Injured In A Row

Hundreds of flying zombies circled Ji Hao up, scratching him with sharp claws. The golden fire was burning ragingly, burning those zombies into ashes even before they could approach him. Hundreds of zombies were burned to death even before their claws could touch Ji Hao’s body. The pair of crescent-shaped blades of the nine suns spear had zipped out, transforming into two dazzling streams of golden light. They screamed across the sky and pierced through the heads of all flying zombies simultaneously, then burned them into strands of ashes in a flash.

The looks of Nether Moon young men changed suddenly while they all stepped backward in fear. In terms of physical strength, these Nether Moon young men equaled human Senior Magi. Facing Ji Hao, they were like a bunch of mice challenging a giant dragon, that Ji Hao could wipe them all out merely with a sneeze.

Coincidentally, Ji Hao truly sneezed at that point.