew my sword-ax-like Gramr.

"Stay put now, 'cough' why 'cough' didn't you 'cough' just reveal 'cough' your purpose 'cough' earlier?" he gasped.

"What purpose? I'm here to exterminate you, following the orders of my superior back in Valhalla."

"Wait, please! A deal can be struck! Release me from this imprisonment and I can make all your wishes come true! I can even...ugh!!" I drove Gramr through his gaping mouth, the blade emerging from the back of his skull. Swiftly pulling it out, I sliced through his neck, severing his head from his body. He faded into thin air, perhaps dispatched to Hel instead of Muspelheim. However, before he completely vanished, I managed to snatch his headdress—an ornate Pharaoh Headpiece—as a keepsake. After dealing with Shah Ra, I shifted into ghost mode and phased through the inner walls of the pyramid, reappearing on the first level. It was there that I spotted a demonic serpent known as Nagini. Swiftly reaching into my satchel, I retrieved the Bracelet of Obedience and dashed toward the demon. She lunged at me with more than 20 claw strikes, each of which I managed to dodge. Seizing the opportunity, I landed a forceful punch to her abdomen, eliciting a painful hiss. Without wasting time, I snatched the armlet from her right hand and began chanting the binding spell that would make her my familiar, obliging her to carry out my every command.

"I am bound to do as you wish, master," the Nagini said.

"Well then, first thing's first. I will be naming you, Valentina. Does that sound good?"

"As you wish, master."

"Okay, Valentina. Where is King Osiris located? It's been years since I've been in this place and frankly, I don't have a clue as to where I am going."

"The Demon Lord is in his tomb, master."

"I see. Would you please refrain from calling me Master, just call me Boss, okay?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Oh for fuck sake Medusa, never mind."

"Yes, my lord."

"Lead me to his tomb and make it fast. Go!"

"Yes, my lord."

And so, Valentina slithered ahead at her fastest pace, while I followed closely behind her. We eventually reached a gathering of various demons and undead creatures, congregated before the imposing Tomb of King Osiris. It was a motley crew of hellhounds, mummies, ancient mummies, minotaurs, naginis, soldier skeletons, archer skeletons—basically, an assortment of menacing adversaries who seemed blissfully unaware that their easy target was now upon them. "Stay here and guard the entrance," I instructed Valentina, my loyal companion.

With Gramr once again drawn from its sheath, I plunged into the midst of the monstrous assembly, ready to engage in a mass slaughter. Swinging my weapon with precision, I swiftly dispatched one foe after another, leaving a trail of defeated adversaries in my wake. The ensuing chaos was a messy spectacle, but I emerged victorious.

Once the tumultuous encounter had concluded, I made my way toward the entrance of the tomb itself. The Tomb of King Osiris, constructed by Gaspar Horus, a former lord of Oasenstadt City, harbored countless secrets waiting to be unveiled. Only a select few mercenaries had dared to venture into this crypt, a testament to its enigmatic nature.

King Osiris had once been the revered leader of the Khartoum Empire, a once-thriving nation predating Alsahra. His rule was marked by his magnetic charisma and commanding presence. Tragically, his life was cut short by the treacherous actions of his own brother, Set, who later transformed into the dreaded demon known as Pharaoh. Set's malevolent envy led to Osiris' demise, and Set seized control of the Khartoum Empire. Osiris, once celebrated as The Great King, was overshadowed by Set's reign of bloodshed, earning the grim title of King of Blood for his merciless killings of any Khartoum citizens who dared to oppose him.

In a twist of fate, the Witch of Endor, one of Hera's lieutenants, harnessed her immense power to resurrect King Osiris. However, the resurrected Osiris was far from the noble king of old; instead, he had become a commander of demons, consumed by a sinister obsession with sending heroes to their doom through the dreaded Blade of Despair. As the goddess Hera was imprisoned, King Osiris met a similar fate, consigned to an eternity of darkness and isolation. King Osiris transformed into the revered deity of the desert-dwelling people, embodying the concept of reincarnation. The ancient tales recount a heartrending story of how his envious brother Set, driven by jealousy, snuffed out Osiris' life using a dagger. Not content with that, Set tore Osiris' body into fragments, scattering them across the expanse of Lake Danao, an act intended to ensure Osiris' eternal rest. However, Osiris' devoted wife, Isis, driven by her profound grief, embarked on a poignant quest to gather these dismembered pieces of her beloved. Guided by her love and determination, she carefully assembled the fragments, binding them together with the tears she shed in sorrow.

