Encircled by A Strong Force

Mr. Crow screamed while zipping out of Ji Hao’s sleeve, stretched his body and swished up into the sky. Immediately after that, he swiftly dove down, reached out his claws and grasped the pair of legs of Dishi Cha tightly.

Puff! Puff! The pair of legs of Dishi Cha exploded into a large cloud of black mist, dissipating in the air.

Ji Hao knitted his eyebrows. ‘Was that only a clone of Dishi Cha, just like the clone of that man in black?’ thought Ji Hao. The dark light beam released merely by a clone was so powerful already. This made Ji Hao more and more longing towards the powers possessed by the so-called sun and moon stage non-humankind beings, also equal to the human Supreme Magi.

"Mr. Crow, we can’t stay too long, let’s go!" Blowing a shrill whistle, Ji Hao then conveniently carried the Moho Staff on his shoulder and nimbly hopped on Mr. Crow’s back.