Chapter X The Kingdom of Joseon and the Capital of the East, Coreandale

Alright, let me paint you a picture of Joseon – this massive oriental nation-state that's like the poster child for mountain kingdoms, as Avalon would put it. Its heart and soul is the City of Coreandale, a name that echoes with history as the Ancient Capital of the East. The reins of power are in the hands of House Lonewalker now, following the dramatic power shift during the Great Eastern War, which wiped out the Morningcalm Family. If you wander westward from Coreandale, you'll hit the Maderaverde Lake guild estates, a part of the larger Duchy of Maderaverde, under the rule of House Burton, stationed in Youngfield.

Heading south from the bustling streets of Coreandale City, you'll encounter the six other Duchies that fly the same banner. First, there's Bamboo Grove, presided over by House Flowerhome, with their headquarters stationed in Camp Cauayan. Next, there's Tigerwood, led by House Tigerian, and you'll find Fort Tigress Hill as their center of operations. Move along to the Duchy of Bogatam, managed by House Tanston, its administrative hub being Gallera. Not far off is the Duchy of Aragirac, ruled by House Sazida, and their base is Garastadt. Then there's the Duchy of Galud, where House LeCandazaw holds the reins, and Bunthai is their domain. Lastly, meet the Duchy of Quakewood, governed by House Notaga from their seat in Gompatersburg.

Now, let's swing back to Joseon's capital – this colossal city that sprawls on the edge of a towering mountain. And how did I come by all this info, you ask? Well, remember all the jabbering I've been doing? That's where some of it comes from. Plus, I've always been a bookworm, soaking up knowledge like a sponge. Back when I was still in cahoots with the Murder of Crows, we had this massive library filled to the brim with research books and other resources, our secret weapon to stay in the know.

Alright, let's drift back to Joseon and its intriguing landscape. Up north, there's this place called Huntsville, a March led by Marquis Raindrizzle. It's the cozy nest of the Archer's Coalition and the enigmatic Cave of Hades. The cherry on top? The city's tucked into this forest blanket that serves as a formidable shield against intruders. They've got this knack for architecture that's heavily influenced by the local wood available in the area, which adds a distinct flavor to the place. Rumors are circling that the forest and caves around Huntsville have their fair share of unexpected visitors – tigers and nine-tailed foxes, to be precise.

Speaking of forests, Joseon as a whole is this lush paradise of woods. The entire land is wrapped in a cloak of thick, emerald foliage, which actually does a fantastic job of keeping the city a bit of a mystery to outsiders. Most of the structures in this neck of the woods are made from wood – no surprises there, considering the abundance of trees. Getting turned around in these forests is practically a rite of passage for newcomers. Now, Coreandale is quite the sight. It's perched on the side of a mountain, gazing out over the vast ocean. On one side, you've got these dense, sprawling forests, acting as a natural embrace for the city. Flip the view, and you'll see these towering cliffs that peer over a rushing river. And what links the two sides together? Bridges – these grand structures of brick and stone that span the chasm between Coreandale and the opposite bank. They're not just routes for travelers; they double as defensive fortifications, flaunting turrets ready for action along the walls.

Let me spin you a tale about the bigwig in the City, the illustrious Lord Lonewalker – people treat this guy like he's the bee's knees, practically calling him the King. Here's a kicker: any of his offspring, be they male or female, score a shot at inheriting the whole kingdom and being the head honcho, thanks to a thumbs-up from the gods. And yeah, they're not just playing around, they've got a connection with the big Emperor over in Avalon, so there's that too.

Now, in the olden days – we're talking the Age of Gods – there was this boss called Lord Morningcalm who had the Joseon throne in his pocket. His only kiddo, Dara, was all set to take over the kingdom, but plot twist: the great eastern war happened, wiped out the Morningcalm legacy, and cued in the Lonewalkers as the new top dogs, now running the show in the City and bossing around in Joseon.

Joseon's got this knack for crafting bows that'd make you want to pick up archery, and they've got their name all over the map as the go-to place for training top-tier hunters and archers. Let's be honest, if archery had a kingdom, Joseon would probably be it. Word on the street is that their archers are like the Robin Hoods of the East – never missing a shot. Oh, and don't forget the "Houyi Bow" – it's got some street cred as a fierce composite bow, just one of the many cool things coming out of Joseon's archery scene.

Now, remember this: Joseon isn't your run-of-the-mill kingdom. It's like its own little universe, surrounded by these lush bamboo forests that can easily swallow you up if you're not careful. The vibe here is different from Aigleterre, the culture's got its own flair, and they've got a reputation for being quite the enigma in the woods. Let me hit you with some wilderness tales – Joseon's woods are like a monster mashup, with all these funky creatures you wouldn't find in your average backyard. Now, here's a kicker: there's a legend floating around about a tiger with brains – like human-level smarts – and muscles that could rival The Rock. This tiger's got a name, and it's got style – they call it Lord Baekho. But before you think about befriending it, hold your horses, 'cause not many folks live to tell the tale when they cross paths with this guy. Guess what? I'm one of the lucky few who can actually say, "Been there, done that."

So, get this: folks say that the whole House Tigerian deal, you know, the big-shot ducal family, traces its roots back to none other than Lord Baekho. I mean, imagine that – a tiger with some supernatural mojo managed to start a whole noble family by doing... well, things I can't even begin to imagine. Go figure, right? I mean, it's a real head-scratcher, but hey, Joseon's got a knack for the unexpected.

After I wrapped up my business in Batavia, I decided to take a stroll through Joseon's forest. Now, this wasn't your average Sunday afternoon walk – I was out there for a good five days, and let me tell you, I was seriously starting to doubt my map-reading skills. Civilization seemed like a distant memory, and I was half expecting to bump into Tarzan at any moment.

Welcome to the wild side of the Joseon Forest – it's like a beastly block party in there. You've got plant monsters strutting their stuff alongside the usual wolf pack, squirrel squad, bear brigade, fox crew, and insect invasion. And that's not all – rumor has it that if you're wandering through this leafy maze, you might just bump into some grumpy spirits looking for a chat. Or maybe not such a friendly one.

But hey, I didn't just run into your typical forest fare. Nah, I stumbled upon a real old-timer – none other than the infamous Lord Baekho. This guy's not just any tiger, he's an ancient white tiger who's carved out a cushy cave deep in the forest. The locals know him like the back of their hand. What's his idea of a good time, you ask? Puffing on a pipe full of that good old Mary Jane, of course. He's got some strong opinions about us humans – thinks we're a bunch of cavemen wrecking up his mountain paradise.

