Can bamboo be eaten?

In fact, Gabriel couldn't be blamed. The bamboo chicken that was served looked ordinary at first. It was just a bamboo tube that was burned black and shiny. One end of the tube was stuffed with Big Green leaves, and the fragrance was gone.

"What's this?" Gabriel looked at Zhou Jia who was carrying the dishes over.

"Wait a moment." Zhou Jia said gently and then carried all the dishes out of the tray before she started to help him unwrap them.

The bamboo tube chicken was placed in an emerald green oval plate. There was a groove in the middle of the plate, and this groove happened to hold the round bamboo tube, so that it would not roll.

On the other side of the plate, there was a small green stick with a sharp end that looked like a short chopstick.

"Pick this up and then gently stir this part." Zhou Jia said and gestured at him.

"Alright," he said. Gabriel picked up the short, needle-like stick and poked it at the place Zhou Jia said.