Things That Interest Yuan Zhou

Qin Xiaoyi and Gao Fan walked and talked.

"Shameless Wu is quite good. Are we going there again today?" Gao Fan was a little worried.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. We can order Egg Fried Rice, which is hard to grab and more economical," Qin Xiaoyi said with high morale.

"But we couldn't grab anything to eat from him." Gao Fan remembered that he had only grabbed a little bit of Sautéed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork from Wu Hai last time and nothing more.

"Don't worry. We have practiced the grabbing skills jointly. Let's use it today and grab all of his dishes," Qin Xiaoyi said with great confidence.

"All right. You take your cue from me later." Gao Fan was also reluctant to admit defeat; therefore, he nodded his head and agreed to Qin Xiaoyi's scheme.

While talking, the two people arrived at Yuan Zhou's restaurant.