Neck And Neck

"You’re so young, but how can you fight so shamelessly?!"

Sent flying away by Ji Hao, Wuzhi Qi furiously leaped back up after fell, pointing at Ji Hao as he cursed out.

"Shameless? I can be even more shameless. Wanna try?" Ji Hao chuckled while conveniently pointing his right forefinger out, silently activating the power of the Mantra Dan with Nine Secret Words. Behind Wuzhi Qi, the mud suddenly changed its form and turned into an extremely sharp thorn, slantingly piercing towards Wuzhi Qi’s butt.

Wuzhi Qi sensed a fierce coldness coming from behind. Again, he instinctively stepped sideway for a foot.

The sharp thorn was thickly covered in barbs. It brushed against Wuzhi Qi’s thigh and dragged off a large piece of cloth from his pants. Looking at that thorn sparkling with a dim, cold light, Wuzhi Qi had cold sweat flowing down from his forehead in streams.