The dark bear combination

Ordinary plum blossoms wouldn't immediately make people think of delicious food. The main reason was that the fragrance was too complicated and not just one.

"Hiss ... This smells like the White Dragon plum blossom, but it seems more elegant than the rumors say. Could there be a more precious species?" An old man with white hair and high spirits cried out.

His face was a little red, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing. He seemed very excited. Those who didn't know would think that he was having a relapse.

Beside him, a man in his 30s also said excitedly,""Old Huang, are you talking about the legendary extinct White Dragon?"

After receiving the old man's affirmative nod, the man was dumbfounded and denied it,""That's impossible. Putting aside the fact that the White Dragon swim is already extinct, how could anyone be willing to use it to make wine? this is simply a waste of natural resources."