My head is hurting bad! I never want to have anything do with calculus again.

Miss Evans made me do numerous impossible exercises of what she called basic calculus but it actually looked a lot more like magic spells.

I might have a theory on that... What if calculus is a secret way of invoking Satan? It would make sense since Miss Evans must be some kind of incarnation of the Devil itself.

If that's the case I might worship it.

Jokes aside, Miss Evans is actually a great teacher, the problem is that I can't focus on what she's saying, sometimes would lose myself in the movement of her lips as she was explaining the formulas, soon enough she would be scolding me and telling me to pay attention, in the end, she told me I was an impossible student and shoved me off of her the classroom... about 20 minutes after the bell has rung.

Because Miss Sadist didn't let go of my ass until 20 minutes after the bell, Soph already went home and I was walking home alone, yes, walking because I was still too shaken up by all the things I 'learned', in which I obviously already forgot, to even dare grab my longboard.

My house isn't that far from school but the sun is making it hard to not die under its deadly glare, I feel like I'm going to meltdown and faint and I'm only like 10 meters away from school, I haven't even walked enough to sweat and I'm already sweating like crazy.

What the hell is wrong with this body? I'm 18, not 81.

I dragged my body for a few more meters until a familiar car pulled over to my side, I didn't waste any more time and quickly went in.

She has a black Audi S8, fancy.

Ms. Evans looks at me perplexed. "I didn't invite you to come in!" I would have said something but I'm honestly too busy refreshing myself with the car's AC. "Stop making that pleasured face, you look creepy. Get out of my car."

"I'm already in so take me home, please." That makes her lift one eyebrow. "Also, you pulled over by my side so that's obviously an invitation."

"I pulled over because I thought you were dying, you look fine now so—"

"Keep going to the front then turn right, then right then left." I interrupt her.

"Unbelievable." She sighs but still turns on the engine, following the instructions anyway.

"And... There." I point to my house at the end of the street.

"Is this it?" She asks perplexed as she pulls up in front of my house. "You live just next to the school and you made me give you a ride?"

"It's too hot out."

"Get a car?"

"This is a nice car," I say looking around, there's a lot of buttons. "Is a teacher's salary that high? Probably not. Rich family? Must be nice."

"Get out of my car."

"Thank you for the ride, Ms."

She simply waves her hand in a dismissive manner and the moment I put my two feet on the ground and closed the door she was already off, isn't she supposed to wait until I came inside the house? Rude.

"Challah? You've been coming late, extra classes?" I heard my dad ask from the kitchen as soon as I opened the door.

"Uh, actually I've been having detention," I say going to the kitchen, finding him in his pink cooking apron I gave him last Hanukkah, "Oy, have you eaten yet?" is written in the front.

"Why am I not surprised you're having detention on your first week of school?" He asks in an amused tone as he lays a plate of some kind of unknown martian food in front of me.

"What is this?" I ask looking at the brown muddy thing on the plate.

"Matzo ball soup," he says simply.

"Where are the matzo balls?" I look at it again genuinely confused.

"Uh, I put them in there but they kind of disappeared."

"Aren't you supposed to cook them separately tho? Also, dad — it's Summer."

"Hey, I'm doing my best!" He says hitting me with a cloth.

"You don't deserve that apron!" I joke receiving another cloth hit.

"Fine, let's order pizza," he says, finally giving up and going for the phone in the living room.

"You'll get it right next time, pop."

I look again at his matzo ball soup without matzo balls, they might have disintegrated in the soup, probably the reason why it looks muddy. But it must taste the same, right?

I picked up a spoon and after some battling with my inner self, I scop out just a little bit of it, bringing it to my mouth...

And that, my friends, is the story of how my tastebuds died.