Chapter 168 master Xiang

The sun rose in the East, signaling the beginning of the day. However, it was only FiveO' clock, and the sky was still dark. The sun was still sleeping lazily, and the horizon was still calm.

Winter had arrived, and it was cold outside. As long as one opened their mouth outside, they would breathe out a white mist, indicating that the temperature outside was very unfriendly.

It was in this silence that Yuan Zhou was awakened by his biological clock. He skillfully got up, washed his face and rinsed his mouth, changed his clothes and went downstairs quietly. After he greeted rice and the others, he plunged into the darkness.

Yuan Zhou's waking up seemed to be a signal on Taoxi road. Before long, the lights of the scattered houses began to turn on. Some of them were uncles and aunties who got up early to go out for exercise, while some were a few people who were rushing to work in the morning. Naturally, most of them got up to open their own restaurants.