The real murderer is him!

The event ended at twoo' clock in the afternoon. At fouro' clock in the afternoon, the final winner of the king of Tang was announced and the order could be ordered tonight.

Therefore, this wave of customers in the line at night was a bloodbath. Those who got the number ticket were naturally happy. Those who didn't decided to come early the next day. In any case, they had to eat the soup with a 50% discount.

The first batch of customers had already entered the restaurant and ordered their dishes. The people waiting in line behind them had already begun to discuss animatedly.

"Isn't this too hateful? my ginseng Black Chicken soup was about to win, but I didn't expect that it would be ruined by this boss Yuan. "

Wu Yungui was also a firm supporter of the ginseng black-bone chicken soup. Although he had also thought that the ginseng black-bone chicken soup would be expensive, he was rich!