Through this remarkable act of devotion, King Osiris transcended death itself, undergoing a miraculous resurrection that elevated him to the status of a deity. He ascended to the lofty position of the god of reincarnation and the sovereign of death. This intriguing narrative sheds light on the origins of the belief among the Pharaohs that they could attain immortality and even godhood following their demise. This faith in their potential divinity after death is why Pharaohs underwent meticulous mummification processes, preserving their bodies to ensure their readiness for an eventual return. It's a testament to the enduring impact of this legend on the ancient Alsahran culture, infusing it with the hope of transcending mortality and embracing the realm of the divine.

But let's get one thing straight - these stories are more like ancient tall tales than unassailable truths. And as for "The Pharaohs," don't let your mind wander too far. It was just the old-timey title for the big cheese of the Alsahra tribe. Fast forward a few centuries, they switched things up and started going by "Sand Kings" and "Sand Queens." You see, way back when, one of the Pharaohs, a dude named Xerxes Al-Miraj, tied the knot with one of the Albion royal families, the Merovingians. A real cross-cultural shindig, I tell ya.

Then came General Cleopatra Merovingian, who swept in like a hurricane and brought all these modern ideas and advancements to Alsahra. After that, the place became part of the Empire of Avalon, but kept a bit of independence. So, guess who's wearing the crown these days? None other than my mom, Queen Myrrh Chasewalker. Yeah, I know, it sounds like a whole bunch of "Wait, what?" vibes. But hey, it all traces back to my Great Grandpa, Calibur Chasewalker, an honest-to-goodness Tracker from Tandaya. He bumped into Hermione Shah-Mirza, the daughter of the Alsahra king, and well, they became the Romeo and Juliet of their time – minus the sad ending, thankfully.

When the big bad Surtr broke free from his underground prison, and Oasenstadt bit the dust, the Shah-Mirza Dynasty went down in flames too. But guess what? Our star-crossed lovebirds made a comeback, waltzing right into Oasenstadt. My great grandma, being the last one standing from the royal bunch, donned the crown like a champ, becoming the new Queen. And wouldn't you know it, she kicked off the Chasewalker Dynasty by tying the knot with my grandpa, and the big shots over at the Imperial Court of Avalon gave it the thumbs up.

Now, if you're wondering, no, I haven't had a chat with my mom yet. Our schedules are both playing hard to get. But I'm thinking of giving her a surprise visit before I take off to Tandaya. I can only imagine what my buddy Iakin is up to right now. She's probably off on some wild escapade and hustles. Okay, okay, I'll stop blabbering now. This whole monologue thing has gone on long enough!

I stepped into the tomb of King Osiris, and there he was, chilling on his throne like the big shot he used to be.

"What's the deal, Tracker?" he boomed.

"Got a simple job from the boss up in Valhalla – gotta put an end to your undead existence," I replied, all business.

"Ah, Valhalla, old grudge, I take it. You know, Odin's probably still salty about that Hera thing I pulled off way back when. Been stuck in this dusty tomb for ages, so you showing up's a bit of excitement, I must say. So, ready to tango?"

Next thing I knew, he was wielding his Blade of Despair and charging at me with the speed of a caffeinated cheetah. Man, I wasn't expecting a corpse wrapped in rotting rags to be so damn nimble. You'd think rigor mortis would've kicked in by now, right? Blocked his first swipe, but then he pulled this crazy maneuver, circling behind me while launching a spirit blaster. I dodged it, narrowly.

Before he could whip out another spell, he realized I'd already teleported behind him. Surprise, surprise. Poor guy didn't catch on that I'm quicker than he thought. I swung my blade, and that was the last thing he ever saw – my face, right before my sword sliced through his neck. His crown and that Blade of Despair went right into my trophy collection. Raided his treasure stash, vacuumed it all up into my bag, and then bolted out of that pyramid like my tail was on fire. Blink and you'd miss it.

I parked myself at the entrance of the pyramid, giving myself a breather for about five minutes. Couldn't help but cast a gaze at the other marvel around – the Sphinx. You'd think it was built side by side with the Marokko Pyramid for some ancient big shot pharaoh, but that's just a fancy cover-up for what's really going on: it was Set's crib, the guy I'm zeroing in on next. The crowd's been calling him "Pharaoh" these days.

