Fight With Magic Powers

"Good boy, truly good boy!" Wuzhi Qi gritted his shining white, sharp teeth so tight that it even made his teeth creak. Pointing at Ji Hao, he yelled, "I, your Master Wuzhi Qi, have met countless human heroes. Many of them could fight old spirit creatures like us after tens of years of cultivation!"

Stomping his foot loudly against the ground, Wuzhi Qi detonated the surrounding water. Followed by a thunderous bang, all water-kind creatures within the area a thousand-mile in radius were blown into ashes; even the tiniest aquatic plant had been shattered. Wuzhi Qi opened his mouth. The blood of those killed water-kind creatures flowed into his mouth in streams. Absorbing the blood, the wound on his chest healed speedily.

"Human beings are indeed the owner of the natural fortune of this world." After the injury recovered completely, Wuzhi Qi dropped his arms and looked at Ji Hao coldly.