You see, Lord Baekho isn't exactly a "let's all be friends" kind of tiger. Nope, he's got a bit of a temper, and he's not afraid to show it. Anyone who dares to traipse into his turf better watch out, 'cause he's not one to welcome strangers with open paws. He's got a mean streak when it comes to travelers and adventurers – consider this your official warning to stay out of his hair. Picture this: I'm strolling along, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, bam! Out of thin air, here comes Lord Baekho, like a feline cannonball. He plows right into me, knocking me flat on my back. But hey, I'm not one to just lie there and take it – no sir! I gave him a taste of my fists, clocking him square in the face and delivering a swift kick where it counts. Ouch, even tigers feel that one!

Then, just to show him who's boss, I grabbed hold of him like he's a sack of potatoes and chucked him right over my shoulder. Wham! He hits the ground with a thud, probably wondering what hit him. But I'm not done yet – I've got moves for days. I clenched my knuckles, let out a primal scream, and landed a punch on one of his Bhalu buddies, sending him tumbling. That's right, two for one deal! And just to make sure everyone's in on the action, I gave the other Bhalu a good swift kick, causing a domino effect with a bunch of bamboos getting knocked over in the process.

Lord Baekho, the supposed king of this jungle, managed to scramble back to his paws, looking a little worse for wear. But that didn't stop me – I delivered another satisfying punch to his face, sending him back to the ground. He gave me a glare that could curdle milk, and I could practically hear his tiger growl translate to, "You're gonna regret this." But then he did something unexpected. He stood up, brushed off his fur, and with a gesture, signaled his Bhalu buddies to back off. Guess even ancient white tigers have their limits, huh?

"You're the strongest human to ever take me on face to face," he admitted.

"Strongest or not, you caught me off guard and pounced on me like a spring-loaded tiger. What's with the ambush?" I retorted.

He let out a deep growl. "I despise your kind. You humans come here, wreak havoc on the mountains, chop down trees, and mess up the serene beauty of the Joseon forest. Just like those annoying Xiangliu Spawns."

Well, well, well. Here's Mr. Ancient White Tiger with a chip on his shoulder. The irony, though, is that he's got some history with a human. He got frisky with the ancestor of House Tigerian, the same folks he's supposedly not fond of. I had a good chuckle thinking about that. The warrior princess Panthera Tigris, daughter of the legendary King Bagheera Morningcalm, was the lucky lady. Ah, the tangled webs of history.

"Look, did you see me wielding a chainsaw, tearing down trees? Nah, I'm more into preserving forests than ransacking them. So, how 'bout we strike a deal? Since you're not on my 'list'..." I trailed off, trying to cover up that accidental slip.

"List? What list?" Lord Baekho asked, clearly puzzled.

"Never mind that, it's not important. The point is, I'm here to wipe out Xiangliu. You've got a bone to pick with her, right?"

"Her and all her wretched Xiangliu Spawn."

"Great, I'll handle her, so you won't have to worry about her stirring up trouble on your turf. In return, just promise not to hassle any human wandering through these mountains, unless they're in the tree-smashing business. Sound fair?"

"I'll mull it over, human," Lord Baekho said, struggling to light up his pipe. I snapped my fingers, my alchemist gloves creating a spark that lit his pipe. He took a grateful drag. "Thanks, human. Now, what's your name?"

"Rasleigh Chasewalker. And by the way, is that Alsahran Kush you're puffing on?"

"Indeed it is. Care to join our little smoke session? We've got some Joseonese Red Cherry Herb and Batavian Haze too."

"Hell yeah, brother. Lead the way."

That day marked an unexpected turn in my adventure. I found myself puffing away on various strains of weed alongside none other than Lord Baekho and his crew of Bhalu slaves. Picture this: me, a mere mortal, sparking up with an ancient white tiger and his furry followers in a cave that screamed grandiosity. And let me tell you, he wasn't stingy with his stash. I even got to experience the smooth euphoria of Gefjun Resin Herb, cultivated in the lofty Gungnir Mountain range. Trust me, it's like a whole new level of mellow.

As the fragrant smoke wafted through the cave, our conversation got pretty deep. Amid the swirling haze, Lord Baekho spilled the beans on Xiangliu's whereabouts. Turns out, this troublemaker and her little spawn gang liked to hang out down south of the Joseon Forest, wreaking havoc on anything unlucky enough to cross their path. Ah, the things you learn during a magical smoke sesh with an ancient supernatural being. Who would've thought? Alright, let me paint a picture of this Xiangliu character for you. Imagine a colossal snake monster, but not just any snake – it's got a whopping nine heads. Yeah, you heard that right, nine freaking heads. And this monstrosity had a talent for wreaking havoc wherever it slithered. It's like wherever it decided to take a break, the whole place turned into a soggy, swampy mess. Oh, and don't even get me started on the water quality – it went from crystal clear to nasty and pungent, sending all the critters packing.

So, after I wrapped up my magical smoke session with Lord Baekho and his crew up in their mountain hideaway, I waved goodbye and hit the road. My mission? To track down these Xiangliu Spawns and give them a taste of their own medicine. Off I went, venturing into the wilds with a newfound sense of purpose.

Alright, let's talk business. So, there's this lucrative gig up on the Mercenary Board in Bargeldstadt and Coreandale, offering a sweet bounty of 5,000 drachmae for anyone who can take down those pesky Xiangliu Spawns. But wait, there's more – if you manage to wrangle the big mama Xiangliu, you're looking at a whopping reward of 350,000 drachmae. Yeah, I told you it's a fat payday.

So, I rolled up my sleeves and started taking out the little spawn first. Gotta warm up, right? But the main event was this colossal ten-meter-tall Xiangliu that came charging at me like it had a bone to pick. Can you blame it though? I basically wiped out its offspring. Anyhow, I dodged its venomous strikes with some seriously slick somersaults and a bit of phasing through trees – just your average forest ninja stuff.

I made my moves, gliding amidst the towering trees like a pro. Then, in one fell swoop, I snatched my trusty Gramr and lobbed off its head. Down she went, body hitting the forest floor with a thud. I peeled off her hide and souvenired a leg for good measure. Wrangling the severed head like some bizarre trophy, I hightailed it out of the woods and back toward Coreandale. Mission accomplished, bounty earned, and a tale to tell.

