Official arrival

While eating the noodles, du Xiaohu kept pressing his chest so that the soup wouldn't drip on his plaid shirt.

In this way, du Xiaohu had to eat the noodles and press his chest. It seemed that he had a hard time. Therefore, Jiang Changxi asked naturally,""Do you need my help?"

It had always been Jiang Changxi's style to drive in a manner that left the dust behind. Moreover, she was driving the car steadily without any danger of overturning.

After all, Jiang Changxi was a beautiful girl herself. It wouldn't be offensive for her to talk to another beautiful girl in such a way. Plus, the temperament of Queen Jiang would only make people feel shy.

This time, du Xiaohu's pretty face turned red and he almost choked. He quickly said,""No need, Sister Jiang."

"That's good. Don't worry. I'm not like Wu Hai who wants to eat your noodles. I'm just asking if I need to help you hold down your clothes. " Jiang Changxi said.