The Folks From The City Are All Crazy, I Will Raise the Price

Having failed in acting cool, Ling Hong appeared to be a little depressed. Meanwhile, Yuan Zhou looked at the beautiful scenery in the suburbs and felt quite satisfied.

"I haven't been out here for a long time. It's great to see the greenery over here." Yuan Zhou signed with emotion.

"Boss Yuan, you don't often come out. The greenery is everywhere in the suburbs, so you can still see it now." Master Cheng said smilingly.

"Yeah, you are right. Ling Hong, is the place you mentioned privately owned?" After Yuan Zhou answered Master Cheng, he suddenly asked Ling Hong.

"Yes, it's privately owned. The ancestors of the owner were all farmers, thus he's quite skilled in growing vegetables. He has a big vegetable field and takes care of them by himself. Most importantly, he doesn't use any pesticides during the process." Ling Hong was fairly talkative when he spoke of the vegetable garden.

"It seems to be so." Yuan Zhou nodded.