Well, let me tell you – I took a little detour on my way back, got a bit turned around in the woods. Man, those forest mazes can really humble you. Only the cream of the crop among Hunters can really nail the whole navigating-the-wilderness thing, and I guess I'm still working on that badge.

You won't believe this, but there's a Satellite Hunter's Guild right smack in the middle of the Joseon forest. Yeah, I bet they did it just to tweak Lord Baekho's tail. Can't blame them, though – the dude's got a thing about humans messing around in his territory. Haha, classic.

Okay, so back to where I'm headed. Coreandale is this bustling, thriving city, but let's be real – there's always a line in the sand between the haves and the have-nots. Legends say that ages ago, Joseon had an original capital that got torn apart by a gnarly civil war against the royal clan. The whole shebang went belly up, and the ancient capital got buried like some lost treasure. The kicker? To access this buried city, you gotta dive into the freakin' Cave of Hades. Speaking of Coreandale's population, there's this whole other side to the story. The folks who aren't rolling in riches – they've got their own struggles. See, they don't have the funds to splash out on fancy funeral services or snag a spot in a cemetery. So, what do they do? They've got this whole tradition of chucking their departed loved ones into the Cave of Hades. Yeah, sounds like a pretty grim way to go, but you gotta do what you gotta do when money's tight.

Now, the kicker is that these neglected souls, they ain't too happy about their unconventional burial situation. They've got some beef with the living – and let's be honest, who can blame them? It's like a recipe for some hardcore grudges. So you've got these restless spirits just stewing in the cave, not finding the peace they need.

But hey, that's not all the spooky stuff this ancient capital has in store. Legend has it, within these ancient city walls, there's a whole gang of half-human, half-monster creatures known as Gumiho. And these guys, they've got some serious soul-control mojo going on. You know how it goes – power always comes with a price. And in this case, it seems like some of these lingering undead vibes and restless souls might just be getting yanked around by the top dog of the Gumiho clan.

So, fast-forward a bit and Coreandale's back on its feet, just like a phoenix rising from the ashes. They've got themselves a fresh village leader in the mix. But hold on tight, 'cause there's a new chapter to this story.

Now, brace yourself – the discovery of that infamous Cave of Hades? Yeah, that led to some serious trouble. An all-out undead invasion hit the revamped Coreandale like a ton of bricks. And what do you do when a horde of ghosts and ghouls comes knocking? You put together a coalition of badass archers, that's what.

Enter the Archers Coalition. These guys are like the shield against the supernatural chaos, and they take their name pretty seriously. They're stationed up in the northeast, and they're not here for a picnic. They're here to kick some spectral butt.

Oh, and remember Huntsville? Yeah, that little settlement was slapped together to stop those relentless undead from marching into the main village. It's like their last line of defense, and it's no joke.

But hey, it's not all doom and gloom in these parts. If you cast your gaze upwards, nestled above Joseon, you'll spot Huntsville in all its glory. This place is actually known for being a training ground for budding archers. You've got these fresh-faced newbies showing up, hoping to hit bullseyes and be the heroes of the day.

And that's not all – if you wander around, you'll find a towering Buddha statue chilling out in the southeast. So, yeah, there's a mix of heart-pounding action and a bit of serenity thrown into the mix. So there I was, strolling up to this stone bridge that linked Coreandale to the Joseon Forest. You could practically feel the tension in the air – guards and archers were lined up in the turrets like they were gearing up for a showdown. One of them barked at me to stop, like they were auditioning for a medieval security job.

"Halt, you! Who in the realms are you? And what business do you have here in Coreandale?" This guard was giving me the third degree, acting like I was some kind of suspicious character.

I shot him my best adventurer grin and said, "Hey there, I'm Rasleigh Chasewalker. Adventurer extraordinaire, at your service. Oh, and I'm just here to claim a little bounty, no big deal. Check out this fancy head I brought along for proof." I plopped that Xiangliu head on the ground like it was a casual Tuesday afternoon.

And of course, his reaction was priceless. "Whoa! Wait, you're telling me you took down that massive beast all by your lonesome? You're not pulling my leg, are you? I mean, there had to be a whole crew of tough folks helping you, right?"

I just grinned back and shook my head. "Nah, it was just me, my skills, and a lot of determination. I'm like a walking one-man army, my friend."

He raised an eyebrow like he was skeptical, giving me that 'yeah, right' look. "Sure thing, buddy. You adventurers always have these wild stories. But hey, welcome to Coreandale, I guess." He waved over to his buddies to open up the gate, like they were rolling out the red carpet for me.

So I strolled into the bustling main street, dragging my trophy along like it was no big deal. And let me tell you, the people who laid eyes on me? They were all sorts of shocked and intrigued. Some had their jaws on the floor, others had this look of pure disgust – kind of like déjà vu from that time I dragged the corpse of the Golden Diebwanze down the streets of Aigleterre. It's like history just loves repeating itself.

As soon as I stepped into the Mercenary Guild House in Coreandale, I wasted no time – I plopped that severed head right onto their examination table like I was delivering a macabre pizza. The adventurers hanging around in there? Well, let's just say their reactions ranged from stunned silence to outright horror, with a dash of bitter disappointment for some who clearly missed the memo about the head-hunting party being over. Yep, I managed to beat 'em to the punch. Take that, competition!

Out of the bewildered crowd, a chunky Baronet guy chimed in with a hearty, "How in the name of Odin did you pull off this insane feat?"

Another adventurer, a Rogue who looked like he'd been through a bit too much lately, added in, "Seriously, we've been out hunting for this monstrous thing for weeks, and you just waltz in here with its head? Give me a break!"

I just shrugged, grinning, and gave them the lowdown. "Hey, it's all about that good ol' hard work and a little insider info. Lord Baekho was kind enough to point me in the right direction." My answer had them all laughing – some in good-natured admiration, others maybe not so much.

Then, the guild house manager, a no-nonsense type, shouted over, "Enough chit-chat, people! Rita, get over here and hand our hero his well-deserved reward." This eerie-looking gal with a vibe straight out of a horror movie sauntered up to me and handed me a check. Yeah, a check. I honestly had no idea what to do with it. But she gave me the lowdown: take it to the Batavia Bank of Commerce to cash it. Easy peasy, right? Except my bank account was cozying up under the Imperial Bank of Avalon, so I was like, "You know what? I'll just direct deposit this bad boy. Avoid the fuss, you know?" Plus, both those banks had branches in every major city in Avalon and Nordenbergwald, like they'd teamed up for some big financial world tour or something. So yeah, I was about to score big on the financial and economic front of this adventure – not just monster heads and legendary feats, but also some solid coin.