Alright, let's dive into some ancient Alsahra history, shall we? Back in the day, when Alsahra was just getting started, the big shot on the throne was none other than King Osiris. Oh yeah, the folks loved him. When his rule wrapped up, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. They even built a fancy pyramid to host his remains, along with the god he was all about – Shah Ra, the mystical dude who supposedly hangs out in the deep parts of those pyramids.

Now, hold onto your camel, because King Osiris' story takes a turn. After bumping off his own brother – let's call him the ousted bro – King Osiris stepped into the spotlight as the ruler of Alsahra. Word on the sandy streets was that this guy was not just the king, but also a goldmine in the riches department. He'd go gallivanting into the great desert, unearthing treasures left and right. But that wasn't even the best part – he stumbled onto a goldmine of a place called the "Ameise Holle," where precious gems and minerals hung out, just waiting to be scooped up.

Now, brace yourself for a title change, because this king had some demands. He wanted folks to call him "Pharaoh" instead of Set – and that's where the nickname came from. This Pharaoh dude ruled with an iron fist, until his luck turned sour. One of his treasure hunting escapades went south when they ran into Apophis, the granddaddy of all serpentine desert monsters. Let's just say Pharaoh didn't win that round.

Just like they did for King Osiris, the people mourned Pharaoh's passing. They made a big deal monument near Oasenstadt, in honor of his flashy legacy. The name? Kind of forgotten, because he was all about that title, "Pharaoh." And where's he resting? Well, his tomb's in there somewhere, both the Pyramids and the Sphinx monument are locked down like Fort Knox, guarded by some seriously devoted sentinels. Word is, the spirits of both King Osiris and Pharaoh are having a restless snooze in those tombs. Disturb their peace? They're supposedly gonna wake up – not a morning person kinda thing. And guess what? You've got it right – there's supposed to be a big stash of treasures in there just waiting for someone with enough guts to dig in. Another adventure, another haul, right?

Talking history, ages back, this slice of land was rocking an ancient civilization, back when Oasenstadt was just starting to stretch its legs. It was all under the thumbs of a big-time tyrant – you know, the type that wears a crown and plays with building blocks too. He gets credit for throwing up pyramids, that Sphinx, the Suluan lighthouse, and a bunch of other fancy structures. But guess what? All that glamour wasn't free. It was built on a foundation of lashes and blood, with folks dropping like flies under the weight of his grand vision. When the guy finally keeled over, some folks shed a tear or two, while others did a secret dance of joy. But those hit hardest by his cruelty? Oh, they cursed his mummy, threw all kinds of hexes at it, cursing him to an afterlife of eternal unrest. So now, he's stuck wandering his grand tomb, a lonely ghost amid the splendor he built, without a shred of peace to call his own. Back in the day – we're talking a bunch of centuries ago – the great Ziggurat Desert wasn't this sandy wasteland you see today. Nah, it used to be way different. Picture this: a time when it was still known as the Secar Ocean. But then, you know what happened? The epic rumble between those big, burly Jotunn Giants and the Aesir, those godly sorts, went down. The aftermath? The Secar Ocean? Gone. Dried up. And just like that, what was once a water wonderland turned into the desert we've got now.

Now, let's talk about that big fight. Herakles, the real heavy lifter, squared off against Sitan Infierno for a whopping ten days and nights. They went at it like there was no tomorrow. The kicker? Their brawl wasn't just throwing punches – it messed with everything. Land got flattened, reality got bent out of shape, and the whole area we now call Ziggurat Desert got one heck of a makeover. Right smack in the spot where they sealed up Sitan Infierno, the very first rulers of Alsahra – House Shadowsand – thought, "Hey, let's cover this up!" They built a castle over it. Then, as time rolled on, markets sprouted up, guilds claimed their turf, homes got slapped together, and voila! Oasenstadt City was born. Yeah, they named it after the bad guy.

And if we're talking side notes, you betcha – House Shadowsand got their mitts on the legendary sand terror, Apophis. They roped that sucker in from the desert around Iberian Dukedom, using it to put the screws to the Duke of Atacama. That little victory? It snowballed into the Unification of the Duchies in the Dry Sea (a.k.a. Ziggurat Desert) and gave birth to the Kingdom of Alsahra. But here's the kicker – once the Shadowsand gang waved goodbye, no other magic-bloodline wizard could keep Apophis in check. Legend's got it that the last Shadowsand survivors went nutso from all that magical tension and Apophis' bindings. They went cuckoo, inching toward oblivion, and soon enough, the clan became a distant memory.

