Fight Wuzhi Qi

It was a stormy night, with a frigid wind blowing.

The scrawny Taisi was wearing a long white shirt, standing on the watchtower. The wind blew across and rustled his shirt. He looked like a skinny ghost that showed up in the human world, along with the bone-piercing coldness.

The wind was way too cold. Taisi stood up with great courage, pointed at that silhouette and burst with a great growl. But blown by the wind, he quivered, and his tiger-like vigor instantly turned like a meowing cat.

With his teeth striking against each other, Taisi squatted on the watchtower and curled his body, complaining about this cold night.

Ji Hao was sitting in the headquarters tent, with a black and a white airstream hovering and coiling in front of him, as he had been trying to gain a deeper understanding of the Dao of Taiji. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, flashed across the air and broke the space, showing directly up beside Taisi.