After a day filled with all sorts of action, I finally called it quits and decided to crash on the outskirts of Coreandale in the peaceful little village of Huntsville. It's like Coreandale's cool younger cousin, perched just to the north. Huntsville's the place where all the aspiring Archers come to train – think of it as the Archery Boot Camp. They built this place up to act like a shield for Coreandale, holding back the undead tide that likes to chill out in the Cave of Hades. Archer's Coalition HQ? Check. Training grounds for budding bowmasters? Double check. But back in the day, the Hunter Guild used to share digs here with the Archer's Coalition, until they packed up and moved to Jagdwalden. Oh, and remember that Buddha statue I mentioned earlier? Yeah, the big guy's keeping watch over the defenders from the east side of the village. I know, I know, I've probably already sung that song to you before.

Anyways, I decided to shack up for the night at a cozy joint near that Buddha dude – a tavern called the Silver Lotus. As dusk rolled in, I didn't waste any time, diving into some early grub. I put in an order for a plate of steamed dumplings, the kind that just about melt in your mouth, and some Schwein baby noodles jazzed up with a side of stir-fried bamboo shoots. Trust me, it's the kind of comfort food that'll send you straight into a peaceful slumber – no undead nightmares here. As I dug into my supper, my ears got a bit restless – you know, when conversations around you start seeping into your brain. Most of the voices were from archers, the vigilant defenders stationed outside the Cave of Hades. Their job? Slam the door on any undead creeping out of that cave mouth, trying to make a surprise party out of the living folks' lives. But guess who else had snagged a spot at this conversational feast? A bunch of adventurers who were practically high on the idea of scoring some serious street cred by helping Joseon break up with its undead problem.

And then there was this old-timer, someone everyone seemed to show a heap of respect to – village chief vibes all the way. He landed his seasoned self right at my table, shook my hand like we were old pals, and said his name was Marquis Raindrizzle. Yeah, you heard that right. Marquis Raindrizzle. I mean, the name alone could land you a role in a fantasy epic, right? He wasted no time cutting to the chase, asking me straight up if I was the genius who hauled in the Xiangliu's head. With a grin, I answered that he had the right guy, and yeah, I felt a little boost of happiness doing so.

That's when he laid out the deal – turns out, there's a gang of other monsters and a whole legion of undead still kicking it back inside the cave. He must've figured I wasn't just a head-hauler, but maybe a monster-muncher too. So, he popped the question – was I game to join an expeditionary posse to mop up the rest of those spooky squatters?

I gave a hearty nod, and the old man's eyes lit up like the sun just decided to shine on his favorite flowers. He launched into stories about his great grandfather, a dude named Florantes, who was a sibling of his great-granduncle or something like that. This Florantes met his maker in a heroic showdown with the undead. He had been trying to hold back the relentless tide of the rotting fiends crawling out of that cave. The Marquis painted a vivid picture – those decomposing nasties couldn't handle the cold, dark, and damp cave life, so their strategy was simple: attack anything warm enough to quicken their decay.

"Back in the day," he started, leaning in like he was letting me in on a big secret, "that cave up North? It was a different beast entirely. Filled with creatures I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies. They just kept popping out without a care. The monsters we're dealing with now? They're... different. Not quite the same league as the ones we used to face. You ever seen that, young one? A grudge so powerful it lingers? That's what those who never came back from the cave have become. They're led by that demon fox who's taken up residence in there. It's like a walking graveyard, and each new victim just adds to the count."

His words kept flowing, a mix of heartache and resolve. He was too old to take up arms, he said, but if he could just contribute something to end the nightmare, he'd feel like he did his part. The old man eventually wrapped it up, said his goodbyes as the day's weariness finally crept up on him. And there I was, finishing up my dinner while this village chief, Marquis Raindrizzle, left me with his stories and his determination.

Okay, so let's talk about the Cave of Hades. It's like this big mystery up in the north part of Joseon, nestled between the bustling City and the serene Huntsville. You won't find it on some tourist map though; this was a dig that locals started ages ago, probably just trying to get their hands on some minerals and other earthly goodies.

So, picture this: folks from Coreandale are digging and digging, maybe hoping to strike gold or unearth something amazing. And what do they find down there? A bunch of old ruins from way back when Joseon was in its prime. You can imagine them getting all excited, thinking they hit the jackpot with some ancient treasure trove.

But guess what? Their adventure got squashed real quick. Enter Santelmos, who was probably like the ghostly spokesperson for all the souls who met their end in that old Joseon. His arrival was like a big, "Hey, back off, this is our space now!" Then, to really drive the point home, Kurama and Mondlicht Blume – sounds fancy, huh? – moved in, took over the lower depths of the cave, and started ringing these magical bells. Like a macabre alarm clock, I guess, but instead of waking you up, it woke up the dead.

Naturally, after that little undead shindig, folks in Joseon decided they'd seen enough and went, "Nope, not going in there again." And who could blame them? With spirits and skeletons throwing a party, that cave's like a haunted hotspot now.

Alright, buckle up because we've got a love story and some mystery rolled into one. So, there's this undead gal named Laure, and she's like the queen of appearances. She's got apparitions all over the place, and she's not just any old ghost. No, she's got a bit of history in the living world.

Laure used to be a Coreandale local, born and raised. There's a rumor that she came over from a place called Las Cuevas with her grandma when she was just a kid. She stuck around Coreandale, living with her grandma, and her parents were apparently MIA. She must've been a tough cookie because word has it she served the Huntsville Chief – you know, that village to the north – possibly as a warrior or some kind of guard.

Now, don't let the undead thing fool you; Laure's no pushover. She's got some ninja vibes going on, with her apparitions showing off close combat skills. And get this – she even had a ninja suit in her bag when she ventured into the cave. Ready for some action, huh?

Here's where things get interesting. Laure and Florantes, the big deal heir to Huntsville, had a little something going on. They were like childhood buddies, and if you believe the whispers, they were totally crushing on each other. But, here's the twist – they never really came out and said it. So mysterious, right?

Turns out Laure had this diary, her "Lass' Journal," that spilled the tea on her feelings for Florantes. And it gets juicier because a warlock named Sherry, who snagged Florantes' soul, wanted that journal like it was the hottest gossip in town. Probably wanted the lowdown on Florantes' personality or something.