Alright, time to explore the Sphinx – I mean, who wouldn't want to check out a gigantic cat statue with secrets inside, right? But oh boy, the ancient Dark Presbyters didn't exactly roll out the welcome mat. Nope, they swarmed in like mummies on a mission, probably not thrilled about my unexpected appearance. But hey, they wanted a brawl, and I brought my trusty sword-ax-like Gramr of berserker for exactly that reason. So, with a few swings, I turned them into dust, making sure my Gramr didn't feel left out.

Just when I thought the party was winding down, in walks the main guest – the pharaoh himself. He must've been really eager to see who had the guts to disturb his royal hangout. No chitchat, he rushed straight at me with a meaty fist aimed at my noggin. Quick reflexes saved the day as I managed to block his haymaker with a punch of my own. We danced back and forth, me dodging his hefty swings while he tried to make me a mummy sandwich. Then I saw my opening – a 360-degree twirl and a jump, all while meeting his charge with the sharp end of my sword. He hadn't even realized his head was separated from his body by the time it hit the floor. I snagged his headpiece and the broken pharaoh emblem as a little souvenir, 'cause why not?

Next stop was his treasure room, and let me tell you, the dude was a collector of the finest stuff. His horde was even more impressive than King Osiris', if you can believe it. So, I did what any sensible treasure hunter would do – opened up my satchel and vacuumed up all that wealth. I'm talking gold, jewels, the whole shebang. Now, with my coffers bulging, I'm left wondering what in the world I'll do with all this loot. World's my oyster now, and I've got a treasure map for days! Haha, I could get used to this.

Stepping out of the sphinx, I returned to my spot and settled in. The sun was now blazing high in the sky, casting those brave, wide-eyed wannabe adventurers in sharp relief as they flocked towards the pyramid and the sphinx. I gave them a little nod, a sort of knowing welcome to this crazy world, and then I turned my attention back to my path leading into the desert.

The desert sprawled before me, a shifting canvas of sand and secrets. As I ventured further, I couldn't help but notice the Blobdrops lounging about the terrain. Yep, those peculiar creatures had Odin's signature all over them – they were basically his saliva's artistic endeavor, just like Blob. These guys were like the Blob's distant cousins or something. Blobdrops, the jiggly gelatin-like beings that they were, loved to bounce around like hyperactive water droplets frozen mid-jump. And you know what's cool? They attacked by launching themselves at other monsters or unsuspecting adventurers. It was like a wild game of Blobdrops dodgeball out here.

These critters seemed to have mastered desert living, which made sense since they were basically giant orange gelatin bubbles with legs. Me? Well, I was starting to feel the desert's dryness crawling up my throat. Thankfully, I was one step ahead and had this trusty water container that I pulled out from my magic satchel. Ah, the perks of being prepared – and maybe a bit magical too. Gulp, gulp – water's flowing, and I'm not planning on turning into a dried-up raisin out here. Time to keep moving, with hydrated heroism in tow!

Chillin' in the shadow of a palm tree, soaking up the cool respite from the desert sun – that's where I was at. And just when I was about to really kick back, this colossal something or other decided it wanted to have me for lunch. Next thing I know, I'm feeling this slimy, wet sensation – like I'm being slurped up by the world's biggest slurpee straw. Not cool, right? Panic mode kicks in, and I high-tail it like there's no tomorrow – putting a good ten paces between me and whatever tongue that was.

Whipping around to face my would-be captor, my heart almost stops when I see what's really up: Apophis, the sand serpent straight out of some twisted bedtime story. This thing, man, it's like the embodiment of hunger and muscle, just charging my way. No chit-chat, no friendly introductions – just a beast with a bottomless belly coming at me.

And then, in the blink of an eye, I'm in its gullet. But here's the kicker – I didn't plan on making it a permanent vacation. With some fancy footwork, or maybe I should say fancy sword work, I tore my way out from the inside, hacking and slashing with Gramr like a man possessed. Apophis, though, wasn't gonna last long against the surprise counterattack. In mere seconds, the whole surreal showdown was over. Talk about weird encounters, right?

