Wake Up And Take Medicine

"I must let Lin Lin know that Little Hai had starved himself till he got dizzy so she can show some concern to him." This was Zheng Jiawei's first thought when he heard what Wu Hai said.

After all, Zheng Jiawei had been the one in charge of Wu Hai's daily life and business affairs all along. He had thought that Wu Hai was telling him to bring more lunch out of concern, never expecting to receive that kind of reply.

Zheng Jiawei told himself that telling Lin Lin was definitely not his method of seeking revenge on Wu Hai. Rather, he was doing it for the sake of the relationship between Wu Hai and Lin Lin. As siblings, it was unhealthy for Wu Hai to fear Lin Lin that much.

Having completely convinced himself, Zheng Jiawei left, feeling perfectly contented.

"Open the door, open it, I know you're inside."

"Open the door and take your medicine. It has been four hours."