So, there you have it – Laure, ninja skills, love diary, and a side of supernatural intrigue. Just your regular ghost story, right? Laure was quite the active soul, a real outdoor enthusiast. Whenever she had some free time, you could bet she'd be out and about, either exploring or diving headfirst into some adventure. The history books of Joseon have her pegged as the kind of person who's always up for a good time, which makes sense considering she had a thing for adventure.

There's this tale that she once disappeared on an escapade, and rumor has it she got lost somewhere in a desert. Now, we're thinking it's the Ziggurat Desert, the one hanging around Joseon's turf. Oh, and did I mention she was always decked out in adventurer gear? Yep, Laure was the real deal.

Okay, so here's where the plot thickens. Back in the day, as Joseon was growing and developing, they kinda ticked off the big bad inside the cave – you know, that demon fox we talked about earlier? That led to a big ol' curse on the Cave of Hades, plus Florantes, the Huntsville Chief's kid, caught some mysterious ailment.

Naturally, pops was worried sick about his boy and turned to the village shaman for help. And guess what? The only way to break that curse was good ol' love. Classic, right? So, Florantes manned up and spilled the beans to the shaman about his feelings. It was a real heart-to-heart moment.

Then came the tricky part – finding Laure. But hold on, things weren't all rosy. Laure's grandmother, bless her heart, was a bit skeptical about the whole thing. She was all like, "You want my grandbaby to marry this lad just to save his life? Not so fast." So, Laure sat down with her grandma and talked it out, explaining that it was the only way to lift the curse and save Florantes. And you know what? She also let slip that she kinda had a thing for him.

Grandma wasn't an easy sell, let me tell you. But after a lot of talking and soul-searching, she caved (pun intended). She finally agreed to let Laure go and marry Florantes. Just goes to show, love stories come with a side of family drama, even in the world of ghosts and curses.

So, after all that emotional rollercoaster, Laure packed her bags and headed off to Las Cuevas, leaving her old life behind. You see, things took a turn for the better after she and Florantes tied the knot. Love conquered curses, as they say, and Florantes was all healthy and fine again. It was like a fairy tale, except with more zombies.

But hold on, their happily-ever-after didn't exactly last. The curse on that cave? Yeah, it was still there, making trouble. Undead nasties would crawl out at night and go after the poor villagers. So, the bigwigs of Joseon – House Raindrizzle and company – put their heads together and formed what they called the Archer's Coalition. Their mission? Train the villagers to handle their own against these spooky pests.

Florantes, being the brave guy he was, joined the Archer's Coalition. He became one of the Joseon Archers stationed on the outskirts of the village, ready to fend off any nighttime terrors. And where did that leave Laure? Well, she was itching to get in on the action too, but unfortunately, the powers that be had a rule that ladies should stick to protecting the inner village and tending to the wounded.

Now, brace yourself for some drama. There was this one time when Florantes got the order to join a strike force that was gonna take on the cave head-on and try to nix the undead problem at its source. Laure, bless her guts, tried her darnedest to keep him from going. She was worried sick, as any loving partner would be. Florantes, being the kind of guy you'd write poems about, gave her a heartwarming pep talk and swore he'd be back.

As a token of his promise, Laure handed him a little doll that looked just like her from her childhood. It was meant to be a good luck charm, something to keep him safe. Florantes, being the dashing hero he was, tied that doll to the hilt of his sword, a blade he called the Teng Kong. And off he went, ready to face whatever horrors lay ahead.

But, spoiler alert – things didn't go as planned. The attack on the cave didn't exactly go the way they wanted. Turns out, putting down the undead wasn't as straightforward as it sounds. No matter how hard they tried, those pesky walking dead just kept on coming back for more. Oh boy, here comes the gut-wrencher. So, picture this: Laure's world gets flipped upside down. Florantes, the brave heart who swept her off her feet, met his end in that cave battle. And let me tell you, Laure just couldn't wrap her head around it. Denial, shock, heartbreak – you name it, she was feeling it. It's like she couldn't believe what reality had thrown her way.

She was desperate, desperate enough to even consider trekking into that dark, cursed cave to search for her lost love. But guess who put their foot down? Yep, you guessed it – the Chief. He practically forbade her from going anywhere near that death trap. But love's a powerful thing, right? It makes people do crazy things. So, despite the Chief's orders, Laure decided to take matters into her own hands. Sneaky, right?

Laure, driven by love and desperation, found herself in the cave, against all advice and warnings. She was determined to find Florantes, to reunite with the man she'd cherished. But fate had other plans. The darkness of that cave swallowed her up too, and those undead horrors got the best of her. Mondlicht Blume – that's the name of the game-changing demon fox – got her. Reanimated, just like that.

In a twisted, tragic turn of events, Laure's search for Florantes ended with her joining the ranks of the very undead she'd hoped to defeat. It's like their love story had one last heart-wrenching chapter, and this time it was darker and more somber than anyone could have imagined. The cave, Mondlicht Blume, and the undead all became part of their twisted tale.

Still, even in the midst of this heartbreak, their story was etched into Athennia's history. Carved into stone, their images stood as a testament to a love that defied even death. So there they were, memorialized in history for all to see – a reminder that love, even in its saddest forms, leaves an indelible mark.

As for me, after all that history and heartache, I had my own mission to worry about. A showdown with the Demon Fox awaited me in the Cave of Hades. So, with that on my mind, I made my way back to my room. Rest was calling, but my thoughts were consumed by the hows and whens of taking down Mondlicht Blume. Alright, hold on to your hats because we're diving into the nitty-gritty of Mondlicht Blume. Yeah, she might have that cutesy look going on, but trust me, underestimating her is like stepping on a landmine. This middle-class demon isn't here to play tea party. She's a wild one, carrying a massive scythe with 13 bells hanging off it, and not to mention the nine foxtails. And before you start smirking, let me tell you, my trusty dossier, courtesy of the Valkyrie Nike, spilled all these beans.

Now, picture this: I was chilling out, dozing off like a pro, all while puffing on some Barometz Fur. You see, it's not just your regular old puff – it's a way to tap into my dreams. And not just any dream, but a very specific one where I get to rewind time and peep at things that went down. Magic, right? Well, there's a catch – you gotta follow the rulebook to make this work. Lucky for me, Valkyrie Nike had already done the legwork and cooked up a spell for me. All I had to do was close my eyes and let the show begin.

