A Dish That He Heard Of

Just as Yuan Zhou was looking for that carpenter mentioned Zhou Shijie very carefully, there came a clear sound of scolding from the noisy atmosphere.

"Are you a pig? How many times have I told you it can't be made in this way? Get lost and make it again." The loud scolding was clearly heard.

"F*ck off. Was all the food you ate fed to a dog for so many years?

"Get out of here and disappear in front of me. I'm sick of seeing you."

"It seems to be impossible to expect you to inherit my techniques."

Yuan Zhou hadn't realized what had happened when he heard raised voices. The voice was so loud that Yuan Zhou couldn't help looking towards the origin.

The distance was a little far, so Yuan Zhou walked a few steps forward until he found the voice coming from a store named Musheng.