A Veteran Can do Anything.

"Of course in Tsukiji Market. You can't expect him to do it here. Who are you?" Wu Jun looked at the two conspicuous tufts of small mustaches on Wu Hai and asked curiously.

"No one expects him to do it over here if that person has a normal IQ, but I'm not sure about you." Wu Hai immediately turned the head and looked towards Wu Jun. Stroking his small mustaches, he said with a manner of contempt.

Wu Hai was never a person that showed due respect for others' feeling. On hearing that, he straightforwardly contradicted.

"Okay. You seem to be a person that always strikes back no matter if you suffer losses or not. It's not funny." Wu Jun directly made a judgement on Wu Hai. Then, he spoke no more and just sat there, enjoying the delicacies.

"It is good that you understand me so well." Wu Hai stroked his own mustaches and snorted coldly.