Now, I'm not one to leave without a memento – it's like a tradition or something. So, I snagged Apophis' tongue as a keepsake, and just for good measure, I did a little time-freeze magic to keep it fresh. Slipped that peculiar trophy into my magic satchel – a serpent souvenir, in all its slimy glory.

Back to the desert I went, on the hunt for Ameise Holle, this underground crib where Reine Ameise and her army of Myrmekes ants throw wild parties – well, not exactly. But hey, it's this gnarly lair down south on the Avalon Continent, at least according to the maps I managed to scoop up. And speaking of wild parties, my latest run-in was the oddest one yet – Apophis, this sand serpent mega-snake, tried to swallow me whole. Trust me, I had no time for that nonsense, and I showed that creature who's boss.

So, with a vengeance-filled heart, I trekked on for miles, until lo and behold, I stumbled upon the entrance to Ameise Holle. Yeah, it's like the ant equivalent of a swanky underground club, except with way more legs and chittering. Anyway, it's got two doorways – like, this place is serious about keeping things accessible, I guess. And Valentina, my trusty serpent sidekick, was right by my side, a loyal partner on this crazy adventure.

We stepped into the abyss of Ameise Holle, treading like we're on a landmine – just hoping not to wake any unwanted partygoers. And wouldn't you know it, I bumped into these little dudes called Zwergin. Think dwarves, but not quite – they're these underground-dwelling fellas, decked out in miner gear like it's a fashion statement. Apparently, they're all about digging for ores, and they keep it underground to avoid the paparazzi. Nah, I'm kidding, but seriously, they're ore-obsessed and rarely ruffle feathers, unless you try to nab their loot or come at them with bad intentions.

Where these Zwergin even come from is a mystery – like, did they just pop outta nowhere? People talk about them having some underground city, but no one's brought back any concrete evidence. You can catch these curious critters hanging in spots like Gungnir Dead Pit and, you guessed it, Ameise Holle. What's super weird, though, is that none of the other critters down there have beef with these Zwergin – it's like they've got some underground truce or something.

So there we were, delving deeper into this colossal ant hangout, when what do we stumble upon? A bunch of Ant Eggs strewn all around. Now, these ain't your ordinary eggs – they're like these little white capsules, cozy cocoons that ants dig for themselves. You'd probably think they're just eggs, right? But nah, these little dudes are like the next-gen ant troops in the making.

You see, each of these eggs is like a surprise package waiting to hatch into a different type of monster ant, and that depends on the Queen calling the shots. It's like a full-blown ant lottery: you might get Fourmis, Formicas, Formigas, or Hormigas. Now, when it comes to babysitting duty, it's the Hormiga ants that got that gig – they're like the daycare crew, taking care of these eggs like it's their job.

Now, if you're curious where you can catch these ant eggs in action, it's all happening at the swanky ant lair called "Ameise Holle." But, wait for it, there's more – there's this hotspot called Myrmidonia, just chillin' on the outskirts of Fort Saint Charlemagne. Seems like these eggs got hip to the place and started hanging around there too. You might spot some eggs scattered about, leftovers from rogue missions or stolen goods – yeah, the Iberian Authorities got in on this ant action. Those sneaky eggs end up getting adopted and trained to carry loads for the Iberian peeps, becoming these trusty four-legged buddies that can navigate the rugged terrain like a champ.

Now, here's the kicker – unlike the regular ants you see, these Monster Ants, they're like the ones that skipped a grade or something. They ain't playing with the whole larvae stage, no sir. They hatch right into adulthood, skipping the awkward teen phase entirely. They've evolved, or maybe they've had a little genetic makeover, who knows? But whatever it is, it's like ant magic that boosts their numbers like double. And guess what? This ant population explosion has set off alarms in the Alsahra Government, prompting them to wage war on these ants in the Ziggurat Desert.

So picture this: the ant massacre was in full swing, going on for a good few years, and guess what? Half of those ant squads got wiped off the map. The Alsahra Government was like, "Time to lay the smackdown on Ameise Holle," and they went all out, aiming to take down the entire ant population. But here's the twist – before they could finish that ant party off, Oasenstadt got wrecked. Yeah, talk about bad timing.