Boom, there he was – Morpheus, the head honcho of dreams himself. He strutted in like he owned the joint, a little ticked off. Apparently, the Aesirs – those big shot Norse deities – were causing a ruckus, trying to flex their muscle on the Hellenic gods. Morpheus wasn't having any of that nonsense. But you know how divine politics go, it's like trying to figure out a Rubik's Cube in the dark.

So there I was, being treated to a firsthand recounting by none other than Morpheus. He laid it all out, step by step, like a cosmic narrator. It's like someone hit the play button on the universal remote control, and there I was, soaking in the whole scoop. Just imagine Morpheus – Mr. Sandman himself – doing his thing, recounting events that had the gods all in a tizzy. Aesirs, Hellenic deities, and more intrigue than a mystery novel – that's what I got served in my dreamtime escapade.

Picture this: a good while back, right before Mondlicht Blume was even a twinkle in her fox mom's eye, her dad was a regular village hunter. He was doing his thing, living life with his wife who, unfortunately, wasn't in the best of health. But let's take a step back even further – before the whole Mondlicht Blume deal, that Demon Fox had been on quite the journey. I'm talking countless lives and stories, like she had a resume spanning ages.

Now, let me give you a juicy tidbit from the tale spun by none other than Morpheus. Buckle up, 'cause we're heading back to the Age of Gods. So there's this nine-tailed fox, right? It made its grand entrance in Zhongguo, taking over the body of Daji, the concubine of King Sheng from the Huang dynasty. And oh boy, did things go downhill from there. She had the king wrapped around her foxy paw, and the whole kingdom suffered under her reign of terror. It was so bad that a full-blown rebellion broke out, toppling the Huang dynasty.

But the fox spirit's adventures didn't stop there. It hightailed it to Khanatestadt of Gobi, where it slipped into Lady Kayo, a concubine who somehow convinced the crown prince Banzoku to chop off a whopping 1000 heads. Yep, you heard me right. Heads were rolling like bowling balls. And guess what? The fox spirit had to skedaddle again, on the run from furious human forces.

After a bit of a hiatus, our sneaky fox spirit resurfaced in Zhongguo once more, cozying up to Bao Si, the concubine of King Meng from the Feng dynasty. But guess what? History had its eye on this fox, and once again, human forces were hot on her trail, chasing her away from her power plays.

But oh, the story doesn't end there. Our foxy friend decided to take a jaunt to Nihonjin, slipping into the role of Tamamo-no-Mae, the numero uno courtesan in Emperor Toba's court. She was the full package – beauty and brains, answering any question thrown her way. Unfortunately, her charming ways led to the emperor's health taking a nosedive, and a Presbyter named Abe no Yasuchika had to come in and diagnose the issue. Turns out, our fox friend's true colors were revealed.

Fast forward a bit, and we've got a showdown brewing near Lakeside Castle. The emperor sends in Jiraiya and Orochimaru – yeah, those guys – to deal with the fox. Long story short, the fox's essence ends up embedded in a stone called Sessho-seki. This stone's got a nasty trick up its sleeve – it spews out deadly gas that takes out anything it touches. But fear not, our ninja hero Gennō Shinshō stepped in and sorted things out, breaking the curse and taming the once-troublesome fox spirit.

Phew, that was quite the saga, huh? And just when you thought foxes were all about being cute and cuddly. Alright, get this: after wrapping up that fox spirit mess, there was a big ol' Buddhist ceremony to give the spirit a proper send-off into the great beyond. But turns out, that peaceful rest thing didn't quite work out. Oh well, spirits can be a real handful, huh?

Now, back to our friendly farmer. His wife was in a bad way, health-wise. Like, it was a real tough spot for them. So, he decides to bring in a doctor to take a look at her. But hold onto your hat, 'cause here's where things get spicy. That doc? Yeah, they weren't just checking on the missus's pulse – they were checking out the farmer's heart. Sparks flew, and they fell head over heels for each other. All while the poor wife was just there, sick and all.

Then comes that fateful night when things took a steamy turn. While the wife snoozed away, the farmer and the doc decided to get frisky, you know what I mean? And guess what? Nature took its course, and the doc ended up preggers with the farmer's baby girl. Talk about a soap opera twist!

But hold onto your socks, 'cause drama's not done yet. One day, the wife stumbles upon her hubby and the doc locking lips. And boy, she was not having it. She was furious, boiling over with rage. So, what does she do? She goes and calls upon the Demon Fox, offering up her own life in exchange for a good ol' curse on the cheating couple. Demon Fox was like, "Sure thing!" and cursed the unborn baby. Then, like a mic drop, Demon Fox vanished from the scene, leaving the farmer standing there with his jaw on the floor.

I mean, can you even imagine the drama? It's like reality TV, but with cursed babies and foxy fiends. Picture this: a few weeks pass, and the doctor – you know, the one who got all tangled up with the farmer – she gives birth to a little girl. Now, this is no ordinary bundle of joy. Nope, this little cutie has got something extra special going on. She's got these paws – like actual paws – instead of hands. And those eyes? Oh boy, they're a fiery crimson red, with a touch of the demon vibe. Yep, you guessed it, she's got a good ol' dose of demon fox blood in her veins. But here's the kicker: she's not some half-and-half mix of demon and human. Nope, she's basically a walking, talking incarnation of the Evil Demon Fox herself.

Now, the doctor? Well, she was so taken aback by this whole deal that she kicked the bucket. Yeah, I'm talking shock to the max. So, it's up to the farmer, who was also the girl's dad, to step up to the plate. And guess what? He did just that. He loved that little foxy girl and raised her with all the care in the world. But hey, life ain't all sunshine and rainbows.

One day, tragedy strikes. The dad gets into a heated argument with a drunk farmer, and things escalate way too far. Axes get swung, and well, long story short, the dad ends up on the wrong side of that encounter. So now our foxy gal is left all alone, with no one but herself to rely on.

Growing up was no picnic for her. No friends, no family – just her and the wide open road. She'd wander around, hoping to find someone to connect with. And when night fell, she'd climb up to her secret spot in the hills, gazing at the moon, and wishing with all her might. What was she wishing for, you ask? Oh, just something simple: for people to stop treating her like an outcast, and maybe, just maybe, to have a friend or two. But as fate would have it, those wishes seemed to fall on deaf ears. Tough break, huh? Imagine this: in the village where she lived, it was like she was a square peg in a round hole. The villagers? Oh boy, they weren't her biggest fans. Nope, they saw her as some sort of freak, a total abomination. And you bet your boots they didn't keep that opinion to themselves. They showered her with abuse and scorn day in and day out. Yeah, it was rough.

