I think I'm sick.

Tell me, how can someone wake up in a good mood on a Wednesday morning?

I threw the blankets off me and quickly went in for a nice refreshing shower. I actually want to wear something nice today, I've been slacking, I know it's just school and whatever but Miss Evans is in that school and I think she has seen enough of my 'I'm going to take the trash out' clothes.

So I have to dress nice today, I'm not really the girly type but I'm not tomboyish either, I'm in the middle I guess, I just don't like wearing dresses.

After spending almost half an hour choosing what to wear I arranged my hair in some curls that won't last more than 3 hours and went downstairs to meet Soph, she beat her head on a wall and decided she's going to come and bring me to school today, something she never did unless I begged, she lives on the other side of the city so my house isn't exactly on the way.

For Soph's standards at least but I can't really judge, her car is holding itself by a tin tread, I'm impressed she makes it to school every morning riding it.

"Girl, you don't look terrible today, what are you up to?" She asked as I sat on the passenger seat in her beaten-up white Peugeot 205.

"How subtle of you," I side-eyed her as she attempted to start the car, it didn't turn on on the first try nor the 5th. "She's dead."

We have a bet on this, I bet it wouldn't survive the school year, Soph bet it would be her companion until her last days.

"C'mon Erika! You can do it!" She yelled trying to turn it on again, Erika, the name she gave her, finally turned on with a loud roar. "My baby, I knew you wouldn't fail me."

"You're only making her suffer," I said rolling my eyes, I bet 50 bucks, I can't lose to this old can.

"Aren't you just afraid that this stallion is going to beat your ass?"

"Oh trust me, I'm not afraid."

"She'll outlive us, you'll see."

"Are you sure about that?" I chuckled as she parked the car in the school parking lot and the car literally died the moment it stopped.

She was about to scold me when a notification popped up on her phone, she looks at it with wide eyes before looking at me with an apologetic expression.

"So... I might or might not have a doctor's appointment today, and I might or might not have completely forgotten about it."

"Don't tell me you'll be leaving me all alone for the rest of the day," I pouted.

"Uh, sorry about that," she said apologetically.

"I literally have no other friends I can hang with and be me. I'll have to act like a normal person for a whole day."

"Yeah yeah, too bad, get out of my car before you're late," Soph said amusedly. "Don't worry though, you still have Ms. Evans, you won't even remember me once you see her."

"Not true, I only have her for one period."

"Well, then you better run if you still want to see her."

And I was indeed late for calculus, not because of Soph though but because I didn't feel like using what was left of my energy to get to class.

I knocked on the door and waited for Miss Evans to open, in which she did after a few seconds, she looked at my miserable state with a stone-cold face and closed the door on my face. I knocked again but she didn't open so I just kept on knocking until she did.

I hate to be that annoying kid but what else I'm supposed to do? Leave? Not a bad idea.

"No. You're late and you look like a booger." With that said she closed the door again before I could say anything.

I went to the library instead just waiting for the bell to ring. Being tardy is one thing but missing a whole period is going to end up biting me in the ass and honestly, I wasn't expecting her to outright not let me in the classroom... and she called me a booger, hard to let go of that one.

And booger of all things? Right on the day I dressed nicely, how brutal.

My self-esteem is so low that it's saying hi to Satan.

The day passed by slowly and I was late to every class because I was walking so slowly everywhere I went, I was literally dragging myself everywhere I went, my existence in this school without Soph is meaningless.

And after that burn? Yeah, I'm better off just going home.

Right now I was walking to detention, the bell had already rung when I reached the opened door, I came in and seated on the nearest chair putting my head down, I didn't even look at Miss Evans when I came in, my eyes don't deserve to see such beauty.

Dramatic much?

After a few minutes, I heard her getting up from her chair and then the sound of her high heels getting closer.

She sat in the chair in front of mine, "What's wrong?" She sighed, her voice didn't look worried at all but at least she's asking.

I looked up meeting her eyes, yep she wasn't worried at all. "Why do you care?"

"I don't." **As sweet as always. "But you look shitty and looking at you makes me depressed. Also, you can't have your head down, this is detention."

"Is a teacher allowed to say those things? You need Jesus."

She simply rolled her eyes ignoring my joke. "Whatever, if you're going to be here and spread all that depression around then just go home," She said going back to her table.

"Could you at least pretend you care then? That's not very teacher-like."

"I don't care," she raised her eyebrows.

"Can I really just go home?"

"Go ahead, I'll double your detention though."

"Two weeks of detention if I leave right now? Well, that's a no-brainer, I'd rather spend the rest of the day with you."

"I'd rather not, thank you," she said dismissing my existence altogether.

"Well, you were the one that gave me detention for a week, and now you're proposing a two-week detention period."

"My biggest mistake, I knew you were annoying but you exceeded my expectations." Ouch.

"C'mon, I know you kinda like my company," I joked, but I really hope it's true.

"Don't lie to yourself, Anna," she said rolling her eyes.


"No buts."

"But they are so good," I smirked while she simply looked at me with a stone-cold face.

"Get out of my classroom."

"No two-week detention?"

"That's more of a punishment for me than for you, just go."

"Give me a ride home?" I said cockily.

"Get lost before I bring back that calculus book."

"Yeah, I have to go, see you tomorrow, Miss," I said picking up my stuff and siking myself out of that classroom as fast as I could.

I'm having none of that calculus shmutz again.

It's interesting how I was able to get out of her classroom with a smile on my face, even if she's so cold and rude all the time, it's kinda funny. Something in me wants to get to know her better, maybe because I can somehow feel at ease around her or maybe because my hormones are speaking louder than they should... either way, this is definitely going to be an interesting year.