Over The Wall

"Oh…" Xiao Xing was rendered speechless. What Yuan Zhou said sounded very logical, and he had no way of rebuking it.

"Let's go," Yuan Zhou called out after paying when he saw that Xiao Xing was still in a daze.

"Ok," Xiao Xing walked towards Yuan Zhou.

"But Master Chef Yuan, why did you finish everything even when they tasted so terrible?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

The duck was too oily and it did not feel as pleasant to eat as Yuan Zhou's food.

Xiao Xing could not think of a better word apart from "pleasant" to describe the feeling he had when eating Yuan Zhou's food.

After eating Yuan Zhou's food, this roasted duck meal tasted like wax for Xiao Xing. He had only eaten some plain white rice and dishes and was not satiated at all.

Most of the dinner was finished by Yuan Zhou alone. When he recalled how Yuan Zhou had eaten so many terrible foods for the past few days, Xiao Xing was petrified by Yuan Zhou's taste buds.