But then, out of the blue, a ray of sunshine broke through the storm clouds. It came in the form of a girl named Sakura. She walked right up to her, introduced herself, and offered the most precious gift of all: friendship. You could say she hit the jackpot – finally, someone who saw past the differences and into her heart.

From that point on, life was a whirlwind of fun and adventure. They stuck together like glue, playing games, sharing secrets, and exploring the world around them. Those hills? Oh, they were their secret haven. They'd spend hours there, sometimes even after the sun had tucked itself in for the night.

One day, as the moon hung high and bright, Sakura plucked a special flower – a cactus that radiated this enchanting glow under the moonlight. She settled down beside her and offered up some wisdom that hit her right in the feels. Sakura told her that just like this unique plant, she might look different on the outside, but that didn't define her. Deep down, she was good, kind-hearted – just like that cactus that hid its herb-like goodness.

Naturally, she was curious about the flower's name. Sakura shrugged, admitting she didn't know. But then she let out a little secret: she called it the "Mondlicht Blume." Why, you ask? Well, because it only showed up under the moonlight, and just like her, it needed that special glow to truly shine. They shared a laugh, their giggles bouncing off the moonlit night, and for a moment, all the world's worries seemed to fade away. Hold onto your hats for this twist of fate: while they were in the middle of their usual playtime, Sakura accidentally took a tumble off a cliff, and in the most tragic of turns, lost her life. Can you believe it? The villagers, rather than showing a shred of compassion, took their frustration out on her, laying the blame squarely on her shoulders. It's like they just needed someone to point fingers at, and she became their scapegoat.

So, what did they do? They didn't hold back. They grabbed her, tied her up like some kind of wild animal, and started plotting her execution. Dark, huh? But hang tight, 'cause this is where things take a supernatural turn. In her panic and fear, she let out this scream that was so intense, it ripped open a freakin' portal to the demon realm. Yep, you heard me right. A bunch of demon foxes – not your everyday furballs, mind you – poured out from the portal and unleashed pure chaos.

These demon foxes, led by a big shot named Zorro, decided they'd had enough of the villagers' nonsense. They showed no mercy, not a single villager left standing. Now, picture her – knees on the ground, eyes brimming with tears, surrounded by the aftermath of a straight-up supernatural showdown. Zorro, the head honcho, sauntered up to her, seemingly curious about her. He asked her name, and when she hesitated, he reminded her that they all had names, even though they were demons. And just like that, she revealed her name: Mondlicht Blume, the name Sakura had once given her.

Zorro, being the wise demon fox he was, wanted to know why she was shedding all those tears. She told him, with a broken voice, that she just wanted friends, not death and destruction. And man, that demon fox had a heart of gold, 'cause he smiled and handed her a golden bell, promising that with it, everyone would be her friend. You could see the curiosity in her eyes as she took that bell, wondering if it could really make the world a friendlier place. Zorro encouraged her to give it a ring, and you better believe she did. The bell lit up like fireworks, sprinkling magical dust around. And then, the impossible happened: those who had lost their lives in the chaos were brought back from the beyond, reborn and ready to start anew. Get ready for this eerie twist: once the dust had settled from that crazy demon fox showdown, her new friends – I mean, they were brought back from the dead – sort of gathered around her, almost like they were waiting for her next move. And here's the kicker: they didn't hate her anymore. But here's the thing – they didn't really have a choice in the matter, like their opinions were taken over by some kind of supernatural mojo.

And talk about a total 180 – she was on cloud nine. Imagine, all those people who once shunned her, now hanging around her like she's the coolest kid on the block. But again, it's not like they had a choice. They couldn't just say, "Nah, you know what, I'm good." Nope, no free will for them when it came to feelings.

And here's the crazy bit about Laure and Florantes – turns out, Mondlicht Blume had her eyes on their story. Like, she knew all about their tragic love and was even moved by it. Can you imagine? A demon fox, getting caught up in a human love story. So, in some sort of eerie mimicry, she brought a bunch of her apparition pals to life, trying to recreate what those two looked like.

But here's where things took a real dark turn – she had this idea that she could "resurrect" Laure and Florantes, using the power of that magical bell she had. But man, did things go wrong. Instead of bringing them back all bright-eyed and happy, she ended up raising them as these soulless, mindless undead things. And that's just the kicker, isn't it? Cross paths with the demon fox, and you might find yourself with a fate worse than death.

"Did you manage to uncover what you were after?" Morpheus inquired with his signature dreamy tone.

"Yeah, I got what I needed. Thanks, Morpheus. You've got a knack for storytelling – your rendition was quite the show," I said, genuinely impressed by the way he brought everything to life.

A mischievous grin tugged at his lips as a misty aura enveloped him. With an almost theatrical flair, he disappeared right before my eyes. It was like something out of a fantasy novel. And then, with a sudden tug, darkness swept over me, almost like the end of a captivating chapter.

When I finally stirred, the morning sun was already well into its journey. Talk about oversleeping – was I trying to set a record or something? Cursing my alarm-less slumber, I hurriedly gathered my belongings. A hearty breakfast of fried dumplings and herbal teas fueled me up as I braced myself for the mission ahead. Man, this was turning into a tale as gripping as a prologue all over again.

Leaving the Silver Lotus behind, I made my way past the garrison stationed near the entrance to the cave. The archers recognized me and gave a knowing nod, granting me passage as they pushed open the imposing Iron Gate guarding the cave's entrance. Without a moment to spare, I headed inside. Gripping my trusty Gramr and moving with practiced swiftness, I sliced through the undead that dared to challenge me. There were a bunch of greenhorn adventurers attempting to hold their ground, but I didn't have time to babysit – I charged ahead, navigating the labyrinthine tunnels of the cave system. As I ventured deeper into the cave, descending to the second level, I found myself confronted by a peculiar sight: a horde of Egglouts. These were odd, mechanical-looking creatures resembling eggs on spindly legs. Nobody really knew their origin or how they ended up in the Cave of Hades in the first place. The Egglouts sported a pair of eerie red eyes, their shells sturdy and thick like those of Rukhs, but hollow within. Strangely, the upper and lower sections of their bodies, housing eyes and legs respectively, rotated in opposite directions, creating a somewhat mouth-like appearance that served no apparent purpose. It was a bizarre dance of movement, and the mystery of their existence remained unsolved. Some speculated that the Sage might have crafted them as training targets for warriors, but the true story remained elusive.

