The sourness of the qiangcai

Time sometimes passed very quickly and sometimes very slowly. For the people who came to attend Yuan Zhou's personal cooking exhibition, time naturally passed too slowly. They felt that they had to sleep for a long time every day before they could eat their next meal.

For Yuan Zhou, however, time passed very quickly. He had only slept for two days and it was already the third day of the cooking exhibition, the autumn theme.

Just like yesterday, Yuan Zhou finished cleaning up at 3:50 am and prepared to walk towards the banquet hall. At this time, the streets were much more crowded than yesterday.

Most of them were the journalists who didn't know Yuan Zhou's habits yesterday and missed his early morning. They were waiting outside the door of Yuan Zhou's restaurant, waiting to shoot the scene of Yuan Zhou going to the banquet hall.

"You're up really early. " The reporters couldn't help but think this as they watched the door open.