But you know ants, they're like the comeback kings. After a while, their numbers started to bounce back like nothing happened. Yet this time, they were smart – they didn't spread like wildfire through the Ziggurat Desert again. Nope, they decided to take their ant show on the road and expand into other turf. So, get this – the Crusader Scouts, those brave souls, went out and reported that the ants were doing some serious redecorating. They found the ants had set up shop in the Abandoned Fort Complex between Iberia and Atacama, this place they call Fort Malik. It's like the ant version of a vacation home, I guess.

Now, don't get me wrong, throwing down some siege action and smashing a few eggs in that underground hangout might not be the magic bullet for this ant infestation. Nah, to really put an end to this ant rodeo, I gotta take down the big cheese – Reine Ameise, the ant queen herself. Yep, Valhalla HQ sent me the memo, and it's clear: she's cooking up a master plan to invade Alsahra and maybe even take the party to the neighboring spots. And we all know, when ants party, they don't just stop at one spot. So, it's up to me to bring down the ant queen and keep these little critters in check. Time to earn my paycheck, I guess.

Meet Reine Ameise – the queen ant with more power than you'd care to mess with. Now, she's not your regular garden variety ant; she's got a taste for the dark, damp corners of the world, and she's not afraid to make life miserable for anyone who dares to intrude on her turf. Reine Ameise, the Queen Bee – wait, no, that's a different story – Queen Ant, rather, holds court in the Ameise Holle Colony. You can think of her as the big mama ant, the queen bee... um, ant, responsible for popping out the rest of the ant crew.

But here's where things get interesting – she's not your typical ant by a long shot. I mean, if you were expecting a queen ant with a crown and a regal demeanor, think again. Reine Ameise is like the ant version of a superhero, if superheroes looked like they crawled straight out of a sci-fi nightmare. She's got powers that'll make your head spin – and I'm not just talking about how many times she can lift her own body weight.

Picture this: she's got the whole ant colony under her psychic thumb, like some kind of insect puppet master. If one of her minions sees a rogue crumb on the floor or senses danger, she knows about it. She's got the insect hotline straight to her brain. And the best part? She doesn't even need to raise an antenna to control them; it's all in her mind. Her brain's on overdrive, and she can tap into other insects' minds, kind of like a telepathic ant network.

Oh, and did I mention she's not one to mess with in a race? She can zip across the ground like lightning, leaving even some of the speediest creatures in her dust. Imagine her legs – a whole bunch of them – propelling her at a pace that's as jaw-dropping as it is terrifying.

Now, as if that wasn't wild enough, imagine a creature that's part human, part insect, and all queen. Yep, Reine Ameise rocks a bizarre combo of a human torso and an insect body. But don't think for a second that this is some weird ant-human hybrid. Her human half and insect half are more like BFFs, connected by what looks like a funky cable. It's like they're in cahoots, working together as a total powerhouse of nature's nightmares.

Just picture her – four sets of insect legs beneath her, propelling her at warp speed. And those extra appendages on her upper side? They're more like arm-hands hybrid, ready to unleash a world of hurt on anything dumb enough to threaten her kingdom. On top of that, she's rocking this crown-like thing, decked out with a bunch of antennas, because clearly, ruling over an ant colony demands some snazzy accessories.

You'd think with all this going on, Reine Ameise would be the world's most famous ant celebrity, right? Wrong. She's a bit of a homebody. She doesn't do much venturing outside of her Ameise Holle abode. You'll mostly find her there, keeping a watchful eye over her ant empire and tending to her ant subjects like a... well, like a queen.

Okay, so you thought Reine Ameise was the queen bee – or, uh, ant – of this whole story, right? Well, surprise surprise, she's got a male counterpart too, and he goes by the name of Ameise Nutte. Yeah, it's like a buddy cop duo, but with ants. Picture this: just like Reine Ameise, this guy has a humanoid body that's all human-like, but with a major difference – he's all male. And nope, he's not hanging out in the Ameise Holle like her majesty.

Now, you might be wondering how I got the inside scoop on all this ant drama. Well, I've been diving deep into the world of research, my friend. I've got my hands on a paper by none other than Patriszja von Sharkskey – yep, the big philosopher who's the big cheese over at the Titanium Bank of Nordenbergwald. She used to be a hotshot professor at the Sage Academy, and let me tell you, she's got the ants all figured out.

But let's not forget, in this day and age, information doesn't come cheap. Back in the day, I'd have been clueless about Reine Ameise, only knowing that she's this crazy powerful queen ant who likes her digs dark and damp. She'd come out every once in a while to show invaders who's boss. But hey, times have changed, and now I'm schooling you on all things ant royalty. Haha!