Dispatching the Egglouts with relative ease, I proceeded to the third cavern, where a band of goblins awaited. Like the Egglouts, these hostile creatures were swiftly dealt with. Finally, as I reached the fourth level of the cave, my surroundings changed dramatically. I was met with the sight of an expansive edifice and ancient ruins that seemed to hint at the past glory of old Joseon. As I ventured further, I stumbled upon a haunting sight—an embodiment of demonic spirits known as Sadakos, the tormented souls of suicidal virgins. Reacting swiftly, I reached into my satchel and retrieved the Silver Knife of Moral Purity. With a practiced motion, I unsheathed the blade and lunged at the Sadako before me. The entity seemed taken aback by my unexpected counterattack. Acting swiftly, I chanted an incantation that drew upon the magic within the knife, compelling the Sadako's spirit to be drawn into it.

After successfully subduing the Sadako, I swiftly readied my weapon once more, turning my attention to a group of wooden totem poles known as the Goryou General. These totem poles, erected as an ancient defense by the clerics of old Coreandale, were meant to guard the city's entrance and outskirts. Over time, the knowledge of creating these totems waned with the decline of the cleric profession. Consequently, only a few of these protective constructs remained standing outside Coreandale. With deft precision, I dismantled these firewood-based guardians and pressed on towards the entrance of old Joseon, descending further into the depths of the cave on its fifth level.

As I descended to the fifth level, I was met with a sinister assembly of horrors—a multitude of nine-tailed foxes, spectral Sadakos, the apparitions of Laure and Florantes, Skeleton Soldiers and Archers, Zombies and Ghouls—all these demons and undead creatures gathered in one place. This floor seemed to be their epicenter. Amid the haunting scene, in the heart of the old town's remains, I laid eyes on Mondlicht Blume herself. My approach did not go unnoticed by her. A sly smile curved her lips as she greeted me with a taunt, "Running toward your doom, are you? Life got you that down?"

I wasn't about to let her words rattle me. I responded firmly, "Actually, I'm here to put an end to your existence and claim that scythe adorned with its 13 golden bells." Her reaction was a stoic poker face, followed by her retort, "You'll regret this choice, mark my words." And without further ado, she summoned a horde of nine-tailed foxes, commanding them to assail me with unrelenting fury. I swung my formidable Gramr with the fury of a berserker, cutting down numerous foes as I advanced straight toward Mondlicht Blume. My intention was clear—to pierce her heart with my weapon. But, just as I was about to strike, Kurama swiftly positioned herself in front of Mondlicht Blume, taking the impact of my attack. "Sakura!" Mondlicht Blume cried out, her resolve deepening as she moved back, readying herself to retaliate. She lunged at me with her scythe, aiming to strike, but I was quicker. In a swift motion, I slashed through her neck, causing her head to roll away. With grim determination, I placed her severed head atop her lifeless body.

As the echoes of battle subsided, I began the incantation of a binding spell. This enchantment wove Mondlicht Blume's lingering spiritual energy into my Seven-League Boots, enhancing my speed even further. With the scythe adorned with its 13 golden bells now secured within my satchel, I felt a surge of accomplishment. It appeared that by eliminating Mondlicht Blume, the ceaseless tide of undead that had been pouring forth from the cave was halted. The remaining demons inside the cave seemed to sense my dominance and kept their distance. With urgency driving me, I ascended back through the cave as swiftly as my enhanced speed would allow.

As I made my way back to the third cavern, a surprising encounter awaited me—an unusual nine-tailed fox. This one was different from the rest; it seemed to be seeking help rather than hostility. With a series of yelps and gestures, it conveyed its plea to me. I nodded in understanding, intrigued by the sudden shift in its behavior. In an instant, the fox transformed into a man, clearly still adjusting to his human form. He sighed audibly, somewhat frustrated by his own transformation attempts.

As he began to speak, his sentiments resonated with a mix of resentment and desperation. He accused humanity of being aggressive and avaricious, relentlessly hunting and killing creatures like foxes for their fur and committing various acts of intrusion. He described the sad fate of his wife, taken from him due to human greed, most likely for her valuable pelt. Despite his grievances, he revealed a deeply personal motive—he wished to bring his wife back to life, no matter the cost.

With a sense of humility and vulnerability, he swallowed his pride and made a request of me. He needed 999 Nine Inch Nails to perform a spell that would resurrect his wife. Fully aware of human nature, he anticipated the desire for reward and offered me a Kitsune Mask in exchange for my assistance. However, before he could finish his proposition, I interrupted him with a surprising move. I retrieved the scythe with its 13 golden bells from my satchel and rang it. Almost magically, another nine-tailed fox emerged from the ground, demonstrating my ability to command these supernatural beings. "Thanks, human. Here's the Kitsune Mask for you. I didn't expect you to take down that wretched Mondlicht Blume. She always acted like she was in charge, especially with us. The audacity of that half-breed!" The fox expressed its gratitude as it handed over the Kitsune Mask. Its surprise at Mondlicht Blume's defeat was evident, and it seemed relieved by the news.

"Yeah, well, I've decided to seal off the cave's third level for good. It'll help establish a clear boundary from what lies above," I explained while making my way toward the entrance leading to the second level of the cave. It was interesting to see the demons and undead just standing there, allowing me to pass as if they understood and supported my decision. It made sense in the grand scheme of things.

Upon reaching the second level, I took matters into my own hands. With resolute determination, I used my weapon to break apart the walls of the cave and target the supporting beams. As the foundations gave way, massive rocks tumbled down, effectively sealing off the passage leading to the old Joseon. It was a significant step toward containing the ancient evil that had plagued these lands for so long. I made my way back up to the cave's entrance and signaled for the archers to open the gate. It was interesting to realize that they were unaware of the demon fox's demise, and I saw no reason to spoil that information. Let them think that the threat had passed, and maybe they would leave the secrets of old Joseon undisturbed. After all, the denizens of the underground deserved their peace as much as anyone else.

Once I was back in Coreandale, I headed straight to the familiar haven of the Silver Lotus tavern. Renting a room, I collapsed onto the bed, feeling the exhaustion from the day's events. Closing my eyes, I let myself drift into a state of rest, only to find my vision blurring as a familiar sensation overtook me. Was this Valhalla calling once again? It seemed I was being pulled into another realm...