The power for a battle

Shantuoer was a common fruit in Southeast Asia. It had a high production and was very popular with fruit farmers. It was also available in Malaysia and was used in cooking.

As a traditional woman who provoked vegetables, Huang aishan was very familiar with Shan tuo' er. However, this was not the reason why she was so excited.

To be honest, Huang aishan was very familiar with the taste of the rempaw sauce. She had almost smelled it since she was a child. However, what fascinated her the most was the taste she had eaten when she was very young. Unfortunately, she had never been able to restore it. She suspected that she had made a mistake because she was too young. Only a memory error could not restore it. In fact, there was no such thing.

In fact, every chef, or rather, everyone, had a taste that they could not forget in their memories.

Of course, the sauce that Huang aishan made now was also a model for others.