So there I was, trudging through the cavern, minding my own business as Valentina followed my lead. But let me tell you, the moment wasn't all peace and quiet. Out of nowhere, my instincts started tingling, and before I knew it, Valentina was sounding the alarm: "Boss, heads up!" And in a flash, she darted out of harm's way, leaving Reine Ameise's razor-sharp hands swinging through the air.

Meanwhile, I pulled off some slick phasing moves, zipping through the rocky formations like a champ. As I took a moment to lock eyes with the big bad queen, Valentina was hissing and ready to throw down, her serpent instincts on full alert. But here's the kicker – Reine Ameise had her own agenda. She summoned her ant army and set them loose on us. Yeah, it was a full-blown ant attack, like something out of a sci-fi horror flick.

But guess what? Valentina wasn't about to let those critters ruin our day. She tore through those ants like a whirlwind, while I used my phasing powers to dance through the chaos, delivering some seriously efficient ant annihilation. It was like mowing the lawn, but with a whole lot more action.

I charged straight ahead, ready to face down Reine Ameise herself. Just when things were heating up, she tried to throw down with her bladed hands, but I wasn't having any of it. I deflected her attack with my trusty sword, then went all samurai on her, cutting off those creepy blades of hers. Duck, parry, and boom – I struck again, piercing her gut and slicing forward. Okay, truth be told, it wasn't the prettiest sight. A whole bunch of green goo spewed out, and I'm not talking about Jell-O.

But hold on, there's more. I scrambled up onto her back, giving her a taste of my blade one more time. Slice, dice, and boom – her human part was history, flopping around like a fish out of water. And that was the end of that. But you know me, never one to leave a mess. I slid my Shield of Naga between her halves, absorbing the spell that kept her all magical and deflect-y. As for the ant army, they basically just shrugged and went back to their ant business in their ant colony.

Now, the queen's crown – yeah, it was this crazy insectoid thing that sat on her head like a boss. But you know me, I can't resist a souvenir. I snatched it, put a time-stopping spell on it (because, why not?), and stashed it in my bag. Just another day in the life of a monster hunter, huh?

So, the Nagini and I made our way out of Ameise Holle, heading towards this other exit. But as soon as we stepped out, whoa, there it was – the Dimensional Gorge. It's like this freaky area where dark magic is just hanging around in the air, making the desert sands look all mystical and eerie. And guess who's behind all this magical hoopla? Yep, none other than the big bad himself, Surtr.

Now, Surtr isn't just your run-of-the-mill demon. He's like the grandmaster of demons albeit there's four of 'em, top dog in the demon hierarchy. I mean, I've probably told you this a couple of times, but let's do a quick recap. Back in the day, this guy was ready to bring the whole world to its knees, until a legendary hero named Herakles stepped up and put him in his place. Locked him up real good, buried him deep under the desert sands, and the city of Oasenstadt even got built right on top of the spot. Sweet, right? Peaceful times for years, but – and here's the twist – the seal that kept Surtr in check started waning. And guess what? Surtr made a break for it, punching a giant hole right through the heart of Oasenstadt.

Fast forward a bit, and there we have it – Surtr on the loose, retreating into the desert like a total drama queen. But he didn't just slink away into the sand alone. Oh no, he left behind these creepy shadow minions, his incarnations, to keep everyone on their toes and away from his sandy escape route.

Now, remember that part where Surtr was all gung-ho about obliterating the world? Yeah, that got the big shots – Avalon, Nordenbergwald, and Mittelmeerwuste – to join forces and take him down. The plan was simple: gather up the strongest warriors and give Surtr a taste of his own fiery medicine. But guess what? Squad after squad got wiped out. It was like a bad game of dominos.

After tons of sacrifices and near-misses, Surtr was basically pushed back to the desert's edge. And that, my friend, is how you send a demon packing... well, kind of.

Alright, buckle up for the sequel – the second showdown with Surtr. This time around, Surtr might've been beat up from the last battle, but he was still packing enough punch to give the heroes a run for their money. It was like one of those epic boss fights in a game, you know? They went at it, tooth and nail, in a brutal face-off. But, guess what? Our heroes actually pulled it off and gave Surtr a major smackdown. Victory was sweet, or so they thought.

