Sweep Away All Obstacles

Mr. Crow screamed shrilly while vibrating the golden feathers on his wings to slice the air open, allowing himself to fly at a frightening speed in the sky.

Flying was an instinct for birds. Gold Crows could merge their bodies with the sunlight to fly at an especially high speed with the power of the sun.

Mr. Crow transformed into a golden beam of light, zipping in the air. Non-humankind warriors from all directions couldn’t even grasp a trace of Mr. Crow with their eyes, not to mention catching up with Mr. Crow and Ji Hao, who was carried on his back.

Many non-humankind warriors pulled their longbows open and released arrows, but not a single arrow could fly as fast as Mr. Crow. Some non-humankind warriors threw out spears, with all of their powers. Those spears screamed across the air, but were left far behind by Mr. Crow.