First Partner

The forest was alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant cries of wild Pokémon. Rei had long since adapted to this wilderness, blending into its rhythm, learning its secrets. But today, his purpose was clear—he was searching for a partner.

For weeks, he had been observing Pokémon, watching their interactions, their battles. Using his eye technique he cab see their potential by observing their colors.

Most Pokémon emitted a faint glow visible only to him—red, yellow, or green. Through careful observation, he had developed a theory:

Red was the weakest, Pokémon with low potential.

Yellow was stronger and are usually the leader of groups of pokemon.

Green was rare, the sign of a truly strong Pokémon.

Rei wants a partner with stronger potential. That's why he has been searching for partner with a glow other than red, yellow, and green.

His current allies, the herbivores he had befriended in the forest, were all red-glowed Pokémon, with three exception—Tropius, who radiated a faint green light. The Vileplume the leader of the oddish clan who radiated yellow light. And Ludicolo the leader of the lotad clan who radiated yellow light. Maybe there were other pokemon but he ate them.

And then, on this day, he found it.

Rei had been foraging near the edges of the forest when a loud screech split the air. He snapped his head up just in time to see a brutal battle in the skies.

Two Staraptors clashed in midair, their wings cutting through the wind as they attacked each other with blinding speed. But what caught Rei's attention wasn't the fight itself—it was what one of the Staraptors was clutching in its talons.

An egg. This egg glew with a beautiful blue light.

Rei's eyes narrowed. This wasn't a simple territorial fight. Something else was happening here.

As he remained hidden in the undergrowth, he recalled rumors he had heard from the grass-type Pokémon he had befriended.

Recently, the Starly Clan had been engaged in a brutal war against the Ekans Clan. Their leader—a powerful Staraptor—had been killed in battle. In the wild, strength ruled, and whenever a leader fell, a new one would rise.

It was tradition among Pokémon to eliminate the offspring of fallen leaders. It ensured that no remnants of the old power could return to challenge the new.

This was what probably was happening.

The Staraptor clutching the egg was most likely the mate of the fallen leader, desperately trying to protect its last remaining child. The other must be the new leader, seeking to end the bloodline permanently.

Rei continued watching as the battle intensified. The mother Staraptor was fighting with everything it had, its talons slashing, its wings whipping up powerful gusts. But it was injured, weakened from its previous battles.

The new leader Staraptor was relentless, its strikes fast and vicious. With a sudden powerful Aerial Ace, it slammed into the mother, sending her spiraling downward. She screeched in pain but held onto the egg desperately.

But then—

She lost her grip.

The egg slipped from her talons.

Rei's eyes widened as he saw it tumbling down, twisting in the air. If it hit the ground, it would shatter.

He didn't think.

He ran.

His body moved on instinct, his feet pushing against the dirt as he leaped forward. His arms stretched out—and he caught the egg just before it could hit the ground.

His heart pounded as he held it close, feeling the warmth of the fragile shell. He looked up just in time to see the mother Staraptor recovering, her sharp eyes locking onto him.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze.

Then, a piercing scream of rage filled the sky.

Rei flinched as both Staraptors suddenly turned their attention toward him.


Rei didn't wait. He turned and ran.

The trees blurred past him as he sprinted through the undergrowth, dodging branches, his breath sharp and fast. Behind him, he could hear the sound of wings beating violently against the air.

A sharp gust of wind slashed through the trees, cutting through leaves like razors. Air Slash.

Rei ducked just in time, feeling the attack slice through the space where his head had been moments ago. He tightened his grip on the egg, adrenaline surging through his veins.

Why are they both after me?!

One was obvious—the new leader wanted the egg destroyed. But the mother… shouldn't she be grateful?

Then, realization hit him.

She thought he was stealing it.

To her, Rei was just another predator, another enemy trying to take away her last child.

"Damn it!" he hissed. How was he going to explain this?

He kept running, weaving through the dense foliage, his mind racing. If he stopped, he would die. If he slowed down, they would tear him apart.

Then, suddenly—

A loud, powerful cry echoed through the sky.

Rei risked a glance back.

The mother Staraptor had stopped chasing him.

She hovered in place, her body trembling, her sharp eyes watching him as if trying to process the situation.

But the new leader did not stop.

It dove toward him at full speed.

Rei barely had time to react before it was upon him.

With a desperate move, he leaped sideways—just as the Staraptor's talons raked the ground where he had stood.

The force of the attack sent him rolling across the dirt, his arms instinctively shielding the egg. Pain burned through his shoulder, but he ignored it.

The mother Staraptor finally screamed again. This time to the other staraptor. As she scream, Rei use his power to understand what she screamed.


The new leader turned toward her, but she didn't move. She just hovered there, watching.

Then, with a final cry, the leader staraptor turned and flew away. The mother staraptor quickly following.

Rei watched as the mother staraptor and the leader staraptor disappeared into the sky.