Just as they were about to deliver the final blow, Surtr pulled a classic villain move. He basically used the last bits of his energy to punch a hole through reality itself. Imagine that, creating a whole new portal out of desperation. Smart move if you ask me, even if it was pretty dramatic.

Surtr's physical form was toast, but his sneaky soul managed to slip through the portal and escape to goodness knows where. The guys back home were like, "Uh oh, he's gonna be back, isn't he?" So, the bigwig nations, Avalon, Nordenbergwald, and Mittelmeerwuste, teamed up to figure out what exactly this crazy portal was all about. They bravely hopped through, and guess what they found on the other side? A whole different universe, which they named Neweltz. And let me tell you, it's like a fairy-tale land – Fairies known as Lambanas, Treefolks called Zuttibur, and a whole bunch of bizarre monsters straight out of their wildest nightmares.

Now, while our heroes were getting a taste of this alternate universe, Sitan Infierno's soul was already up to no good. But hey, I can't give away too much. If you wanna know what kind of chaos he stirred up, you'll have to grab the next issue. Don't worry, I'm not leaving you totally hanging.

But let's shift gears a bit – Oasenstadt, the Desert City, got hit hard by Surtr's wrath. The folks of Alsahra might've been tough enough to handle the desert's rough weather, but Surtr was a different beast. He turned the city into rubble, and it was a sight that no one could forget.

Now, remember the Dimensional Gorge? Yeah, it's still hanging around, but it's not as menacing as it once was. See, those incarnations of Surtr that were lurking there, they were kinda like his minions, but they weren't exactly top-tier threats. So, I took the liberty of going through and cleaning house. Sliced through those incarnations like a hot knife through butter, while Valentina collected their right ears as souvenirs. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do for a little bonus, right?

Alright, hold onto your hats, 'cause I'm about to lay some dimensional knowledge on you. You ever wonder what the heck a Dimensional Fissure is? Well, let me break it down for you. Think of it like a cosmic crack – a doorway that punches right through the fabric of space and time, connecting different dimensions. And guess what? These doorways aren't something your average Joe can just whip up. We're talking about big-shot beings with immense power. So, when you see one of these cracks, you know some heavy hitters are behind it.

Now, here's where it gets trippy – traveling through these fissures messes with time. Like, seriously messes with it. Imagine spending two weeks in one realm, only to find out that it was just three hours back home. Yeah, it's like time is playing a wicked game on you.

You know that whole Thousand-Year War thing? Well, turns out, old Surtr was quite the fan of these fissures. The gossip from the Murder of Crows – you know, those guys who are all about the dark secrets – suggests that during the war, Surtr might've pulled a fast one. He used a Dimensional Fissure to hop from his realm, Muspelheim, to good old Midgard. Sneaky, right? But, guess what? He got his fiery butt kicked out of there by the likes of Herakles. Oops.

But you know how they say old habits die hard? Surtr wasn't giving up that easily. When he was finally free from his timeout, he gave that Dimensional Fissure another spin. Except this time, he left it hanging open, and brave adventurers could follow him right through it. This interdimensional roller coaster landed them in Jotunheim, and they set up camp, turning the fissure into some kind of cosmic pit stop.

After a bit of research and a whole lot of head-scratching, these folks figured out how to not just jump between realms, but also hop around through time. Yeah, you heard me right – time travel through a Dimensional Fissure. Now, wouldn't that be a wild ride?.

So, picture this: I swagger back into the city like I've got the world on a string. And where do I head? Straight to the mercenary guild house – the hub of all things adventurous and daring. You won't believe the scene there – adventurers of all sorts buzzing around like bees on a mission. Why? Because there's a juicy hunt on the horizon – a chance to kick those pesky incarnations of Sitan Infierno right out of our turf.

But, here's the twist – I wasn't really there to join the party. Nah, I had a different agenda. My sights were set on the assistant guild master, a Baronet with a taste for the wild side. The moment she laid eyes on me, her jaw practically hit the floor.

"Rasleigh!? What in the name of all that's unholy! It's been a century!" she hollers, flabbergasted.

I couldn't help but grin. "I know, right? Who would've thought I'd saunter back into this scene?"

Man, the look on her face was priceless – a mix of shock, disbelief, and a hint of that old camaraderie. It's funny how life can swing you back around to the places and people you thought you'd left in the dust.